
Online Training Icon Explore Highlighted Virtual Professional Development Opportunities

Co-Teaching eWorkshop & Webshop

Early Childhood Webshop

HLP Webshops

Literacy Webshops

Math & HLP Webshops

Specially Designed Instruction eWorkshop

Supporting Students who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Webshops

TechKnowledgy (Assistive Technology) Webshops

Transition Webshops

Additional professional development topics are available on Online Trainings.

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October is Disability History and Awareness Month: Videos from Youth with Disabilities and Disability History Museum
Videos from Youth with Disabilities (Partnership for People with Disabilities, VCU) - These Public Service Announcements can be used during the month of October, which is Disability History and...
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ECSE Curriculum Survey (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE) Due by Friday, November 1, 2024
Complete ECSE Curriculum Survey - Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), which includes questions about the use and implementation...
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Dyslexia Symposium at Virginia Commonwealth University, November 9, 2024, 8:30am
Please join the VCU School of Education’s Ruth Harris Professorship and the Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) at VCU on Saturday, November 9th for...
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Fall 2024 - Transition University (Online & Self-Paced) PEATC, Available October 10-December 4, 2024
Life is full of transitions. For families of children with disabilities thinking about the future can bring mixed emotions. Some families are just trying to make it through day-to-day challenges and...
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Register Now! In-Person TechKnowledgy Conference - November 18-20, 2024
2024 TechKnowledgy Conference: From Myths to Reality: Integrating Assistive Technology into Literacy and Learning in Harrisonburg, VA on the campus of James Madison University this November...
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