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Showing Results 2251 - 2300 of 2903
Description: YouTube Presentation - Concussion 101, a Primer for Kids and Parents - This is a visual lecture called Concussions 101. The symptoms of a concussion can be tough to recognize, for kids in particular. Watch this video to learn the basics you need to know to make sure you take care of that awesome brain of yours, as much as you take care of the rest of your body.
Description: If your child has been diagnosed with a learning disability, there are many things you can do to support him. Here are 10 ideas to get you started! What you can do 1. Learn as much as you can about your child's disability The more you know about your child's, the more you can help your child. Start with your school and your child's teacher, and continue your research on the web and with other professionals. 2. Learn about your rights The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act...
Description: Hearing loss can affect a child’s ability to develop communication, language, and social skills. The earlier children with hearing loss start getting services, the more likely they are to reach their full potential. If you are a parent and you suspect your child has hearing loss, trust your instincts and speak with your child’s doctor. Don’t wait!
Description: Deciding if a child has ADHD is a several-step process. There is no single test to diagnose ADHD, and many other problems, like anxiety, depression, and certain types of learning disabilities, can have similar symptoms.
Description: The term multiple disabilities is general and broad. From the term, you can’t tell: how many disabilities a child has; which disabilities are involved; or how severe each disability is. Many combinations of disabilities are possible. For example, one child with multiple disabilities may have an intellectual disability and deafness. Another child may have cerebral palsy and autism.
Description: Has a child’s disability recently touched your life? Are you visiting our website today looking for information about that disability? Would you like to find organizations and people that can help address the disability-related questions and concerns you may have? We’re very pleased you’re here, because the CPIR has a great deal of information about disabilities to share. We hope this page will: give you a quick roadmap to the disability world of help that’s available in...
Description: In English Your Job … Your Rights … Your Responsibilities Criminal Records & Your Job Rights  Disabilities & Your Job Rights  Pay Discrimination & Your Rights Religion & Your Job Rights  Sexual Harassment is Against the Law En Español Tu Trabajo … Derechos Reales … Responsabilidades Reales Antecedentes Penales y tus Derechos de Empleo  La Discapacidad y Tus Derechos Laborales  Discriminación Salarial y Tus...
Description: Helps parents understand the process that guides their child's transition from infant and toddler intervention services to other early childhood services at age three and includes strategies to use for a successful transition. 2010. (See translations for Somali and Spanish.)
Description: Latinx Resources - El programa de Alcance Latinx de PEATC se enfoca en brindar educación y recursos a nuestra población Hispana/Latinx en el estado de Virginia, completamente en español. El objetivo de este programa es difundir información en el idioma con el que las familias se sientan más cómodas, pero al mismo tiempo teniendo en cuenta su cultura y creencias. Al brindar nuestros servicios en español, PEATC asegura la inclusión...
Description: As a parent, there are many ways that you can help your child succeed every single day! These bilingual parent resources offer tips on helping your child learn to read, succeed in school, and learn a new language. They also provide information about the U.S. school system and share ideas on how to build a relationship with your child’s teacher and school. In addition, you can find fun reading tips and games, bilingual booklists, ideas for using the public library, and videos of...
Description: In the U.S. educational system, teachers and school leaders believe that a strong partnership between the home and school will help children succeed in school. Teachers welcome input from the parents about their children, such as information about what the child likes to do or what they are good at. Teachers also understand that each student is different and learns differently, and that no one knows your child better than you do. You may provide some insight that will help the teacher work more...
Description: In the U.S., schools and families work together closely to help children succeed. For example, you can contact your child’s teacher if you have questions, or you may be invited to events at the school. These resources describe how you can build a relationship with your child's school.
Description: Parent involvement in a child's education is crucial. When parents get involved in their children's education, children are more likely to do better in school, be better behaved, have more positive attitudes toward school, and grow up to be more successful in life.
Description: Parents often find themselves at school for parent-teacher conferences around this time of year. For many families, this is your first opportunity to sit down one-on-one with your child's teacher to talk about school progress. It's important to use this time to share your impressions of the school year, and to ask any questions you might have. Here are some questions that might help set the tone for a productive and positive conference: At what level my child is currently reading? What type of...
Description: As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When parents and families are involved in their children's schools, the children do better and have better feelings about going to school. In fact, many studies show that what the family does is more important to a child's school success than how much money the family makes or how much education the parents have.
Description: During the academic year, most schools in the U.S. invite parents to come in for regular parent-teacher conferences. If you have received a note advising you that your child's teacher wants to schedule a meeting with you, don't panic. This is a standard part of the school's efforts to build a strong partnership between parents and teachers. Whether your child is having a positive or negative experience in school, parent-teacher conferences will help you and your child's teacher find ways to work...
Description: There are many people at your child's school who are there to help your child learn, grow socially and emotionally, and navigate the school environment. Here's a selected list of who's who at your school: the teaching and administrative staff as well as organizations at the district level. You might want to keep this list handy all year long.
Description: There are many people at your child's school who are there to help your child learn, grow socially and emotionally, and navigate the school environment. Here's a selected list of who's who at your school: the teaching and administrative staff as well as organizations at the district level. You might want to keep this list handy all year long.
Description: Key Facts about Tourette Syndrome: Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that becomes evident in early childhood or adolescence. It is part of the spectrum of Tic Disorders and is characterized by motor and vocal tics. Tourette Syndrome and other Tic Disorders are not rare. The current estimates are that 1 out of every 160 children between the ages of 5-17 in the United States has TS and that 1 out of every 100 children has TS or another Tic Disorder. Some Tic Disorders may be...
Title: AbleNet
Description: AbleNet is a world leader in assistive technology, curriculum, and services to help individuals with disabilities lead productive and fulfilling lives. We believe that all people deserve the tools to help them learn about, interact with, and participate in the world around them. Whether that’s a child in the classroom, an adult recovering from an injury, a veteran with a permanent disability, or a senior who wants to remain at home, AbleNet is there helping improve their lives. We develop,...
Description: At Perkins, our professional development opportunities come in a range of formats, allowing you to select the option that best suits your needs. From credit-optional self-paced content to credit-earning online classes, we can help you further your education in a way that’s both convenient and engaging.
Description: Since 1979, Attainment Company has been helping people with disabilities achieve independence at school, work, home, and in the community. Attainment's print curriculum, software, apps, and videos compbine for a uniquely blended approach to accommodate individual student needs.
Description: Teachers around the world use the visual Time Timer as their classroom timer. The intuitive visual countdown helps students of all ages see and understand the passage of time. The quiet visual countdown can help the whole family make every moment count.
Description: The Library and Resource Center (LRC) is a component of the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) from which two fundamental programs are administered. Library services are offered to persons who are print disabled. The Library and Resource Center service is provided to local school divisions to support education of visually impaired and blind children.
Description: AAIDD, (formerly AAMR -- American Association on Mental Retardation), is the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization of professionals and others concerned about intellectual and developmental disabilities. We're tireless promoters of progressive policies, sound research, effective practices and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Description: Center on Transition Innovation (CTI) is a leader in providing resources and innovative models to support students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood. We help keep transition stakeholders updated on evidence-based practices that will assist students to reach their goals after high school. CTI's work is funded through the Virginia Department of Education. Since 2013, our team of experts has provided transition resources, professional development, and information for educators,...
Description: Journey Toward Recovery: A Brain Injury Guide for Families - This guide has been written for anyone who has been touched by brain injury, whether mild or severe, family or friend. It is the goal of this guide to provide survivors, caregivers and loved ones with step-by-step tools they need to travel the incredible journey of recovery. This guide is not meant to be read at one sitting. We hope you will find the information you need at the time in which you need it. (San Diego Brain Injury...
Description: The Concussion Legacy Foundation's mission is to support athletes, Veterans, and all affected by concussions and CTE; achieve smarter sports and safer athletes through education and innovation; and to End CTE through prevention and research. Our vision is a world without CTE, and concussion safety without compromise. The Resource Center includes information on: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) Concussion
Description: When a child is having trouble in school, it’s important to find out why. The child may have a disability. By law, schools must provide special help to eligible children with disabilities. This help is called special education and related services. There’s a lot to know about the process by which children are identified as having a disability and in need of special education and related services. This section of CPIR’s website is devoted to helping you learn about that process....
Description: If you have recently learned that your child has a developmental delay or a disability (which may or may not be completely defined), this message may be for you. It is written from the personal perspective of a parent who has shared this experience and all that goes with it. When parents learn about any difficulty or problem in their child’s development, this information comes as a tremendous blow. The day my child was diagnosed as having a disability, I was devastated—and so...
Description: Read This Publication If You Want to Know… How to have your child evaluated (at no cost to you) to see why he or she is having difficulty in school What the evaluation process involves and how you can contribute to it How special education can support your child’s learning, if he or she is found eligible for services How your child’s eligibility is determined and your right to participate in making that decision What happens next, if your child is found eligible...
Description: All the materials found on the CPIR Hub have been created and archived for Parent Centers around the country to help them provide support and services to the families they serve. The CPIR employs a user-centered process, gathering the perspectives of our experienced audience—Parent Center staff members and other experts—every step of the way, to create products and services that increase Parent Centers’ knowledge and capacity in specific domains.
Description: Special education is full of terms that people constantly use in writing and in conversation, and it’s important to know what those terms mean. NICHCY is pleased to provide this handy reference to special education terminology, and hopes it helps our readers quickly connect with the meaning of pivotal words and phrases in the field.
Description: For many students with disabilities—and for many without—the key to success in the classroom lies in having appropriate adaptations, accommodations, and modifications made to the instruction and other classroom activities. Some adaptations are as simple as moving a distractible student to the front of the class or away from the pencil sharpener or the window. Other modifications may involve changing the way that material is presented or the way that students respond to show their...
Description: Looking for information, resources, and technical assistance (TA) to help you and others support children with disabilities in their least restrictive environment in school? Here’s a starter list of places to look online. These will surely lead you to more.
Description: Life is full of transitions, and one of the more remarkable ones occurs when we get ready to leave high school and go out in the world as young adults. When the student has a disability, it's especially helpful to plan ahead for that transition. In fact, IDEA requires it.
Description: As technology has come to play an increasingly important role in the lives of all persons in the United States, in the conduct of business, in the functioning of government, in the fostering of communication, in the conduct of commerce, and in the provision of education, its impact upon the lives of the more than 50,000,000 individuals with disabilities in the United States has been comparable to its impact upon the remainder of the citizens of the United States. Any development in mainstream...
Description: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) lists five special factors that the IEP team must consider in the development, review, and revision of each child’s IEP. The discussion below will highlight the importance of these special factors in the education of children with disabilities and the need for individualized consideration of these factors in IEP development and revision. The special factors are: Behavior, Limited English proficiency, Blindness or visual impairment,...
Description: The federal regulations for IDEA 2004 include a section (Subpart E) called Procedural Safeguards. These safeguards are designed to protect the rights of parents and their child with a disability and, at the same time, give families and school systems several mechanisms by which to resolve their disputes. To learn more about any of these, click on the linked text, and you’ll go to a separate page describing that procedural safeguard. The right of parents to receive a complete...
Description: Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss began in 2011 with the goal of creating an ‘umbrella website’ for teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing. Supporting Success was built on the concept of making practical information readily available, resulting in the current resource-packed website. This site includes: Information & Resources Topical Bi-Monthly Updates Online Professional Development Products to Improve Student Outcomes And more..
Description: From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) updated developmental milestone checklists for infants & young children. These new milestones show skills 75% of children that age typically meet; previously, benchmarks were what 50% of children were doing. Check out the updated PEATC developmental milestone snapshot...
Description: The central “Hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities All the materials found on the CPIR Hub have been created and archived for Parent Centers around the country to help them provide support and services to the families they serve. The CPIR employs a user-centered process, gathering the perspectives of our experienced audience—Parent Center staff members and other...
Description: People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active. Although ADHD can’t be cured, it can be successfully managed and some symptoms may improve as the child ages.
Description: This page lists 10 facts about ASD. (Office of Early Childhood Development, An Office of the Administration for Children & Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
Description: Colorín Colorado is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of bilingual, research-based information, activities, and advice for educators and families of English language learners (ELLs). Colorín Colorado is an educational service of WETA, the flagship public broadcasting station in the nation's capital, and receives major funding from the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association.
Description: This brief identifies gaps in current high school curricula, suggests how high schools can modify curricula to help students attain the skills they need, and highlights practices that are particularly effective for students facing specific challenges. Available in pdf (6 pages).
Description: Your child is advancing from infancy toward and into the preschool years. During this time, his physical growth and motor development will slow, but you can expect to see some tremendous intellectual, social, and emotional changes.
Description: HealthyChildren.org is the only parenting website backed by 67?,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Whether you're looking for general information related to child health or for more specific guidance on parenting issues, you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find information regarding the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) many programs and...
Description: VCPD members collaborate to provide diverse leadership to prepare early childhood personnel to support all children (prenatal to age five) and their families in home, school, and community settings. Our vision is for Virginia to have a high-quality, coordinated, cross-sector early childhood professional development system.
Description: In January 2013, the Virginia Board of Education passed the training standards related to this bill. The document, entitled Training Standards for Paraprofessionals Assigned to Work with a Teacher Who Has Primary Oversight of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (PDF) is now available. These training standards were developed in collaboration with VCU-ACE and feedback was obtained from stakeholders throughout the Commonwealth. Because behavior management is complex, competencies to be...