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Showing Results 301 - 350 of 1153
Description: K-12 Staff Well-Being Check-In Toolkit - Download this toolkit and learn how to better support your district's employees by: Understanding the state of teacher and staff mental health   Monitoring employee well-being  Increasing employees’ sense of purpose  Providing tiered support
Description: This project was developed as part of a grant funded by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center for The Arc of NoVA to create short videos with information on interactions between people with disabilities and the justice system.  Each of these videos are designed to empower people with disabilities, educate them on what to expect, and let them know about options and accommodations they may request.
Description: What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Mindfulness is a quality that every human being already possesses, it’s not something you have to conjure up, you just have to learn how to access it. The Types of Mindfulness Practice While mindfulness is innate, it can be cultivated through proven techniques. Here are some...
Description: Certain students in kindergarten through grade 3; reading intervention services. Requires reading intervention services for students in kindergarten through grade three who demonstrate deficiencies based on their individual performance on the Standards of Learning reading test or any reading diagnostic test that meets criteria established by the Department of Education to be evidence-based, including services that are grounded in the science of reading, and include explicit, systematic,...
Description: Institute for the Advancement of Family Support Professionals - The Institute offers Family Support Professionals everywhere the opportunity to learn new skills and grow their careers. Through engaging, online modules and a personalized learning map feature, professionals take charge of their growth and advancement.
Description: One powerful mindfulness practice for noticing and meeting your needs is called “Knowing Your S.T.U.F.” This is an acronym that helps one notice four elements of emotions and move into constructive problem-solving. Taught by Psychologist Joel Minden, S.T.U.F. stands for Sensations, Thoughts, Urges, and Feelings. When you take a few minutes to step back and acknowledge these levels of your emotional experience in the present moment, you engage the executive brain and naturally develop...
Description: Promoting Staff Well-being includes: Staff Wellness Staff Mental Health Staff Physical Health Adult Immunizations
Description: Self-care and the Four R's of Resilience - One helpful way to practice Self-Awareness Self-Care is to nurture a regular habit of checking in with yourself around The Four R’s of Resilience: Rest, Relaxation, Replenishment, and Release. These categories speak to four foundational pillars of personal wellness relating to sleep, stress relief, diet, and exercise. Positive outcomes are boosted when we intentionally foster these areas in our lives either individually or by buddying up or...
Description: This tookit, compiled by the Spiral Foundation, is designed to help adults with sensory processing difficulties better understand their diagnosis and advocate for themselves and their needs. “A Guide to Sensory Integration for Adolescents and Young Adults” is a free downloadable handbook for teens and young adults who have recently been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder or who suspect they may have sensory processing problems. It provides a brief introduction to the history...
Description: Find Recorded Webinar Series: Self-Care and Compassion for the Educator- The Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) and the Northwest PBIS Network are collaborating to bring you a FREE, 3-part webinar series presented by WellEducator, LLC.  NWPBIS is partnering with Dr. Renee VanNorman of WellEducator, LLC to bring you the most up to date research, suggestions, and exemplars on how to build wellness, and respond to life's challenging moments (in and...
Description: Practicing Self-Care and Professionalism People who take care of others often put their own needs last. Does that sound familiar? Caring for yourself is important for your health and wellness, and it is directly related to your ability to care for others and succeed at work. Although you can’t avoid all stress, too much stress can make it hard to provide care for others, especially infants and toddlers who depend on your physical and emotional availability. Taking care of yourself...
Description: Brief 2. Caring for Ourselves as We Care for Others - We need to take care of ourselves when we work with people who have experienced trauma. The effects of those experiences on them can affect us, too. They can cause us to experience vicarious trauma. They can also bring back—or trigger—the effects of trauma that we may have experienced in our own lives.
Description: The purpose of this document is to assist Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Eligibility teams, including parents, as they engage in evaluation, eligibility determinations, and decisions regarding the need for related services. This guidance is an addendum to the Virginia Department of Education’s Evaluation and Eligibility For Special Education and Related Services: Guidance Document and Guidance on Evaluation and Eligibility for the Special Education Process Appendix A (Sample...
Description: The Virginia Public Schools Behavior Analyst Network (VAPSBAN), provided by Old Dominion University and the Virginia Department of Education, provides on-going support for behavior analysts who work in public schools and promotes the growth of behavior analysis in public schools. The network is a collaborative effort with the Virginia Training and Technical Assistance Centers (T/TACs), Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Education (VCU-ACE), and Virginia's public school divisions....
Description: Intensifying Literacy Instruction: Essential Practices - The purpose of this document is to increase the capacity of practitioners and educational leaders to support a broad range of learners who need more literacy supports to become skilled readers and writers by identifying a set of essential practices that are research supported and should be the focus of professional development throughout the state. These practices for intensifying literacy instruction apply to those learners with...
Description: Self-regulated learning (SRL) is the learning and motivation processes behind the capability of an individual to be an active participant in self-directing themselves mentally towards a goal, or a completion of a task through metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral strategies (Zimmerman, 1999; Zimmerman & Schunk, 2001). In Zimmerman’s Cyclical model of self-regulation (1999), there are three phases that when followed as a process can help support SRL: forethought, performance, and...
Description: NASET’s Behavior Management Series is a unique guide for all teachers in helping to understand what their student’s behavior really means and how to identify and resolve the issue. This series offers teachers the insight into the inner dynamics, conflicts, fears, symptoms, tension, and so on of students who may be experiencing difficulty learning or behaving in the classroom. This series is like having a psychologist in the classroom, and assists teachers in fully...
Description: What is Behavior? Behavior serves two purposes: (1) to get something or (2) to avoid something. All behavior is learned. Behavior is an action that is observable and measurable. Behavior is observable. It is what we see or hear, such as a student sitting down, standing up, speaking, whispering, yelling, or writing. Behavior is not what a student is feeling, but rather how the student expresses the feeling. For example, a student may show anger by making a face, yelling, crossing his arms, and...
Description: Discover these "kernels" - simple, quick, and reliable ways to deal with behavior challenges. 1. Nonverbal Cues: A teacher can use subtle body movements (like proximity) or more explicit hand signals to cue self-regulation. One popular cue involves moving to the front of the room and making eye contact with the high schooler who is acting out, then pausing until you have the individual’s attention. Younger students are less familiar with social cues and might require a verbal signal to...
Description: The purpose of this document is to summarize evidence-based, positive, proactive, and responsive classroom behavior intervention and support strategies for teachers. These strategies should be used classroom-wide, intensified to support small group instruction, or amplified further for individual students. These tools can help teachers capitalize on instructional time and decrease disruptions, which is crucial as schools are held to greater academic and social accountability measures for all...
Description: Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Key Concepts and Foundational Practices This module overviews the effects of disruptive behaviors as well as important key concepts and foundational practices related to effective classroom behavior management, including cultural influences on behavior, the creation of positive climates and structured classrooms, and much more (est. completion time: 2 hours). Note: This resource replaces an earlier version of this module. Classroom Behavior Management...
Description: Classroom and Behavior Management - These tools and practices involve multiple levels of interventions, including schoolwide, classwide, small-group, and individual behavioral supports. As participants gain knowledge about how to use these tools and practices effectively, they will become proficient in using behavioral data to guide intervention decisions, matching the behavioral intervention to the function of behavior and the intensity of a student’s needs. The CEM guides participants in...
Description: Children who have experienced trauma may find it more difficult to regulate their emotions and behaviours than other children. Understanding the impact trauma can have on brain development can help inform practical responses to these children’s needs. This short article describes how practitioners can use strategies that help calm children’s bodies in order to help calm their minds and emotions – specifically, the Regulate–Relate–Reason approach.
Description: School Mental Health Resource & Training Center - This site provides some helpful resources to support schools to integrate mental health instruction into K-12 health education and to support a more comprehensive plan for increasing mental health literacy across the entire school community. 
Description: Among children with combined vision and hearing loss (deafblindness), cortical visual impairment (CVI) is the most common condition of visual impairment.  This session of CVI for the TVI and Other Professionals will focus on the unique implications of cortical visual impairment among children and youth with combined vision and hearing loss, with a major focus on applying best practices from the field of deafblindness to the unique identification, assessment, and intervention needs of...
Description: This self-paced tutorial has been developed for parents and professionals who are just beginning to learn about CVI.  In this tutorial you will view interviews with parents, engage in web searches to expand your resources, and view presentations related to each module’s topic.  Along the way, you will build an individualized action plan for your child to address Diagnosis Assessment Intervention Teamwork / collaboration IEP Development Advocacy This workshop is available in an...
Description: This resource highlights seven key challenges to providing school- or program-based mental health support across early childhood, K–12 schools, and higher education settings, and presents seven corresponding recommendations. The appendix provides additional useful information, including (a) numerous examples corresponding to the recommendations highlighting implementation efforts throughout the country; (b) a list of federal resource centers;...
Description: The Infant Mental Health (IMH) CoP focuses on building capacity for professionals around IMH topics, increasing knowledge of IMH topics within local communities (including parents), supporting higher education in providing accessible courses and/or certification related to IMH, increasing awareness of and advocating for IMH within local/state agencies, and exploring funding opportunities for IMH activities. We encourage DEC membership, but anyone can join regardless of membership status....
Description: A significant number of children experience trauma, and the effects can be profound. It is imperative, therefore, that early childhood settings be safe, trauma-sensitive spaces where teachers support children in creating positive self-identities. A foundation in trauma research and response can help educators optimally support all children— including those whose traumas have been documented, those whose traumas have not been formally recognized, and those who might be affected by their...
Description: Typical characteristics of students who represent the 1% of the population who should participate in the VAAP are outlined in the following inventory questions. IEP teams are responsible for discussing these characteristics and making decisions about whether the student demonstrates significant cognitive disabilities. It is important to keep in mind that it is the combination of some or all of these characteristics that may justify a decision for the student to participate in VAAP. Having...
Description: The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is committed to providing all public school students with equal access to educational programs and activities. School counseling staff and other school personnel play a vital role in ensuring that all students are able to learn in a civil and positive school environment free from bullying and harassment. This training will provide you with information on how to recognize, respond to, and reduce cyberbullying at your school. 
Description: Embedding social and emotional learning (SEL) into instruction is a powerful way to help students connect and engage in learning. According to CASEL, one of the leaders in schoolwide SEL, explicit SEL instruction requires “consistent opportunities for students to cultivate, practice, and reflect on social and emotional competencies in ways that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive.” Critical to that approach is sharing with our students the why behind SEL...
Description: This online guide builds on two fundamental documents produced by CCSSO and the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Center: the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) and PSEL 2015 and Promoting Principal Leadership for the Success of Students with Disabilities. This guidance can support states in strengthening principals’ capacity to lead inclusive schools in which each student has an equitable opportunity to...
Description: There are several important points all principals should understand about special education. These points are not isolated; instead, they are often intertwined. Keep them in mind when working with the students in your building. 1. Make all students your responsibility. There might be other programs housed in the building, and there might be students who receive special reading instruction or other supplemental services, but the principal is responsible for ensuring that all students receive an...
Description: Most students with disabilities spend the majority of their school day in a general education setting. Therefore, it is essential for all teachers and school leaders to have knowledge, skill, and ongoing professional development to meet their complex learning needs. In this webinar, presenters will provide an overview of the HLPs, share a resource for school leaders to encourage implementation, and discuss strategies that can be used to differentiate support for beginning special and...
Description: The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides various benefits to certain eligible individuals who experience significant disabilities – including children and adolescents. These benefit programs provide monthly cash payments and in some cases health insurance such as Medicaid and/or Medicare. These programs also include work incentives designed to help beneficiaries become employed and increase earnings over time.
Description: Discovering Me! helps students helps students with significant barriers to employment find and maintain employment in careers that align with their strengths and interests. Discovering ME! uses a youth-focused and person-centered transition assessment to build a foundation of work skills and customized work-based learning experiences.
Description: This module examines the ways in which culture influences the daily interactions that occur across all classrooms and provides practice for enhancing culturally responsive teaching (est. completion time: 1 hour).
Description: This article provides a compliation of tips, strategies, and resurces to help improve the connection from home to school and expand parent involvement.
Description: The purpose of this brief is to provide recommendations to district and school leadership teams on how the components of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) can be used to prioritize staff health and wellbeing.
Description: This module offers a broad overview of how diversity (i.e., culture, language, exceptionality, and socioeconomic status) affects learning and how teachers can better meet the needs of all their students in their classes (est. completion time: 1 hour).
Description: This module offers an overview of young children who are dual language learners. Further, it highlights the importance of maintaining children and families’ home language at the same time they are learning a new or second language, discusses considerations for screening and assessing these children, and identifies strategies for supporting them in inclusive preschool classrooms (est. completion time: 1 hour). 
Description: The Virginia Department of Education’s (VDOE’s) Mathematics Department will be offering a webinar series, Addressing Unfinished Learning in the Mathematics Classroom - Building Bridges for Student Success, for teachers from August 2021 through October 2021. Recorded Webinar 1:  Addressing Unfinished Learning in the Mathematics Classroom- August 11-12, 2021 This webinar focused on how teachers can utilize VDOE resources to assist them in both long-term and day-to-day planning for...
Description: This exciting project partnership with George Mason University (GMU) and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is to offer strength-based formative assessment and bridging activities to support instruction for K-8 students. We wanted to tap into the geniuses in our school districts in Virginia and invited these amazing teacher designers to codesign these modules. They spent their summer designing these bridging activities and refined the modules by piloting them in their classrooms. We...
Description: The Center for Schools and Communities is a dedicated group of professionals providing comprehensive services designed to build your organization’s capacity. We work closely with local education agencies, community-based organizations and state and local departments to strengthen systems. We help our clients increase their knowledge, awareness and skills by providing high quality professional learning opportunities, research and evaluation design, and...
Description: Does your school's atmosphere shout "Welcome!" to parents, students, and staff? Ed World's "Principal Files" team shares ways in which they have created welcoming atmospheres in their schools. Most of their ideas are quite easy to duplicate. All principals want their schools to feel warm and welcoming. That's why they go out of their way to make entryways inviting and front offices efficient. That's why they create brochures, Web sites, and newsletters. That's why they encourage special events...
Description: Family Friendly Schools: Increase dynamic communication between schools and families Identify and adddress cirtical cultural obstacles to academic success Provide best-in-the-nation family engagment coaching for schools looking for the next level Whether your district is new to family engagement or whether you are pros looking to dive deeper, Family Friendly Schools is your partner in increasing student success.
Description: FAMILIES IN SCHOOLS envisions a public education system where students have all the opportunities and resources necessary to succeed in school and in life. We seek a workforce prepared for lifelong learning, and active engagement in the civic life of our society. Guided by this belief, the mission of Families In Schools is to involve parents and communities in their children's education to achieve lifelong success. COVID-19 Resources to Support Families and Student Success are available in...
Description: In this course, you will learn about building trusting family-professional partnerships when working with families of young children by: Describing effective practices for developing trusting family-professional partnerships in early care and education programs. Using a decision-making process to select partnership-oriented practices linked to developing an initial friendly relationship, making shared decisions, and developing a trusting partnership with families to address challenging issues....
Description: Global Family Research Project elevates the benefits of family engagement and the connections across educational organizations, nationally and globally: at school in early childhood education in community spaces like afterschool programs and libraries through digital media