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Showing Results 401 - 450 of 2248
Description: As an educator, you’re constantly navigating changes and challenges. From dealing with sudden schedule shifts to managing student behavior, you have a lot to juggle each day. On top of it all, you’re trying to keep up with the needs of your students and your own life. It’s understandable if you feel overwhelmed. You may be looking for ideas on how to practice self-care — or how to find time to practice self-care.
Description: Self-care matters.  If you are constantly giving your all to everyone else, you are going to eventually burn out.  Please take a moment to schedule ways to nurture yourself every week.  It will be one of the best things you can do to show up and show out  for your students. I’ve created an infographic with a list of 50 self-care ideas for teachers and specialists to get into the self-care zone.
Description: In the video, "Getting to Know Your Brain: Dealing with Stress," test your knowledge about stress and the brain. Also learn how to create and use a “stress catcher” to practice strategies to deal with stress. I'm So Stressed Out! Fact Sheet - Is it stress or anxiety?
Description: Mindful Parenting - Parenting can be stressful. Parenting kids with special needs can be even more stressful, and it can cause anxiety, depression and marital problems. A mindfulness practice can help alleviate stress and prevent these problems. And it can make you a better parent. Mindfulness is designed to help you notice your emotions and calm yourself down in stressful situations. It includes breathing exercises, guided meditations and taking a step back from difficult situations. These...
Description: Self Care for Teachers - Taking care of yourself is the best gift you can give your students (by Dr. Jane Nelsen & Dr. Kelly Gfroerer). Make a list of the things you like to do that feed your heart, your body, your mind, and your soul. Get out your calendar and make time for yourself EVERY day. Give up all guilt about taking time for yourself, or for taking time to be with people who boost your energy and your joy. Keep a gratitude journal. Ask for help when you need it. After all, you...
Description: Emotional Wellness Toolkit - How you feel can affect your ability to carry out everyday activities, your relationships, and your overall mental health. How you react to your experiences and feelings can change over time. Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. Flip each card below for checklists on how to improve your health in each area. Click on the images to read articles about each topic. You can also print the...
Description: Explore the Social Wellness Toolkit - From the time you’re born, your relationships help you learn to navigate the world. You learn how to interact with others, express yourself, conduct everyday health habits, and be a part of different communities from those around you. Positive social habits can help you build support systems and stay healthier mentally and physically. Flip each card below for checklists on how to improve your health in each area. Click on the images to read articles...
Description: Why Self-Care Is Essential to Parenting What you will learn: What are the symptoms of caregiver burnout? What can parents do to take care of themselves? What is “respite care” and how can parents find out more about it? ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center They assist and promote the development of quality respite and crisis care programs, help families locate respite and crisis care services, and serve as a strong voice for respite in all forums. How Parent Support...
Description: BrainLine provides: TBI Basics Interactive Brain, What i a TBI? Do I have a Concussion? Newly Diagnosed. Now What? You Are Not Alone Brain Injury Topics A-Z Personal Stories and Blogs Expert Q & A Resource Directory BrainLine is a national service of WETA-TV, the flagship PBS station in Washington, D.C.
Description: The importance of parental engagement in school is well documented. Over forty years of research shows that one of the most effective ways to increase student achievement is for parents to be actively involved in the education of their children. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) encourages family and community involvement in schools for all students including students with disabilities. Check out the following links for resources: Center for Family Involvement (VCU,...
Description: Inclusive Schools Week is an annual event sponsored by the Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) and Stetson & Associates, Inc., which is held each year during the first full week in December. Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has celebrated the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage,...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) provides information on its website about educational services and resources to support students who are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, or deaf-blind. The following links to information and resources are excerpted from the VDOE’s Sensory Disabilities webpage.
Description: Assistive Technology for People with Brain Injury (BrainLine) - A traumatic brain injury can bring with it all sorts of challenges. A person’s balance may be off; he may have lost part of his field of vision; or his memory might be so compromised that within moments of seeing or hearing something, it’s gone. But like a magnifying glass for someone who has trouble reading the small print, there are many assistive technologies available for people with TBI. What is Assistive...
Description: Teachers and Administrators, do you and your team want to learn more about morphology instruction? Do you need classroom materials for morphemic analysis? If so, this resource is for you! The intention of this document is to compile resources for your professional learning and classroom use. It is broken into three sections that could be used for individual exploration, or as a collaborative learning team. Section 1 provides quick reads to build background knowledge and essential understanding...
Description: This includes: RCPS Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion Response Process - Flow Chart Concussion Symptoms and Accommodations CMT-1 CDC Concussion Signs and Symptoms CMT-2 RCPS Concussion Symptom Monitoring CMT-3 RCPS Concussion Notification to Teachers CMT-4 RCPS Concussion Academic Monitoring CMT-5 - Recommendations for Referral to Student  Study Due to Long Term Symptoms CDC Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussions And more....
Description: View Archived Webcast: Engaging Families in Transition Planning - In this webcast, Tammy Burns, PEATC, will discuss the role of parents in planning for their child's future.  She will review the concepts of family engagement and family involvement and provide examples of each.  She will also discuss ways in which the family has an impact on student outcomes.  Finally, Tammy will identify the benefits of transition planning and provide tips for practitioners.  Learning...
Description: Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley (BICSV) enhances the lives of individuals affected by brain injury through cultivating connections with information, services, and resources. BICSV provides no-cost case management services for children, youth, and adults who have sustained a traumatic and/or acquired brain injury. BICSV serves the following counties: Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Page, and Shenandoah, and the cities within.
Description: Regardless of the AAC system used (no tech, low tech, high tech) or skill level use this list with what to do and what not to do.
Description: Virginia Career VIEW (Vital Information for Education and Work) is recognized as the Commonwealth's Career Information Delivery System for all students in grades K-8 in Virginia.  We are located at Virginia Tech as part of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences in the School of Education.  As part of the Office of Education, Research and Outreach, our mission is to inform, encourage, and support the education and career development of the people of Virginia. Virginia Career...
Description: A behavior contract can help you and your child work on things like self-control and lying. It can also spell out rewards for meeting a goal and consequences for not meeting it. A good contract includes steps you and your child will take to change a behavior. So rather than just saying “Stop doing X,” you come up with strategies to replace inappropriate behaviors with better ones. For the contract to work, it’s key to get your child’s input. Helping shape...
Description: A visual resume—A.K.A. a representational portfolio, or person-centered resume—is a positive and strength-based representation of the job seeker. This type of resume is a visual marketing tool introducing job seekers who need customized employment or more intensive or longer-lasting supports. When you are supporting a job seeker with a limited repertoire of formal experiences and skills, the visual resume can be a strong alternative. In other words, this...
Description: The holidays can be hard for kids who learn and think differently. Things that are supposed to be fun - special holiday meals, chitchat with friends and relatives — can be stressful. There may be unspoken (or even spoken) comparisons to other kids. All these demands can lead to behavior problems. One way to avoid problem behavior is by planning for holiday challenges ahead of time. With these worksheets, you and your child can do that together. The worksheet lists common...
Description: Social communication is a core area of difficulty for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children with ASD express fewer gestures to communicate and may be less engaged with others. This webcast will review early core challenges in social communication, including joint attention, among young children with ASD and describe different types of engagement states. As educators play a role in teaching gestures and joint attention, this webcast will also review how to support the development of...
Description: This is a listing of multimodal activities to enhance learning for students using all forms of communication.
Description: Language is about connecting with other people. If you can focus on providing robust AAC and teaching language skills that allow AAC learners to connect with people in their lives, you will make a real difference!
Description: Workplace Inclusion Now (WIN)™ is Autism Speaks’ evidence-based employment system to build and support inclusive workplace culture through a comprehensive suite of resources.  National data shows that most autistic adults are unemployed or underemployed, despite having the skill sets and expertise to excel in the workplace. Autism Speaks, together with our partners, aims to transform employment for those on the spectrum through...
Description: This informative article, shared in the CASD CHAT E-Newsletter, was written by recent VTAC/CAR graduate, Dr. Ashley Muskett, a clinical psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of autism in children. 
Description: To prepare Virginia’s students for postsecondary education or to meet employers’ expectations of candidates for entry-level jobs House Bill 1299 and Senate Bill 738 (2022 General Assembly) charged the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) with collecting information that assists high school students in making more informed decisions about their futures after graduating from high school. This ensures that...
Description: This month is Dyslexia/LD/ADHD Awareness Month, and the author had the honor of sitting down with Resha Conroy, a parent of a child with Dyslexia. She is also a member of the National Center on Improving Literacy Family Engagement Advisory Board and has started her own non-profit, Dyslexia Alliance for Black Children.
Description: This was developed in collaboration with Raise The Bar. Parents learn what a growth mindset is, why it’s important, and best practices to support their children in developing this learning belief.
Description: Growth Mindset for 9th Graders (PERTS) - A free, evidence-based program designed to increase students' engagement, motivation, and ultimately success by laying the foundation for a growth mindset. Online program delivered in two 30-minute sessions. Includes survey questions, short reading passages, and brief reflection exercises. Students will learn: Scientific evidence showing that the brain is malleable. Specific behaviors that can rewire the brain and increase one’s intellectual...
Description: Enroll in the VATTS Virtual Virginia Course - The AT Network has developed a short professional learning course on Virtual Virginia that provides an overview of the new Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS): Consideration Guide and Resources.  IEP team members can access this course at any time and complete the modules at their own pace.  A certificate of completion can be earned by those that finish the course requirements.
Description: Tips to prepare students with intellectual disabilities for college expectations In this Grab and Go Practices, Think College focuses on three primary campus experiences college students needto be prepare for. Student may engage in these activities with little or no support from adults. These experiences include: Campus participation Academic preparation Personal responsibility Many skills students learn earlier in their education can be generalized to college,...
Description: Self-advocacy is an important skill for even young kids to develop. But sometimes it’s hard for grade-schoolers to know what to say. Here are some sentence starters you can teach kids with dyslexia to practice so they can speak up for what they need.
Description: The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) aims to build a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness. As an assessment system, VKRP adds measures of mathematics, self-regulation, and social skills in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten to complement Virginia’s statewide assessment of literacy skills (Pre-K Language and Literacy Screener and PALS K-3). VKRP uses the Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) to measure children’s mathematical thinking. The EMAS is a...
Description: In this Teacher Time episode, explore the math component of STEAM.(STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art, and math.) Learn how preschoolers explore everyday math concepts through daily routines and interactions. Preschool teachers and family child care providers will learn strategies and teaching practices that help all children explore math. Discover ways to use art to encourage math concepts and skills. Additional resource includes a document with Books That Support Math...
Description: Before they start school, most children develop an understanding of addition and subtraction through everyday interactions. Learn what informal activities give children a head start on early math skills when they start school.
Description: The 2022 Children’s Mental Health Report looks at the effects of psychological trauma on kids and the most promising ways to treat it. Several key questions are explored, including: What are the most common definitions of trauma? How can trauma affect children and teenagers? What is the evidence base for treatments aimed at mitigating the impacts of trauma? And in a special supplement, we report the results of a national survey of parents’ perspectives on trauma and how it has...
Description: Structured Literacy Intervention Book Study - Comprehensive and evidence-based, Structured Literacy (SL) approaches place a high value on explicit, systematic, and sequential instruction. This book brings together leading experts on key components of literacy to help K–6 teachers design and target SL interventions for particular student profiles. Chapters identify effective features of instruction for supporting phonological awareness, basic and multisyllabic word decoding, spelling,...
Description: In this practical webinar, kindergarten teacher and education writer Kate Winn will outline five key changes she made in her classroom to move from balanced to structured literacy, resulting in all students leaving the class reading. As a webinar attendee you can look forward to a candid presentation, Q & A, and a shared slideshow packed full of links and ideas to help you bring evidence-based literacy practices to your classroom, school, board or home.
Description: Science of Reading: The Podcast - S6 E3: Focused implementation: Doing less to do more with Dr. Doug Reeves - On this sixth season of the show, they are focusing on what it takes to transition to the Science of Reading. They are looking at how all levels of education from the individual classroom up to the state level can most effectively begin and sustain a transition to the Science of Reading. So early in this season, we wanted to be sure to bring you an expert on implementation science....
Description: Morphological awareness provides a powerful tool for improving many areas of literacy: Vocabulary comprehension Reading aloud Spelling Phonological awareness Reading comprehension
Description: Since 2018, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has included high-quality work-based learning (WBL) as one of the options for meeting state graduation requirements. To graduate, students are required to either complete:  An Advanced Placement, honors, International Baccalaureate, or dual-enrollment course; or Participate in an HQWBL experience; or Earn a CTE credential. HQWBL includes school-coordinated work experiences that appeal to the student's career interests, are integrated...
Description: The 2022 VATTS: Resource Guide provides instructional strategies, AT solutions, modifications, accommodations, and examples used to address areas of need identified through the AT consideration process to support student success. There are two Resource Guide PDFs: an ADA Compliant version and a printable table version.
Description: Chalk It Up to Experience! Tips from Real Co-Teachers of Virginia Report This report was created by demonstration site teams to celebrate the first five years of the Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative. Teams share practical advice for effective co-teaching and practices they consider critical to establishing a strong collaborative relationship. This document will serve as an instructional resource for co-teaching teams and administrators to inform their co-teaching practices. Real Co-Teachers...
Description: The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Head Start are releasing new documents to encourage collaboration between state educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and Head Start programs to effectively meet the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements. These documents make clear that SEAs, LEAs, and Head Start programs all have responsibilities for...
Description: The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides eligible households up to $30/month off internet bills (or $75/month on Tribal lands), as well as a one-time $100 discount off a laptop, tablet, or computer. You can sign up at Get Internet. Nearly 40 percent of United States. households qualify for ACP, but millions of families have yet to claim their benefit. Households are eligible if they make up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level ($55,500 for a family of four), and are also...
Description: The Federal Emergency Management Agency has videos on personal disaster preparedness for people with disabilities. The videos give tips on how to be prepared and suggest some items to bring with you in an emergency based on your particular disability.
Description: By hiring someone with Down syndrome, you start a virtuous chain: the more that people with Down Syndrome are seen at work, the more they’ll be recognized as valuable employees, and the more they’ll be hired.
Description: Joint attention is a critical skill that develops early in life for typically developing children, however, those with ASD may struggle with this skill for many years.  VCU-ACE has developed a fact sheet on joint attention to help families and professionals support the development of this skill.