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Showing Results 1451 - 1500 of 2903
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Creating Surveys Overview: All students love to ask questions. They also love to give their opinion on everything. This activity lets them do both, while learning some great literacy skills. Procedure: 1) Set up a survey for your students. (What is your favorite color: Red, blue, orange, or purple?) Model writing this question and possible options. Take votes from students and discuss the outcomes. a) Repeat with other common surveys (Favorite...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Create an Autobiography Overview: Students love to share their own experiences! Why not use this opportunity to practice writing? Procedure: Teachers may want to choose parts of a student’s life and have them describe each part of their life, or choose one event like a field trip or vacation. 1) The teacher must first provide a prompt a. Example: Let’s talk about what you did not your vacation, or let’s write about what you did during our field...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Creating a Commercial Overview: Do your students have shining personalities? Give them the opportunity to be a star! This is a writing activity that will get every student motivated to write. Procedure: 1) Explain to students that we will be creating our own commercials. a) Show examples of simple but descriptive commercials to your students. 2) Students will need to brainstorm different products. Encourage students to choose a product they use or...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Comic Publisher Overview: Students will use supported iPad writing applications to compose and publish writing. Procedure: 1. Download supported writing apps to iPad such as Comic Life or StoryPatch. 2. These apps will provide students with a supported framework in which to write/type and illustrate their own stories or comics. 3. Have students take pictures with the iPad camera or select pictures for built in clip art gallery to use in their...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Classroom Rules Overview: All successful classrooms have rules. Why not include your students in the process? This engaging writing activity puts the FUN in FUNctional! Procedure: 1) Explain to students that they get to help make the classroom rules. 2) Begin a brainstorming session. a) Use a think aloud strategy to model a few examples of potential rules. (“Hmm, what are some good rules that we should follow? I think that we should always walk when...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Overview: Classroom Newsletter *All students should participate in every activity. The teacher can decide which submissions to include in Fun topics + a real audience= students who are eager writers! Creating a class newsletter will accomplish this. Interests and skills such as creative writing, reporting, photography, and drawing can be showcased for friends and family. the newsletter. Procedure: 1) Plan your newsletter by creating a template that...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Character Traits Overview: Students love to listen to stories. Make each story more meaningful by incorporating comprehension techniques. This is an activity that will get your students engaged in exploring character traits. Procedure: 1) Explain to students that we will be reading a story and describing the characters. a) Inform students that character traits are how we can describe the characters. Model making a list of character traits. (happy,...
Description: Character Props Overview: Use character props as tools to enhance comprehension of characters in grade---appropriate text. Procedure: 1. Find or make inexpensive items to represent the characters in a current text. 2. Discuss with students why each prop was chosen for the character it represents. 3. When reading with students, refer to the prop when it comes up in the story. 4. When reading aloud, give each student a prop to raise in the air when the corresponding character is mentioned....
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Build--A--Story Overview: Do you like to build things or use your hands in learning? This activity uses the kinesthetic/tactile learning style and engages students in learning writing that is sure to captivate all students. Procedure: 1) Allow students to choose topic to write about or give students a writing prompt/topic. 2) Provide words on index cards/magnets. These words can be familiar words, or words related to a topic they are learning about...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Bulletin Board Overview: This activity creates a hands---on message board or newsfeed similar to those used in popular online forums. Students are given the opportunity to practice their writing skills by posting their responses to questions or statements proposed by the teacher. Procedure: 1. A question or statement is posted on the board. a. “What’s your favorite movie and why?”, “Who’s going to win the Super Bowl?”, “Name the 5 coolest animals.”...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Animal Research Overview: Everyone has a favorite animal. Why not let your students research their favorite animal? This activity will be fun and engaging for students of all ages. Procedure: 1) Explain to students that they will be spending time learning about their favorite animal. Model by telling the students your favorite animal. 2) Give students time to think about their favorite animal. Write down each student’s favorite animal to reference....
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Advertisement Overview: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Your students have ideas; let them shout those ideas out loud... with advertisements! Procedure: 1. Explain to students that they will be making advertisement posters and advertisements to advertise a specific aspect of the school (i.e. advertise the new menu item in the cafeteria, the new sports equipment in the gym, a new staff member, a pep rally or dance, an activity that can be completed at school,...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Acrostic Poems Overview: Maybe your student is a poet and you don’t even know it. Any student can write poetry with this easy---to---follow lesson! Procedure: 1. Choose one word that best represents what your students have been recently studying. This will be your keyword. (For example, if my students were studying outer space I might choose the word “planets.”) 2. Write your keyword vertically down the left---hand side of a large piece of paper or...
Description: Harness the power of High Leverage Practices (HLPs) for Special Education to boost your inclusive practices in the area of student involvement in IEP goal development! The Ready, Set, Go Team in coordination with TTAC @ GMU has offered 4, 1-hour virtual community of practices for general education teachers and special education teachers who serve students pre-K-12 during the 20-21 school year.   Educators who participate in this webshop will have an opportunity to view...
Description: VCU-ACE has resources for families about raising and supporting young children with ASD. They also have resources for educators and providers as they learn more about ASD and how to use evidence-based practices. For Parents: Raising a child diagnosed with ASD can be confusing and overwhelming. Many times, parents and family members struggle to understand the diagnosis, how to support their child's success, and how to problem-solve through challenges. Information from our seminars, webcasts, and...
Description: All young children (Birth to 5) with and without disabilities have the right to experience settings, relationships, and interactions that will support and futher their development and learning. This infographic from VCPD helps families to understand the importance and value of inclusion in early childhood.
Description: This special video explains the relationship between the High-Leverage Practices (HLPs) for special education and Evidence-Based Practices (EPBs). There are a range of sources for content in this video including the IRIS Center, the What Works Clearinghouse, the Council for Exceptional Children, and peer-reviewed journal articles included in the reference list. This video is split into two parts. In part 1, we discuss how High-Leverage Practices which we refer to as HLPs and Evidence-Based...
Description: In every classroom, every home with every kid, helping to manage hard-to-have feelings and challenging behaviors; resulting in happier, better-adjusted people everywhere.
Description: Celebrate differences and disability awareness in your school. Picture book readings for young children celebrate differences and the importance of including everyone. Videos for older students highlight how people turned their experiences with isolation into inclusive opportunities. These resources encourage inclusive practices that make everyone at school feel welcome.
Description: Ready Now Math are a group of independent, small developers creating innovative math software, games and digital learning tools. All of our tools have received some level of federal funding, and are based on research, with documented effectiveness. Most importantly, our products are Ready Now to be deployed at scale to improve math learning for all ages Tools you can use now Math games, websites and comprehensive learning software you can immediately integrate into instruction. Each of these...
Description: HLP 14 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: Supporting Students With Complex Learning Needs in Virtual and Remote Learning Environments - The purpose of this document is to help families identify ways they can work with educators to provide instruction and support to students with complex needs. Family-school collaboration is critical to remote learning.  
Description: TThe Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) offered a three-part learning series titled, Providing Remote Instruction for Preschoolers with Disabilities: Coaching Parents and Building Partnerships.  It was targeted to early childhood and early childhood special education teachers, but would also be appropriate for administrators, related service personnel, and anyone else who may partner with families and implement coaching strategies to support learning. The series was led by...
Description: Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Reflection Guide offers a set of reflection questions that make self­ appraisal, goal setting, and critical conversations across the eight competencies more concrete. We also share research evidence that describes the benefits of culturally responsive teaching. Now is the time to revamp efforts to foster a culturally responsive teacher workforce. We hope this resource enables teachers and those who support them to promote rigorous and relevant learning...
Description: The Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) guarantees a free appropriate public education to all eligible children with disabilities. Refer to Evaluation & Eligibility for more information. The steps in the special education process include: Identification and referral Evaluation Determination of eligibility Development of an individualized education program (IEP) and determination of services Reevaluation There are timelines schools must follow for each step. Timelines...
Description: CLS provides SEL lessons for students K-12 that focus on mindset, self-awareness, and emotional regulation.
Description: The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.  Developmentally Appropriate Approaches to Literacy: Books Articles Blog Classrooom Favorites: Articles To Share with Families Articles Most Recent Articles
Description: It’s fascinating to watch young children learn about their world and develop new skills. And, it’s natural to find variation in the pace of development of different skills. The information and resources in this section will help parents and educators understand and support preschool-aged children's development. Early Literacy Early Math Early Childhood Resource Locator
Description: Research shows that engaging families in education is critical not only to a child’s success, but to the entire family’s economic and social well-being. The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) promotes family education solutions across three approaches by engaging families, educators, administrators, and advocates to drive results and ultimately reduce education inequities. Our work supports multigenerational learning for families from early childhood through adult...
Description: These podcasts are designed so EI practitioners like you can easily listen between visits or on breaks during your busy day. Each episode focuses on an important topic that is discussed by two experienced EI professional development specialists who have also been service coordinators, service providers, and parents of children enrolled in EI. Listen often to learn, reflect on your practices, and hear a few tips to do the work you do well even better. These podcasts are a collaborative effort of...
Description: Parents can obtain ID cards for their children under age 15 at any DMV customer service center. The cost of a child ID card is $2 per year (minimum $10; maximum $16). In addition to serving as an identity document, the child’s photograph is stored in DMV’s database. If the child becomes missing, DMV can retrieve the image from the database and transmit it to law enforcement anywhere in the U.S. Child ID cards will expire on the last day of the customer’s month of birth in a...
Description: The National Child ID Program has distributed over 70 million inkless in-home child id kits since its founding following Amber Hagerman’s disappearance in 1997. These inkless kits do not enter a database and a stored at home by parents, providing them with a gift of safety they hopefully never have to use. The kits take two minutes to complete and allow parents to safely store in their own home the vast majority of their child’s vital information should law enforcement ever need it...
Description: The National Early Literacy Panel looked at studies of early literacy and found that there are many things that parents and preschools can do to improve the literacy development of their young children and that different approaches influence the development of a different pattern of essential skills. Identification of the domain of early literacy skills Six early skills predictive of later literacy achievement Five early skills moderately predictive of later literacy achievement Instructional...
Description: The use of student assessment data for decision making is a key high leverage practice because it helps guide teachers and other professionals to analyze instructional practices and make necessary adjustments that improve student outcomes. Collecting data in isolation, without using that data to make instructional decisions about student programs, is not a good use of a teacher’s time. Researchers have demonstrated that when teachers utilize data to make instructional decisions, student...
Description: The International Dyslexia Association’s fact sheets are convenient, professionally reviewed materials designed to improve understanding and support advocacy initiatives. Fact sheets are frequently used to enrich and supplement IEP meetings, school board discussions, and district policy initiatives. Some of these fact sheets are available in Spanish.
Description: HLP 11 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: HLP 12 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: HLP 13 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: HLP 16 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: Training for Suicide Risk Assessment Teams or School-Based Mental Health Providers Brought to you by the Office of Student Services, VDOE Part 1: Prevention Part 2: Intervention Part 3: Postvention Suicide Prevention in the Virtual Setting  Presented by: Ben Fernandez, Loudoun County Public Schools Part 1: Prevention Part 2: Intervention
Description: The Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is one of 67 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and is a member of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), a network of interdisciplinary centers advancing policy and practice for individuals with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and communities through research, education, and service. Their resource section includes: Advocacy Resources Diagnostic Centers Family and...
Description: Presented by Dr. Jennifer Catalano: Dr. Jennifer Catalano is the director of the Master’s in Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing program and an assistant professor at Flagler College. She worked as a research assistant with the Center on Literacy and Deafness (CLAD) for five years developing and implementing literacy interventions for K-2 DHH students. The ECV-DHH presentation will give participants the tools to provide DHH children repeated exposures and...
Description: Reading models Since the purpose of reading is to understand what we read, it is necessary to teach reading comprehension skills. However, it is important to recognize that decoding is a precursor skill to understanding. Decoding/word recognition is the ability to accurately and quickly read the words on a page and it plays a critical role in reading comprehension. When a child struggles with decoding, fluency is decreased, accuracy is compromised, errors occur, and the energy needed for...
Description: Teaching with Accessible Math - This focuses on tools  for making math notation more accessible to learners through the use of text-to-speech, handwriting and speech recognition and other supports. EquatIO Microsoft OneNote Math Assistant MathType Desmos
Description: The National Center on Accessible Educational Materials for Learning at CAST provides technical assistance, coaching, and resources to increase the availability and use of accessible educational materials and technologies for learners with disabilities across the lifespan. Access to Remote Learning Learn about Accessibility Practices Personalize the Reading Experience Personalize the Writing Experience Make Math Notation Accessible Create Accessible Documents Create High Quality and Accessible...
Title: Mathshare
Description: Mathshare - Mathshare is a free, open source tool developed by Benetech, a nonprofit that empowers communities with software for social good. Mathshare’s mission is to make math accessible for all students. Mathshare is free for schools to use and for learning management systems to integrate into their platforms.
Description: (K-8, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) These resources are provided to support teachers in implementing the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning in their classrooms.  Teachers are encouraged to not only use these tasks with their students, but also to endeavor to implement them with fidelity by utilizing the detailed information provided in the task implementation templates. Planning for Remote Implementation of Rich Mathematical Tasks guidance document is attached and...
Description: Figuring out what's going on with your child can feel overwhelming. That's why we're here to help. Introducing Take N.O.T.E., a simple step-by-step tool to help you figure out if the struggles you’re seeing might be signs of a learning and thinking difference. N- Notice O- Observe T- Talk E- Engage
Description: Supporting Virtual Learning - Virtual learning is an instructional practice that uses digital technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience and improve educational outcomes. While virtual learning utilizes digital technology, it relies on teacher facilitation to help students apply their learning in meaningful ways. The teacher utilizes a learning management system (LMS) and a variety of digital tools and practices, including instructional content, rich-media, interactions...
Description: Personal connection and relationships are critical in being a responsive educator and as a gateway to engagement in learning. This will prove more difficult with distance learning or other modifications you may be making this year. This template includes a structure and sample questions for one-on-one chats to begin to build those connections. The primary purpose of the chat is to hear about your student’s experience and perspective so that you can know them as an individual, be responsive...