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Showing Results 401 - 450 of 858
Description: HLP 16 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: Pre-Recorded Trainings include: PaTTAN Webinars on Teaching Reading Using Alternate Eligible Content (AEC) PaTTAN Webinars on Teaching Math Using Alternate Eligible Content (AEC) PaTTAN Webinars on Teaching Science Using Alternate Eligible Content (AEC) PaTTAN Webinars on Teaching Writing Using Alternate Eligible Content (AEC) Resources include: National Center on Intensive Intervention - A Guide for Teachers to Support Students and Families NEW - PaTTAN Family Resources Website for Complex...
Description: Reading models Since the purpose of reading is to understand what we read, it is necessary to teach reading comprehension skills. However, it is important to recognize that decoding is a precursor skill to understanding. Decoding/word recognition is the ability to accurately and quickly read the words on a page and it plays a critical role in reading comprehension. When a child struggles with decoding, fluency is decreased, accuracy is compromised, errors occur, and the energy needed for...
Description: Teaching with Accessible Math - This focuses on tools  for making math notation more accessible to learners through the use of text-to-speech, handwriting and speech recognition and other supports. EquatIO Microsoft OneNote Math Assistant MathType Desmos
Title: Mathshare
Description: Mathshare is a free problem-solving tool that makes learning math easier. With Mathshare, students can solve problems step-by-step and explain their reasoning with a note. This helps students stay focused and shows teachers how they got their answers. Mathshare is free for teachers and students. Many students struggle with learning math. Some need help staying organized, some have trouble with legible handwriting, and others may have learning differences like dyscalculia or dysgraphia. For all...
Description: The National Center on Accessible Educational Materials for Learning at CAST provides technical assistance, coaching, and resources to increase the availability and use of accessible educational materials and technologies for learners with disabilities across the lifespan. Access to Remote Learning Learn about Accessibility Practices Personalize the Reading Experience Personalize the Writing Experience Make Math Notation Accessible Create Accessible Documents Create High Quality and Accessible...
Description: (K-8, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) These resources are provided to support teachers in implementing the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning in their classrooms.  Teachers are encouraged to not only use these tasks with their students, but also to endeavor to implement them with fidelity by utilizing the detailed information provided in the task implementation templates. Planning for Remote Implementation of Rich Mathematical Tasks guidance document is attached and...
Description: Supporting Virtual Learning - Virtual learning is an instructional practice that uses digital technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience and improve educational outcomes. While virtual learning utilizes digital technology, it relies on teacher facilitation to help students apply their learning in meaningful ways. The teacher utilizes a learning management system (LMS) and a variety of digital tools and practices, including instructional content, rich-media, interactions...
Description: Building Engagement with Distance Learning provides a framework for supporting all students, including those with significant cognitive disabilities, to actively: Interact with others; Engage with classmates; Learn grade-level general education curriculum and other essential skills; Participate in routines and transitions The Distance Learning articles are organized by the priority Learning Components that provide multiple ?learning opportunities in inclusive environments across the day for...
Description: Personal connection and relationships are critical in being a responsive educator and as a gateway to engagement in learning. This will prove more difficult with distance learning or other modifications you may be making this year. This template includes a structure and sample questions for one-on-one chats to begin to build those connections. The primary purpose of the chat is to hear about your student’s experience and perspective so that you can know them as an individual, be responsive...
Description: TIES Center - Increasing the time, instructional effectiveness, engagement, and state and district support for inclusive practices is the goal to eliminate the research to practice gap for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Realizing this goal requires high expectations and a presumption of competence for each student, which then leads to the provision of equitable opportunities and collaborative support. These expectations, opportunities, and support are critical in the...
Description: Collaboration is a critical high-leverage practice in special education because it is the mechanism through which all the HLPs that directly relate to students are designed, delivered, and evaluated. It also is the vehicle for addressing the complexities of providing a rigorous and responsive education for students with disabilities. Based on the HLP resources (High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: The Final Report of the HLP Writing Team and High-Leverage Practices in the Inclusive...
Description: Explicit instruction is an evidence-based practice (EBP) that improves student achievement in academics and behavior.  Explicit instruction provides a framework for delivering high quality instruction across grade levels and content areas to students with and without disabilities.  Designated by the CEEDAR Center and CEC as a pillar HLP, explicit instruction is comprised of defined teacher practices, referred to as embedded HLPs. Embedded HLPs are divided into two parts: What to teach...
Description: At IRIS, they have a bit of experience when it comes to which of their resources are most heavily used at the beginning of any given academic year. Consider this your curated list of back-to-school learning modules and case study units from your friends at the IRIS Center. Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Learning the Components of a Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan Classroom Management (Part 2): Developing Your Own Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan Effective Room Arrangement:...
Description: Strategies to Support Multilingual/English Learner Students in Remote Learning Environments is an informative video that provides information on supporting students in remote learning environments. Learn from presenters including: Jessica Costa, English Learner Instructional Specialist, Department of Learning and Innovation, Virginia Department of Education Jose A. Velazquez, Director of Academic Instruction & School Support, Education Service Center-Region 19 Presented in Partnership with...
Description: Distance learning brings new challenges to special education. One of the biggest challenges is how to implement accommodations for students who have an Individualized Education Program. Innovative thinking and an understanding of available tools can make accommodations work during distance learning. Plus, many of these online strategies and tools can help provide accommodations during in-person learning. The charts provided give some examples of how commonly used accommodations can work in both...
Description: VCU-ACE has developed a series of resources over the summer that are designed to support early childhood professionals as they plan remote learning opportunities for young learners.  While we know that in-person instruction is optimal for young children, communities face a variety of COVID-19 related challenges in the coming year that may require the use of remote education. The following webcast resources may help early childhood professionals as they design and implement remote learning...
Description: This resource is designed to provide activities to reinforce and embed Virginia's 21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills at home. Workplace readiness skills are personal qualities, people skills, and professional traits that are necessary to maintain employment. These skills are important because they are the most desirable skills employers are searching for in potential employees.
Description: is powerful, free, online software that improves reading, learning, and teaching. This site can: Intelligently simplify difficult English, for faster comprehension, Effectively teach words, for building a better vocabulary, Help teachers save time and produce engaging lessons, Help improve learning outcomes. helps with reading comprehension and vocabulary development by simplifying English to a lower reading level. It lets you reword a sentence or reword a paragraph....
Description: The Virginia Board of Education has approved the revisions to the 2021 Model Guidance for Positive, Preventive Code of Student Conduct Policy and Alternatives to Suspension (Word), a blueprint for  school boards in revising local policies, systems, and practices related to student conduct and school climate.  The Model Guidance represents another initiative to embrace Virginia is for Learners. It focuses on ensuring equity and establishing prevention and intervention in a...
Description: The 2020-2021 school year is starting amid a great deal of uncertainty. As instruction begins in-person, online, and with hybrid formats, teachers, families and caregivers, students and instructional teams may need to reconsider the accommodations and supports that students receive. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) along with the Assistive Technology Network (AT Network) has adapted this resource from the Indiana Department of Education that lists common daily accommodations for...
Description: The Recorded Webinars include: Learning at Home in a Trauma Sensitive Environment webinar and discussion Our Shared Space –A Home and Virtual Classroom webinar and discussion Supporting Positive Behaviors during Learning at Home webinar/discussion A Conversation between Families & Educators: Strengthening Strategies for a Socially Distant Summer! webinar Planning the High School Transition to Post-Secondary Education webinar recording Getting Ready to Help Your Child Learn at Home...
Description: Learning Disabilities in Mathematics - In Virginia, mathematics disability is recognized as one of the conditions under the category of Specific Learning Disability (SLD).  Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Resource Guide provides an overview of evidence-based instructional strategies that educators can utilize to support students with mathematics disability or difficulty at any grade. Importantly, the strategies outlined in this document are targeted at...
Description: The mission of Read Write Think is to provide educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering the very best in free materials. It is a partnership between Internatinal Literacy Association (ILA), National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and the Verizon Foundation. This site includes: Classrooom Resources, Professional Development, Videos, Parent & Afterschool Activities
Description: With shifts to virtual instruction, teachers in collaborative partnerships will likely encounter challenges in providing co-teaching or support facilitation models to students with disabilities. This Tip Sheet provides a framework to assist teachers in making adjustments to their instruction to continue collaborative efforts.
Description: This series includes video examples and tip sheets to help educators and families in using the NCII reading and mathematics sample lessons to support students with intensive needs. These lessons provide short instructional routines to encourage multiple practice opportunities using explicit instruction principles. The videos and tip sheets describe how educators can use the sample lessons to support instruction in a virtual setting, how educators can share these lessons with...
Description: Significant Cognitive Disabilities - This program serves as a resource to local education agencies, including charter schools. The program supports LEAs in curriculum adaptations to address the Extended Content Standards, methodology and best practices, and other issues regarding students with severe/profound or multiple disabilities. NC Extended Content Standards  Extended Content Standards Support Tools
Description: Stop Learning Loss: Resources for Parents & Teachers - This is a place for parents and teachers across the United States to work together, to collaboratively build out a database of educational resources, materials, and activities so that no parent or teacher is on their own. Resources can be searched by: Type Grade level Subject Review This site was created by two current and former teachers: Rose Sebastian, a post-doctoral fellow in education at the University of Virginia and Kendal...
Description: How should you and your co-teacher prepare lessons that meet the needs of all your students when you are providing virtual lessons? In this 33 minute webinar Dr. Wendy Murawski provides practical tips on how to plan lessons and ensure you are meeting the needs of students with an IEP & 504 plans. Presenter: Dr. Wendy Murawski, Executive Director, CSUN CTL, CEO, 2 TEACH, Inc. What is Co-teaching? Parity in Charing a Classroom Administrative Support Scheduling is Important Specially Designed...
Description: Appropriately supporting students in online and blended learning environments requires a great deal of instructional planning and preparation. When enrolling students with disabilities in online or blended learning programs, additional planning may need to occur so students can be supported with additional programs and services determined by the student’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or from an accommodations plan resulting from a Section 504 meeting. Either way, these added...
Description: The 5C Process is a five step process focused on building continuity across lifelong learning priorities, the annual IEP goals, the inclusive environments (at school or at home) and instructional support for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The process outlines a plan for transitioning instruction between school and home during periods of distance learning. While the 5C Process was developed specifically for students with significant cognitive disabilities, we believe this...
Description: Project Success offers research-based, targeted professional development and coaching for teachers, administrators, and paraprofessionals who support students with disabilities. By focusing on the expansion of inclusive practices and the integration of academic standards and functional skills, educators receive the support they need to be successful in improving student outcomes. Whether they are new to supporting students with disabilities or have decades of experience, Project Success meets...
Description: Project Core is a stepping-up technology implementation grant directed by the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, Department of Allied Health Sciences, UNC-Chapel Hill. The primary goals of Project Core are two-fold: Empower teachers and classroom professionals to deliver access to a Universal Core vocabulary and communication instruction during the naturally occurring academic and daily routines of the school day. Improve the academic achievement of students with significant...
Description: The Kid Zone: The Literacy Playground for Kids & Families is a place where you can participate as your child builds literacy skills in a fun and interactive way. You can: Listen - Note which sounds, letters, and words seem hard for your child and what he or she sounds like when reading aloud. Look - Watch for the skills or tasks that appear difficult for your child. See if they improve with practice. Help - Pause and give your child a chance to correct a mistake. Then try giving him or her a...
Description: The mission of NCIL is to increase access to, and use of, evidence-based approaches to screen, identify, and teach students with literacy-related disabilities, including dyslexia. This website includes resources for Parents & Families, Schools & Districts and State Agencies.
Description: Before teachers can systematically design instruction and select relevant and appropriate adaptations to the curriculum to help ensure student success, they must first identify long- and short-term learning goals. Goals should be based on the general state standards/curriculum, but also individualized student needs. However, in practice, writing goals for students requires a nuanced understanding of what the standards are asking the  student to know and be able to do, while at the same time...
Description: A hallmark of students with disabilities is they struggle to successfully learn content within the general education curriculum at the same rate and with the same success as peers without disabilities. All IEPs contain a section to record needed adaptations (which can be broken down into accommodations and modifications) to help the student bridge the gap between their current functioning level and the level needed to succeed within the stated curriculum. Teachers who are strategic about...
Description: We’ve heard that teachers will need to develop virtual learning activities!  Our specialists have developed a list of resources that we hope can help you. Looking for leveled reading? Try these free resources for teachers: Epic! Newsela Are you using Tar Heel Reader? Need a tip for how to share selected books with your students? Create a favorites list of the books you want your students to read.  Open the favorites page. Copy the link and share with students and families....
Description: The Virginia Department of Education’s social emotional learning (SEL) efforts are driven by our commitment to ensure that every student in Virginia attends a school that maximizes their potential and prepares them for the future: academically, socially, and emotionally).
Description: "Helping Your Kid With..." Videos - The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) is dedicated to generating, disseminating, and supporting the implementation of empirically validated, evidence-based practices to significantly affect student outcomes and support educators, researchers, policymakers, families, and other stakeholders who strive to improve academic, behavioral, and social outcomes for all learners. Educational experts at MCPER have created videos to help...
Description: Supporting World Language Learning for Students with Disabilities is an overview and practical manual for including students with disabilities, difficulties, or other specialized learning needs in the foreign language classroom. Supporting World Language Learning for Students with Disabilities: Teacher Toolkit is a  supplement to Supporting World Language Learning for Students with Disabilities with additional strategies and sample lessons for teachers.
Description: This on-demand eLearning series Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties was developed by David Kilpatrick, Ph.D., in collaboration with the Specific Learning Disability Specialist in the Exceptional Student Services Unit of the Colorado Department of Education.The 13 modules provide a practical and accessible guide to the most relevant research, information, and strategies available for understanding, assessing, and intervening with students who present with reading...
Description: English Learners (ELs) may face unique challenges and have distinct social emotional needs. School closures and social distancing could exacerbate the stresses of learning a new language and navigating a different culture as well as heighten inequities and disparities.
Description: Social Emotional Wellness Considerations for Teachers and School Staff Quick Guide, Social Emotional Wellness Considerations for Early Learners Quick Guide, Social Emotional Wellness Considerations for English Learners Quick Guide, Social Emotional Wellness Considerations for Military-Connected Learners Quick Guide, Social Emotional Wellness Considerations for Parents and Caregivers Quick Guide, Social Emotional Wellness Considerations Students with Disabilities Quick Guide,...
Description: Virginia Special Education Instructional Services provides a direct line of communication with Virginia’s educators, paraprofessionals, and special education administrators and focuses on specially designed instruction for students with disabilities. This publication provides a way to share new resources as well as make special educators aware of professional development opportunities and resources of interest to special educators.
Description: Good mental health is critical to every child's success in school and life. This is particularly true for students with disabilities, who, according to recent research, are more likely to experience social isolation from peer and suffer from depression in adulthood. Students with disabilities may need additional support to process the news and adapt to the many changes we are all facing. Professional working with students with disabilities (SWD) need to proactively support both academic and...
Description: This guide has practical strategies that work for helping children of all ages who may be struggling with an at-home learning task. Families may find these strategies useful when helping their children complete various reading, math, and/or behavioral tasks at home. Tips for Using this Guide To use this guide, think about your child(ren) and which strategies may help them learn or practice a new task. Keep this guide close by as you help your child(ren) with their learning at home, and explore...
Description: The purpose of this webpage is to provide important information and links to resources that support educators in providing equitable instruction and services to English Learners (ELs). Divisions across the Commonwealth of Virginia serve over 105,000 ELs, who speak over 240 languages, and come from a variety of learning and cultural backgrounds. These students bring a unique set of assets that have the potential to enrich the experiences of all learners and educators. The Virginia Department...
Description: This guide highlights 5 key practices for teachers and families to support all students, including students with disabilities, at school and home. For each practice, the guide provides (a) tips for teachers to support students with disabilities during instruction; (b) tips for families that educators can share to support or enhance learning at home, especially during periods of remote instruction; and (c) free-access resources that include strategies shown to be effective by research (e.g.,...
Description: The Social Emotional Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report provides information and guidance for Head Start programs as they select curricula based on the strengths and needs of their participating children and teachers. The curricula reviewed in this report were rated for their implementation in center-based programs, and each includes elements designed to strengthen the teaching and learning of children’s social emotional and approaches to learning skills. This report is intended to...