SOL Resources

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Showing Results 1 - 48 of 48
Description: Parent & Caregiver Resources for Virginia Assessments - Engaged parents and caregivers are a critical part of a child’s successful learning experiences. Reading with students and talking about what is being read is important to the development of strong readers. Talking about and doing math within the family is a great way to engage students and encourage success. Some of the many online resources available for reading, mathematics, science, and history and social science are...
Description: Preparing Your Child with a Disability for 3rd Grade SOL Tests: Factsheet for Virginia’s Parents What are Virginia’s Standards of Learning (SOLs)?The SOLs are the standards for achievement for students in grades K-12 in English, math, science, history/social science, technology, fine arts, foreign language, health and physical education, and driver education. Sometimes you will hear SOLs referred to as the general education curriculum. The SOL curriculum establishes the specific...
Description: Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: A Resource Document Testing/Assessment accommodations provide students with disabilities access to state assessments and away to show their knowledge and skill on academic content. Accommodations are designed to reduce or eliminate the effect of the student’s disability without changing expectations or providing the student with an unfair advantage over her peers with or without disabilities. (1/23) Accommodations...
Description: With school comes tests, and with tests comes anxiety for many students. Clinical psychologist, Dave Anderson, PhD, provides some helpful ways to beat test anxiety!
Description: The Mathematics Standards of Learning identify essential academic content at each grade level for sequential learning. The content of the mathematics standards supports the following five goals for students: becoming mathematical problem solvers, communicating mathematically, reasoning mathematically, making mathematical connections and using mathematical representations to model and interpret practical situations. Note: The 2023 Mathematics Standards of Learning  were approved by the...
Description: Presentation Recordings from VDOE Family Literacy Night Family Literacy Night included presentations on the following topics: Early Childhood: Early Literacy Starts at Home Assessment Supports: An Explanation of Your Student's SOL Reports Family Field Trips: Connecting Literacy to the Commonwealth Family Engagement: Supports for the Home Virginia State Literacy Association: Choosing Books for the Children in your Lives Virginia Association for Teachers of English Equity & Community...
Description: These are some potential SOL practice resources.
Description: (K-8, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) These resources are provided to support teachers in implementing the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning in their classrooms.  Teachers are encouraged to not only use these tasks with their students, but also to endeavor to implement them with fidelity by utilizing the detailed information provided in the task implementation templates. Planning for Remote Implementation of Rich Mathematical Tasks guidance document is attached and...
Description: Just in Time – Mathematics Quick Checks are formative assessments that align to the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL).These resources, developed by Virginia teachers and mathematics leaders, are designed to help teachers identify students with unfinished learning and assist in planning instruction to fill potential gaps “just in time.” As new content is introduced throughout the school year, teachers can use these Quick Checks to identify and diagnose unfinished...
Description: Bring the World to Your Classroom (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and more) WETA and PBS have curate FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers. You can browse by Subject or by Grade. Featured lesson plans in this collection contain full contextualization for the media they include. Plan and adapt our lessons in creative ways, using the Lesson Builder tool, Google Classroom, Remind, and more. For early educators, we’ve...
Title: eMediaVA
Description: eMediaVA is Virginia’s premier digital media content library for educators and students, providing access to thousands of free, relevant, SOL-aligned digital learning resources for your classroom. Engage and inspire students through the use of videos, audio recordings, images, interactives and labs, lesson ideas, and special collections. eMediaVA features content from state and national leaders in educational content like PBS LearningMedia, Library of Congress, National Geographic, Khan...
Description: Algebra Readiness Remediation Plans - 2016 serve as sample remediation plans that teachers and Algebra Readiness Initiative teachers and tutors may use in providing intervention or remediation with their students.  Algebra Readiness Formative Assessment Items - 2016 serve as sample formative assessment items that teachers and Algebra Readiness Initiative teachers and tutors may use in assessing student learning after student remediation.
Description: Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, students will only use the Desmos Virginia Calculator within TestNav during an online growth assessment or SOL test.  Hand-held calculators will only be used by students completing a paper test or by students with disabilities who have an IEP or 504 accommodation that requires the use of a hand-held calculator.  For questions regarding other scenarios where a student might use a hand-held calculator, contact your Division Director of Testing....
Description: Mathematics Instructional Plans (MIPs) help teachers align instruction with the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) by providing examples of how the knowledge, skills and processes found in the SOL and curriculum framework can be presented to students in the classroom. Co-Teaching Mathematics Instructional Plans utilize the six common co-teaching approaches: teaming, station teaching, parallel teaching, alternative teaching, one teaching/one assisting, and one teaching/one...
Description: Mathematics Vertical Articulation Tool (MVAT) – This tool provides support in identifying concepts aligned to the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) that articulate across mathematics grade levels or courses. The MVAT has several possible uses: Instructional planning tool – the STATIC versions of the MVAT can be used to identify the progression of specific content across grade levels or courses in order to connect instruction to prerequisite knowledge and future...
Description: Virginia Family Special Education Connection provides a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs to: Access local school system contacts and disability services in your community Explore an abundance of resources, including assistive technology and behavioral supports to help your child succeed. Learn about and plan your child's educational program Understand your legal rights and responsibilities POWER (Parent Organizer with Educational...
Description: The 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning identify academic content for essential components of the mathematics curriculum at different grade levels for Virginia’s public schools. Standards are identified for kindergarten through grade eight and for a core set of high school courses. Throughout a student’s mathematics schooling from kindergarten through grade eight, specific content strands are included. These content strands are Number and Number Sense; Computation and...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. VDOE works in partnership with Virginia’s 132 school divisions to support and improve teaching and learning, set high expectations for all students, and promote student safety, wellbeing, and health.
Description: All students in tested grade levels and courses are expected to participate in Virginia’s assessment program, unless specifically exempted by state or federal law or by Board of Education regulations. Virginia’s assessment system includes students with disabilities and limited English proficient (LEP) students. Students with disabilities and LEP students may take Standards of Learning tests with or without accommodations or they may be assessed through alternate or alternative...
Description: It is the intent of the Commonwealth of Virginia to include all students with disabilities in the assessment component of Virginia's accountability system. IDEA 2004 regulations require that all students with disabilities participate in the state's accountability system. Students with disabilities may participate in the Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments and Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP). When determining participation in Virginia's Accountability System, all students with...
Description: The SOLs are intended to provide students with skills and understanding to improve, sustain and promote personal, family and community health.
Description: VDOE is responsible for approving driver education programs in the commonwealth’s public and private schools. Driver education programs in Virginia schools focus on safe driving attitudes, skill development and appropriate responses to hazards. The commonwealth’s standards for driver education require extended supervised practice with a licensed parent or guardian to develop precision in the application of skills and processes to effectively manage risks.
Description: Physical education provides students with the knowledge, processes, and skills to become physically educated, physically fit and responsible in their physical activity choices and behaviors for a lifetime. Virginia's standards for physical education are grouped into five strands: skilled movement, movement principles and concepts, personal fitness, responsible behaviors and physically active lifestyle. The standards in each strand are sequenced to progress in complexity from grade level to grade...
Description: The mission of  National Council for the Social Studies is to advocate and build capacity for high-quality social studies by providing leadership, services, and support to educators. Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.  Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such  disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy,...
Description: This Module examines some of the reasons that adolescents struggle with content-area text and overviews effective strategies teachers can use to improve the vocabulary and comprehension skills of students with a wide range of abilities and across a variety of subjects.
Description: Science Sample Activities are now available under the Teaching Resources section of the VAAP. They are searchable by grade or ASOL number.
Title: ReadWorks
Description: ReadWorks is a nonprofit with the mission to support the growth of successful, joyful readers. As a FREE supplemental resource, we provide K-12 and adult educators with the largest, highest-quality library of curated nonfiction and fiction passages in the country, along with interactive vocabulary supports, text-dependent question sets, teacher guidance, and more!
Description: Rigorous teacher-developed course units cover all aspects of civic education from voting to service learning to the legislative process and more! Many lesson plans include PowerPoint presentations. Elementary resources include a resources guide, morning meeting lesson plans, mini-modules and a dramatic reading of the Constitutional Convention. Sign up now to access all of Youth Leadership Initiative’s FREE lesson plan resources.
Description: The Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports aligns academics, behavior, and social-emotional wellness into a single decision-making framework to establish the supports needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students. We partner with school divisions throughout the Commonwealth to support the successful implementation of the framework.
Description: ASOL Writing Sample Activities are available under VA Assessments> VAAP > ASOL Resources for Writing and History/Social Science
Description: ASOL Reading Sample Activities are available on the VA Assessments> VAAP > Teaching Process.
Description: These resources are available on the VDOE website to support instruction and assessment.
Description: These resources are available from the VDOE website to support instruction and assessment.
Description: These resources are available on the VDOE website to support instruction and assessment.
Description: These resources are available on the VDOE website to support instruction and assessment.
Description: The Digital Learning Integration were approved by the Virginia Board of Education in October 2020.  These standards emphasize the essential role of technologies in the deeper learning experiences of students in content areas, as digital citizens in an ever-increasing digital world. 
Description: ASOL Mathematics Sample Activites are available for grades 3 through 8 and high school. They are under the 3rd section of this page: Sample Activities.
Description: This module describes how teachers can incorporate vocabulary and reading comprehension skills instruction into content-area lessons and will introduce you to a variety of effective practices—including the use of graphic organizers—to help students better understand what they read (est. completion time: 1.5 hours). When you have completed the module, be sure to visit part two: Secondary Reading Instruction (Part 2): Deepening Middle School Content-Area Learning with Vocabulary and...
Description: This includes News & Announcements, Science Instructional Plans (SIPs), VDOE Science Teacher Webinars and Resources: Standards of Learning, Instructional Resources, Assessment Resources and Professional Resources.
Description: This section of the VDOE website includes News and Announcements and Resources: Standards of Learning, Instructional Resources, Assessment Resources and Professional Learning.
Description: Neuroscience for Kids has been created for all students and teachers who would like to learn about the nervous system. Portions of Neuroscience for Kids are available in Spanish, Slovene, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Serbian, Russian, Slovak, Romanian, Polish, Albanian, Czech, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Punjabi, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Ukranian and Turkish.
Description: The goals of the English Standards of Learning are to teach students to read and to prepare students to participate in society as literate citizens, equipped with the ability to communicate effectively in their communities, in the work place, and in postsecondary education. As students progress through the school years, they become active and involved listeners and develop a full command of the English language, evidenced by their use of standard English and their rich speaking and writing...
Description: The purpose of the UNC Charlotte General Curriculum Projects is to research and develop evidence-based practices for assessing and teaching academic content that is aligned with grade level standards. This link takes you to adapted texts that were developed by this project. Note: Please read and purchase each original text (cited by author) prior to using the General Curriculum Projects adapted text. (VAAP resource)
Description: Literacy Connections provides a wealth of information on reading, teaching and tutoring techniques, ESL literacy, and adult literacy. We recommend resources that are useful for teachers, volunteers, and directors of literacy programs. Topics include the language experience approach, phonics, word study, word families, and the best in children's literature.
Description: Help your students classify ideas and communicate more effectively with these free graphic organizer templates, available for download. They can be used to structure writing projects and help in problem solving, decision making, studying, planning research, and brainstorming.
Description: This site has a wide variety of graphic organizers that you can download for free from the following categories: character and story, cause and effect, central idea, close reading, cluster web, chain of events, compare and contrast, cycle of events, hierarchy, vocabulary development and miscellaneous.
Description: Middle School Math Chart - This math resource includes: a number line, a fraction representation, a place value chart, a fraction, decimal and percent chart, a multiplication table and a listing of common conversions.
Description: In February, 1997, Susan Brooks and Bill Byles began a collaborative effort to extend assistance to fellow teachers. In November of 2000 that project expanded to a web presence known as Internet 4 Classrooms ("i4c"), a free web portal designed to assist anyone who wants to find high-quality, free Internet resources to use in classroom instruction, developing project ideas, reinforcing specific subject matter areas both in the class and at home and even for online technology tutorials. The portal...