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Showing Results 301 - 350 of 2248
Description: Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: A Resource Document Testing/Assessment accommodations provide students with disabilities access to state assessments and away to show their knowledge and skill on academic content. Accommodations are designed to reduce or eliminate the effect of the student’s disability without changing expectations or providing the student with an unfair advantage over her peers with or without disabilities. (1/23) Accommodations...
Description: Building Authentic School-Family Partnerships Through the Lens of Social and Emotional Learning - The SEL Innovations series aims to help the field imagine new, more expansive and equitable approaches to SEL and wellness to ensure that all children, adolescents, and adults feel safe, supported, and seen so that they can thrive. This report focuses on the conditions and guiding actions to foster authentic school-family partnerships.
Description: PYD’s Mentoring Program has served youth with disabilities since 1985. Its goal is to help young people with disabilities meet their full potential for personal development and independence by matching them with a caring adult mentor. Matches work on goals relating to building positive and healthy relationships, community involvement, self-esteem, independent living skills, and educational/career skills. We currently offer a few forms of mentoring: one-to-one mentoring and our virtual...
Description: Virginia's CTE Resource Center - Each year, the CTE Resource Center assists the VDOE in developing curriculum-related publications that address specific courses or programs, encourage collaboration between career/technical and academic disciplines, foster collaboration between career and technical education at the secondary and postsecondary levels, correlate with national standards and industry certification requirements, and enhance comprehensive school-improvement efforts. Staff...
Description: Email and Letter Templates - It is very important, when expressing concerns about your child’s educational services or when requesting something from the school division, that you do so in writing. That way, you have a record of your request. Sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what to include in your communication with the school division. To make things easier, PEATC has developed a series of sample emails/letters in a variety of areas that you can use as the basis for your...
Description: Connecting grammar and writing in meaningful ways can be done. Steps to show that grammar is a tool to benefit writing include: Acknolwedge Previous Lessons Use the Correct Terminology Grammar is a Postive Tool Conference Explain the "Why"
Description: Teaching young students how to write by hand before moving on to keyboarding can help improve their reading fluency as well.
Description: The Science of Reading Professional Learning Series - These Science of Reading slide decks are intended to be a resource for school leaders who provide professional development for staff in the area of literacy. We know that each educator is in a different place in their understanding of what is meant by the phrase The Science of Reading and how that science informs what we teach and how we teach it. These slide decks provide a brief overview of each of the topics. These serve as a starting...
Description: 2022 Virtual Reading Symposium Recordings Keynote by Emily Handord: Discovering The Science of Reading: A Reporter's Story Concurrent Sessions: Resha Conroy- Literacy Achievement: Historical & Systemic Barriers to Equity Holly Lane- Practical Strateies for Decoding an Encoding Margie Gillis - The Syntax Attuned Educator: Supporting Students' Ability to Comprehend and Write Sentences Claude Goldenberg - Literacy for English Learners: What's "Reading Science" Got to Do With It? Kim St. Martin:...
Description: In this revised text, the High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities (2nd Edition) are revised and updated to reflect the challenges of modern classrooms. A core addition is interpretation and analysis of how the HLPs work together (as compared to individual, standalone practices), and alongside evidence-based practices to improve teacher practice and student outcomes. Authors also introduce the terms pillar and embedded HLPs. Pillar practices are six key HLPs that are most...
Description: This is a step by step instructional routine for addressing irregular or high frequency words.
Description: The goal of the scaffolds is to move the students to independent fluent reading, as fast as possible, and only as slow as necessary for mastery. The scaffolds are taught to the students, modeled by the teacher, and prompted during guided practice and independent practice (I do, we do, you do).
Description: Use this tool along with reading passages to expand in the oral expression of reading comprehension. The purpose of this tool is to expand student’s expressive language skills. Language is one half of the simple view of reading. Use this to scaffold student’s use of language during and after text reading, through modeling and guided practice. Developing oral language supports the development of reading comprehension.
Description: This resource provides routines and resources for guided and extended practice in word recognition.
Description: GMU TTAC compiled a list of free phonological awareness resources, including: Professional Learning & Resource Websites, Professional Learning Webinars, Videos on Phonology, Articles, IES Practice Guides, Teaching Resources, EL Resources: Phonological Awareness for Spanish Speakers, Professional Learning Library, and Podcasts.
Description: These are instructional routines to be used for daily comulative review: phonemic awareness, phonetic word decoding and phonemic word encoding.
Description: New Critical Crossroads video and print resources are available. Designed for families of children and youth with disabilities and the professionals who work with them, the videos, infographics, and checklists provide an understanding of how trauma affects children and youth with disabilities and the ways in which trauma-informed care can improve outcomes in all areas of children’s lives. These resources offer strategies to help families advocate for trauma-informed care in school, health...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has recently developed a new resource for families whose children are being placed in a private day school by their Individualized Education Program (IEP) Teams.
Description: This checklist guides teachers through considerations that enhance teacher-family communication.
Description: This resource includes a worksheet for recording accommodations for a group of students, a worksheet for recording accommodations by group & SOL and a worksheet for recording Specially Designed Instruction (SDI).
Description: This profile includes: Student Information Baseline Skills Assessment Data Students with Disabilities - Norm Referenced Assessment Data IEP Goals Mathematics iReady Dat PALS Reading Data Behavior & Social-Emotional Skills Academic, Behavior, Social/Emotional Strengths & Areas of Growth Learning Environment Relevant Family Information
Description: National Assistive Technology (AT) Awareness Day celebrates the vital role AT plays in the lives of people with disabilities and older adults. AT is any item, device, or piece of equipment used to maintain or improve the independence and function of people with disabilities and older adults. AT solutions are as diverse as the goals of the millions of people who benefit from them. A few examples of AT that capture this diversity include speech-generating devices, video magnifiers, timers,...
Description: This Informal Metacognition Inventory allows you to record each time the teacher models and/or student utilizes one of the metacognitive strategies.
Description: Video: Mathematics Explicit Instruction: Explicit instruction is a critical feature in teaching students who struggle with math. By walking through exactly what you want a student to know and allowing them time to practice, using explicit instruction in your classroom can help you reach students who may otherwise struggle. In this video, Sarah Powell from UT demonstrates how to use explicit instruction in the classroom. This video is part of the Project STAIR, a resource for teachers and parents...
Description: The attached chart helps you to identify vocabulary for your student's AAC System.
Description: HLP 1: Collaborate with professionals to increase student success. Stetson & Associates (2022): Quality Indicators for Delivering Specially Designed Instruction HLP 3: Collaborate with families to support student learning and secure needed services. VDOE: Mathematics Resources for Families and Communities NAFSCE: Family Math
Description: HLP 4: Use multiple sources of information to develop a comprehensive understanding of a student's strengths and needs. VDOE: Virginia Guidelines for Educating Students with Learning Disabilities VDOE: Learning Disabilities in Mathematics (Dyscalculia) TTAC GMU: Comprehensive Student Profile Template HLP 6: Use student assessment data, analyze instructional practices, and make necessary adjustments that improve student outcomes. University of Florida CEEDAR Center: MTSS in Mathematics...
Description: Literacy & HLP 12: Systematicaly design instruction toward a specific learning goal. GMU TTAC: A Quick Reference Guide To English Orthography GMU TTAC: List of Recommended Phonological Awareness Resources GMU TTAC: Resource List for Guided and Independent Practice Literacy & HLP 14: Teach cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and independence. Zaner Bloser: Beyond Word Recognition Webinar Series GMU TTAC: Informal Metacognition Inventory GMU TTAC: Language...
Description: HLP 4: Use multiple sources of information to develop a comprehensive understanding of a student's strengths and needs. GMU TTAC: Comprehensive Student Profile Template HLP 6: Use student assessment data, analyze instructional practices, make necessary adjustments that improve student outcomes. National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII): What is Progress Monitoring? National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII): Academic Progress Monitoring Tools Chart National Center on Intensive...
Description: HLP 7: Establish a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment. Project STAIR Video: Introduction to Classroom Management for Mathematics (3:58 minutes) Project STAIR Video 1: Class Expectations in Mathematics (4:49 minutes) Project STAIR Video 2: Mathematics Procedures & Routines (2:24 minutes)
Description: HLP 12: Systematically design instruction toward a specific learning goal. VDOE: Evidence Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics VDOE: Evidence Based Instruction in Mathematics Webinar National Center on Intensive Interventions (NCII): Intensive Interventions in Mathematics Course Content Project STAIR: Mathematics Intervention Intensification Guide HLP 13: Adapt curriculum tasks and materials for specific learning goals. T/TAC at Virginia Tech: Virginia Essentialized Standards of...
Description: HLP 1: Collaborate with professionals to increase student success. What Works Clearinghouse: Literacy - IES Practice Guides UVA VALUE Series: Literacy (Modules and Materials)  HLP 3: Collaborate with families to support student learning and secure needed services. National Center on Improving Literacy: Families and Schools Partnering for Children’s Literacy Success Virginia Literacy Partnerships: Resources for Families
Description: Quality Indicators for Delivering Specially Designed Instruction, SDI - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) has the following two indicators that need to be met for a student to qualify for special education services: The student must qualify in one or more of the thirteen disability categories. The student requires access to Specially Designed Instruction (SDI). The Quality Indicators for Delivering SDI tool provides guidance for general education teachers, special...
Description: Project STAIR: Mathematics Intervention Intensification Guide provides suggestions for intensifying mathematics (math) intervention. It is suggested that you design an instructional platform and intensify the platform based on student needs.
Description: This Special Education Mediation Toolkit is a guide for helping parents in Virginia understand the Special Education Mediation Process for Dispute Resolution. Mediation is a dispute resolution process that can be less adversarial than filing an administrative special education complaint or filing for a due process hearing. Mediation is a tool that parents can use if they believe that their rights or their child’s rights have been violated under federal or...
Description: In these videos from an 8-part video series, Stacy Hirt, from the University of Missouri, describes the Great 8 universal classroom management strategies including procedures and routines to help ensure learning. Video: Introduction to Classroom Management for Mathematics (3:58 minutes) Video 1: Class Expectations in Mathematics (4:49 minutes) Video 2: Mathematics Procedures & Routines (2:22 minutes) Video 3: Positive Feedback (4:39 minutes) Video 4: Discouraging Inappropriate Behavior...
Description: This five-part webinar series takes a closer look at essential subskills of the language comprehension side of the Simple View of Reading—background knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, language structures, verbal reasoning, and literacy knowledge.
Description: Watch an excerpt from Keys to Content Writing training for teachers in grades 4-12. Gradual Release of Responsibility: an instructional approach that gradually shifts understanding and application from teacher to students. Listen to Joan Sedita, founder of Keys to Literacy explain this approach. Visit for more information about us and our programs.
Description: DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of literacy skills. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures that can be used to regularly detect risk and monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills in kindergarten through eighth grade.
Description: Families can find information about a certain topic or find activities to do at home. Topics include: How Can My Child Listen to Books at Home? or How Can My Child Play Computer Games to Help Improve Literacy Skills?
Description: Whole Brain Teaching, WBT rests upon the principle that teachers at every level share the same difficulties: students lack discipline, background knowledge and problem solving skills. From kindergarten to college, instructors face pupils who have difficulty with reading and writing. Nonetheless, our students respond to challenges, enjoy well-designed learning games, and can make, in the proper setting, astonishing educational progress. Whole Brain Teaching Professional Learning Videos Whole...
Description: Building on the formative work of High Leverage Practices (HLP) for Inclusive Classrooms, this critical companion explores how HLP can be applied to the education of students with extensive support needs (ESN). Each chapter walks readers through a different HLP, exploring its implications for students with ESN and aligning it with current practice, supports, and terminology. Edited by researchers and teacher educators with decades of experience in serving students with ESN and their...
Description: Planning Your Future: A Guide To Transition - This go-at-your-own-pace guide is for you to learn about the education and civil rights laws that protect them in K-12, higher education, and workforce settings, how to be a strong self-advocate during transition planning, and various opportunities for additional support that may be available. If you are a high school student, college student, or new employee with a disability, this resource contains information that is helpful to you.
Description: Sign up for MTSS 101 Course - This course shares information about MTSS implementation in VA (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE).
Description: High Leverage Practice (HLP 17)- Use Flexible Grouping acknowledges the power of the grouping students to improve student outcomes. The Flexible Group Lesson Plan Template guides.
Description: This document provides guidelines for linking reliable, consistent and repeatable movements to potential switch site locations and positions. It also provides some benefits and challenges for each specific movement and location. This chart is meant to be a guide. Remember, switch type selection is highly dependent on the unique profile of the person using a switch.
Description: Part 1: The Essential Messages of Trauma Responsive Practices (Recorded): What does it mean to be trauma-informed and trauma-responsive, and how do these concepts apply to children with special education needs? In this first session of a three-part webcast series, we will discuss the Essential Messages of a trauma-responsive practice as defined by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. As part of this series, you will develop a personal trauma-responsive action plan so you can identify how...
Description: Early Literacy - IES Practice Guide: Preparing Young Children for School (Literacy Sections 5-7) (2022),  Elementary - IES Practice Guide Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade (2016), IES Practice Guide: Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade (2010), IES Practice Guide: Teaching Elementary School Students to Be Effective Writers (2012), IES Practice Guide: Improving Adolescent Literacy: Effective...
Description: The CARD™ Toolkit helps educators, parents, and healthcare professionals support youth struggling with anxiety. The CARD™ system (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) is a science-based, proven framework to help prepare children for stressful events, like school-based vaccinations, presentations, and examinations.
Description: Small Talk Speech Therapy debunks seven common myths about AAC, including why speech-language pathologists should not be the only ones providing AAC instruction.