Independent Living

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Showing Results 101 - 137 of 137
Description: The VCU-ACE Statewide Goal Committee on Transition recognized that there are distinct domains that comprise this complex concept.  Appropriately named, “The Three T’s of Transition”, these areas are as follows:  Transition from grade-to-grade, level-to-level, teacher-to-teacher, transition to and from out-of division placement, and the transition that takes place when students leave from secondary education and embark into adulthood.    This webcast will...
Description: The Faces and Facts of Disability - Social Security is with you throughout life’s journey, touching the lives of nearly every American, often during times of personal hardship, transition, and uncertainty. Our programs serve as vital financial protection for working men and women, children, the disabled, and the elderly. For over 60 years, our disability program has remained true to its original purpose of delivering economic security against the risk of a severe disability that prevents...
Description: Local community agencies charged with providing case management, and distribution of local, state, and federal funds for services to individuals with developmental disabilities and mental health disabilities. Many CSBs and BHAs also provide direct services in employment and housing for invidividuals with behavioral and developmental disabilities. Some individuals with ASD are eligible for services based on their additional diagnoses and needs.
Description: Centers for Independent Living, often referred to as "CILs", are non-residential places of action and coalition designed and operated by people with disabilities. CILs work with individuals to promote leadership and independence as well as with local communities to remove barriers to independence. In Virginia, most CILs serve a planning district comprised of several counties. Centers for Independent Living (CILs) provide services to individuals with significant disabilities as well as to the...
Description: Healthy Transitions is a mobile app designed to help young adults with special healthcare needs build skills needed to gain independence and manage their own healthcare. The app features videos that explain how to handle real life scenarios and an interactive game to reinforce the ideas presented in the videos. The videos are categorized into four sections; healthcare, insurance, healthy lifestyles and relationships. The Healthy Transitions app is easy to use and can be downloaded for free...
Description: MASI is a comprehensive, fee-based program that provides additional intensive support services to students on the Autism Spectrum beyond typical higher education accommodations. MASI uses a team-based approach to assist students in achieving their goals in college.
Description: Many different individuals come together to help the student plan for transition. Typically, transition planning is handled by members of the IEP team, with other individuals becoming involved as needed. It’s important to involve a variety of people, for they will bring their unique perspectives to the planning table. The team draws upon the expertise of the different members and pools their information to make decisions or recommendations for the student. In addition to the regular...
Description: If you have a child with a disability, the need to plan for your future, as well as your child’s, is important and the time to plan is now! The reality is that something could happen at any moment to leave you or your child at risk. It could be your death, or a chronic or debilitating illness or catastrophic injury that impairs your ability to care for yourself and your child. These events cause emotional and often financial hardship, so why not create a plan now while you can be...
Description: Since 1979, Attainment Company has been helping people with disabilities achieve independence at school, work, home, and in the community. Attainment's print curriculum, software, apps, and videos compbine for a uniquely blended approach to accommodate individual student needs.
Description: Center on Transition Innovation (CTI) is a leader in providing resources and innovative models to support students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood. We help keep transition stakeholders updated on evidence-based practices that will assist students to reach their goals after high school. CTI's work is funded through the Virginia Department of Education. Since 2013, our team of experts has provided transition resources, professional development, and information for educators,...
Description: VDOE's Transition Services website provides support, information and resources designed to improve the outcomes of students with disabilities in transition from middle / secondary education to postsecondary education and employment.
Description: Since 1989, College Living Experience (CLE) has been providing transition supports to young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and other varying exceptionalities. Our success as the industry leader stems from our commitment to remain focused on the potential of each individual we serve. Over the years the evolution and innovation of CLE services has been based on our mission which inspires us to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional supports. The CLE team is dedicated to...
Description: Since 1991, The Horizons School has been preparing young adults (ages 18 to 26) with learning difficulties for an independent life. Our curriculum, with the community as our classroom, provides students with the skills to live and work independently. The Horizons School is located in a vibrant community where students learn in a safe, supervised setting. The school building and residence are in a quaint downtown neighborhood, which has all the amenities our students need within walking distance....
Description: New Directions helps students attend universities,?community colleges, and technical and vocational schools. The goal of New Directions is to prepare young adults to live independent lives. Our program is comprehensive and client-centered, providing an individualized plan for each client. Support is coordinated using a new multi-disciplinary clinical approach called Direction Therapy. Direction Therapy incorporates educational, vocational, independent living, health, social and recreational...
Description: The only one of its kind in the state of Virginia, the Program for Adults in Vocational Education (PAVE) is a two-year vocational training program which: Serves students with intellectual, physical, emotional, and learning disabilities. PAVE accommodates the unique learning needs of students with differing ability levels and upholds the learning environment principles of the entire community college. Provides students with tools to become independent support professionals in their field....
Description: Integrative Community Studies (ICS), also known as Beyond Academics, is a program for students with intellectual disabilities who are interested in furthering their education. Integrative Community Studies is a four-year certificate program – awarded by UNCG’s Office of the Provost –  that emphasizes self-determination, life planning, and career development. Enrolled students develop a personalized college support plan to optimize their curricular and co-curricular...
Description: Project SEARCH is based at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The administrative team oversees a large international network of Project SEARCH program sites. We maintain an active, ongoing program of technical assistance, program evaluation, program development, and continuous improvement.   The Project SEARCH Transition-to-Work Program is a unique, business-led, one-year employment preparation program that takes place entirely at the workplace. Total workplace immersion...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education has developed a document on transition, “Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Transition to Adulthood,” that includes important information on transition assessment and planning, adult services, postsecondary education, employment, home living skills, and Social Security and benefits planning.
Description: These chapters can be downloaded from WATI website's Accessing Students' Needs for Assistive Technology: Chapter 1: ASNAT Process Chapter 2: AT for Seating, Positioning and Mobility Chapter 3: AT for Communication Chapter 4: AT for Computer Access Chapter 5: AT for Writing, Including Motor Aspects Chapter 6: AT for Composition of Written Material Chapter 7: AT for Reading Chapter 8: AT for Mathematics Chapter 9: AT for Organization Chapter 10: AT for Recreation and Leisure Chapter 11: AT for...
Description: Got Transition® is the federally funded national resource center on health care transition (HCT). Its aim is to improve the transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of evidence-driven strategies for clinicians and other health care professionals; public health programs; payers and plans; youth and young adults; and parents and caregivers. Got Transition is a program of The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health and is funded through a cooperative agreement from...
Description: "Transition to adulthood" is a complex and ongoing process that starts as soon as a child is born and continues as the child becomes an adolescent, to early adult life and then through the stages of adulthood. While this process is complicated at best for any person, the individual with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) faces unique challenges that require specialized considerations. This set of guides will help the user understand these challenges and raise awareness of these important...
Description: Picture Interest Career Survey (PICS), Third Edition -  Key Feature and Benefits: Being picture-based and easy to use, this inventory is the perfect resource for individuals who might struggle with more traditional, text-based career inventories, including: Individuals with limited familiarity with English. Individuals who are developmentally delayed or have a learning disability. Individuals with limited access to education. Individuals who are chronically unemployed. Uses the RIASEC...
Description: The College Internship Program (CIP) is a private young adult transition program for individuals 18-26 with autism, ADHD, and other learning differences offering comprehensive and specialized services.  CIP’s programs uniquely address the needs of young adults with learning differences by focusing on the generalization of skills while living within a community or peers in a supported apartment living environment. Each student’s unique needs are met individually as they...
Description: The Beach Center on Disability focuses research, training, and advocacy on promoting abilities of people of all ages who experience disability, in order to assure a self-determined, goal-driven, and self-selected quality of life within communities where everyone lives. The Beach Center on Disability, one of 15 centers within Life Span Institute (LSI) at the University of Kansas (KU), is a multidisciplinary research and training center committed to making a significant and sustainable positive...
Description: Mission: NCIL advances independent living and the rights of people with disabilities. Vision: NCIL envisions a world in which people with disabilities are valued equally and participate fully. The National Council on Independent Living is the longest-running national cross-disability, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities. Founded in 1982, NCIL represents thousands of organizations and individuals including: individuals with disabilities, Centers for...
Description: The Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults With Disabilities up to 8 Years After High School: Key Findings From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 is a report that uses data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 dataset to provide a national picture of post-high school outcomes for students with disabilities. The report describes the experiences and outcomes of young adults with disabilities in postsecondary education, employment, independence, and social domains during...
Description: Teachers seeking to promote the self-determination of their students must enable them to become self-regulated problem-solvers. This article introduces a model of teaching, The Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction, incorporating principles of self-determination, which enables teachers to teach students to become causal agents in their own lives. This model was field-tested with students with disabilities. Students receiving instruction from teachers using the model attained...
Description: Do2learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills. In addition, we offer premier products including View2do, JobTIPS, and books. We believe that simply telling busy teachers, parents, and professionals what they should be doing is not enough.  Within each topic, we provide the hands-on resources needed to...
Description: A child may be found eligible for special education and related services as a child with autism if there is an adverse effect on the child's educational performance due to documented characteristics of autism spectrum disorder. Children with a medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders must be found eligible for special education and related services under IDEA before an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed. Children who are suspected of having a disability should be referred...
Description: The Transition Behavior Scale-Third Edition (TBS-3) measures a student’s readiness for transition to employment and independent living. The greatest threat to success in employment and independent living is behavior which is inappropriate for those situations. The TBS-3 provides a measure of those behavioral characteristics most predictive of behavior in society in general and employment specifically. The TBS-3 subscales measure a student’s behavior in the areas of Work Related,...
Description: The primary purpose of FACTER is to assess and teach students with moderate to severe developmental disabilities. FACTER addresses the ability to perform typical everyday "routines" while incorporating essential "related skills" for living. All people engage in a broad range of routines every day in their lives. For example, eating lunch, academic seatwork, socializing with friends, and going shopping are all naturally occurring daily routines. These routines can be task analyzed into a number...
Description: The Benefit Finder questionnaire can help you find benefits you may be eligible to receive and direct you to the agency to apply. Disaster Relief Healthcare and Medical Assistance Financial Assistance Loans
Description: Transition assessment is important to adequately addressing the "needs, preferences, and interests" of learners with disabilities who prepare to exit the educational system to become successful adults in community environments. Transition assessment is important to adequately addressing the "needs, preferences, and interests" of learners with disabilities who prepare to exit the educational system to become successful adults in community environments. ESTR Publications provides you with...
Description: The Zarrow Institute on Transition & Self-Determination at the University of Oklahoma strives to promote successful transition outcomes for all by implementing innovative research, putting findings into practice, and disseminating knowledge through high-quality products and professional development.
Description: The disAbility Law Center services include information and referral, legal representation, technical assistance, short-term assistance, systemic advocacy, monitoring and training.  Our services are provided free of charge.  We are independent from state and local government. The disAbility Law Center of Virginia’s mission is to advance independence, choice and self-determination; protect legal, human and civil rights; and eliminate abuse, neglect and discrimination of people with...
Description: The Hands on Banking® financial education program can help you learn more about money management. To get started, click the button below to find helpful resources. Together, we’ll help you and your family take charge of your financial future. After High School Banking Cars Credit and Loans Goal Setting Inversting Money Management Retirement
Description: The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. SSI payments are also made to people age 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications. Information provided: Who is Eligible for SSI? How SSI Works How to Apply for SSI Still Have More Questions about SSI?