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Showing Results 1401 - 1450 of 2903
Title: Song Lyrics
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Song Lyrics Overview: Everyone loves music. Give your students an opportunity to become songwriters. This activity allows for structured creativity, giving students the freedom they desire within parameters you control. Procedure: 1) Explain to the students that they will be writing the lyrics to their very own song. a) Students can make up their own melody or choose one that they like. Hit songs usually have instrumental versions that are used for...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Sing Song Read Aloud Overview: Ever have a song stuck in your head that you just love to sing! Well, use that song to learn reading! Procedure: 1) A song should be chosen for the student that they enjoy. Either choose the song based on hearing them listen to it in the past, or play some songs and see what they enjoy. Consider songs with a repetitive phrase. 2) A verse or entire song is written down for a student to read. 3) The song is played and...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Sentence Mash Up Overview: Sentence Mash Up is fun way to create simple sentences, and can be easily adapted for a wide range of skills and grade levels. Procedure: 1. Attach small Velcro dots (female side) to all sides of two lightweight cubes. 2. Cut twelve cardstock cards a bit smaller than the sides of the cubes. 3. From a current text, write six sentences and divide them into six nouns (words or phrases) and six verbs (words and phrases) on...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Shopping List Sort Overview: This functional activity provides meaningful and relevant reading instruction as related to ASOL goals. Procedure: Students are given a mixed list of shopping vocabulary words on flash cards. They are asked to read the words and then sort into two categories: food items and non-food items. ASOL Covered in this Activity: 3E-RW 3a: The student will sort words into familiar categories. Extension Ideas: • Students may sort...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Recipe Sequencing Overview: Students participate in a cooking activity that requires following a three--- step recipe. Procedure: 1. Provide students with an illustrated recipe and the materials needed for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 2. Go through the steps of the recipe with the students, being explicit with the descriptive sequence word for each step as you assemble the sandwich: “First” Place bread on plate. “Next” spread peanut...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 “Read, Build, & Write” Overview: This activity can be turned into a classroom language arts activity that is used during a specific or routine time period. It may require multiple opportunities to complete the activity in order for it to develop into a semi---directed or independent activity. It can be differentiated in order to apply to various types of student needs and abilities. Additionally, this activity is flexible and the teacher can decide...
Title: Read to Cook
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Read to Cook Overview: Food is always a motivation, so why not use it for instruction? In this activity, students use cooking to learn reading. Procedure: 1) Explain to students that you will be cooking a recipe in class together and enjoying it when finished. 2) Have students brainstorm favorite foods together and create a list together. 3) Have students vote for their favorite recipe to make. (or two if working in different groups) 4) You will...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Picture Sequence Overview: Do you like movies? Well you will love this activity that teaches reading through story boarding, just like the real movie makers! Procedure: 1) The teacher chooses a familiar story (nursery rhyme, fairy tale, etc.) and creates pictures by scanning or locating pictures on the computer to represent the main events of the story. Paired captions/text with each pictured event. 2) The teacher reads aloud the story with the...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Personal Dictionary Overview: Like a word wall, a personal dictionary gives a student an individualized reference resource. The difference between a word wall and a personal dictionary is that in a personal dictionary, students not only have access to the word itself, but to a definition of the word as well. Sample personal dictionary pages are included at the end of this activity. Procedure: A personal dictionary can be made using a 3 ring binder...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 “Paper Bag Story” Overview: This activity can be used to engage individual students during a whole group class reading and story time. It allows students to actively listen and participate in identifying characters, setting, and details relating to a fictional story. The activity can be differentiated so that it can be used with a wide variety of ability levels. Procedure: The teacher should choose a fictional text to read. Choose a text that...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Name That Feeling! Overview: Students participate in a game show like activity, identifying feelings/emotions being experienced by literary characters. Procedure: 1. Develop illustrated cards depicting different types of emotions (Happy, Sad, Anxious for example.) 2. Review each of the cards with students, describing links to student experiences that might make them feel that way and characteristics you might observe of someone else feeling an...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Letter Writing Overview: Dear Teacher, Learning how to write a letter will open so many doors for me. Besides being a very functional way for me to communicate with others, it will also allow me a way to express my opinions and make/keep in touch with friends. Please consider using this activity to teach me these skills. Sincerely, A. Student Procedure: 1. Discuss the elements of the various types of letters. a. Introduction, Formal, Complaint,...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Identifying Main Ideas and Recognizing Written Words Overview: This activity is designed for students to conclude the central topic or main idea from written information through focused instruction on key words and picture cues. Procedure: Read a poem or story to the class to talk about the main idea. Explain “main idea” by describing the main idea in the text read. Work with students one---on---one, or in small groups, reading the poem or story...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Hide and Seek Overview: Students will identify and use spatial words to locate objects. Procedure: 1. Prepare a set of cards using spatial words you would like your students to learn (above, below, under, beside, behind, etc.) Demonstrate what these words mean by either using your own body in different positions, or an object that you can move around. 2. Tell students that you will be playing hide and seek game in class today. Ask for a volunteer...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 High Frequency Words Overview: Using word walls, word banks and labels of common objects provides opportunities for students to build sight word vocabulary necessary for reading and writing. Procedure: Using sight word cards labeled with high frequency words place one word at a time in front of the student saying the word. Using alphabet stamps have students stamp the words as you say each letter name. Cover the word and have the student stamp the...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Fill--in--the--Blank Overview: Do your students have a favorite book or story that you read over and over? Why not give the story a makeover? This is an easy activity for all levels that allows for creativity within parameters that you control. Procedure: 1. Choose a story or passage a. From a recent text read in class (Guided Reading Book) b. Have the class vote on which story to use (HS--C1f (SOL 1.10)) c. Create one yourself 2. Delete key...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Fly Swatter Words Overview: Students will practice reading sight words in an activity that is fun and engaging. Procedure: The teacher will project a list of sight words (between 10-20 words) onto a white screen. Each student will be provided with a plastic fly swatter to “catch” the words. The teacher will state one of the words aloud and the student will be asked to touch the word with the swatter on the white screen. Each time that the student...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Facebook through History Overview: Using historical figures, students create imaginary Facebook pages with profiles, timelines, friends, photos, status updates, and conversations. Procedure: 1. Discuss Facebook with students and show sample pages. 2. Each student chooses a historical figure from a nonfiction text. 3. Have 2---3 Facebook---style templates both on student computers and paper, individualized with more or less complexity and levels of...
Title: Echo Reading
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Echo Reading Overview: Echo Reading is a strategy to use during guided reading where the teacher or other trained adult reads a line in a text and the child reads it back matching the adult’s emphasis and fluency. Procedure: Using a book from Tarheel Reader (http://tarheelreader.org) or another book that has been read with the students prior to this activity, the teacher and students read the book together. The teacher reads aloud a line of text...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts Overview: Comprehension of fictional texts can be achieved using a variety of picture books, e---books and printable books. Starting with one particular book will allow for multiple concepts to be assessed including retelling, identifying characters and setting, answering “wh” questions. Procedure: Below are examples of using the book The Jacket I Wear in the Snow by Shirley Neitzel to address a variety...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Character Traits Overview: Students love to listen to stories. Make each story more meaningful by incorporating comprehension techniques. This is an activity that will get your students engaged in exploring character traits. Procedure: 1) Explain to students that we will be reading a story and describing the characters. a) Inform students that character traits are how we can describe the characters. Model making a list of character traits. (happy,...
Description: Character Props Overview: Use character props as tools to enhance comprehension of characters in grade---appropriate text. Procedure: 1. Find or make inexpensive items to represent the characters in a current text. 2. Discuss with students why each prop was chosen for the character it represents. 3. When reading with students, refer to the prop when it comes up in the story. 4. When reading aloud, give each student a prop to raise in the air when the corresponding character is mentioned....
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Character Study Overview: Students will use reading skills to learn about one character in a teacher or student selected text. Procedure: The teacher will read the class a fictional text. The story may be repeated, or chunked into different sections as necessary to support student success. Each student will be assigned one character to complete a “character study.” To complete the character study, the student will produce a picture of the...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Bulletin Board Overview: This activity creates a hands---on message board or newsfeed similar to those used in popular online forums. Students are given the opportunity to practice their writing skills by posting their responses to questions or statements proposed by the teacher. Procedure: 1. A question or statement is posted on the board. a. “What’s your favorite movie and why?”, “Who’s going to win the Super Bowl?”, “Name the 5 coolest animals.”...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Building Words Overview: Building Words is an activity that allows students with beginning reading skills to become more fluent in their decoding skills. Procedure: This activity is to be completed using a current word study list. ? The teacher will read the words to the reading group, and the students will read it back to the group. ? After reading the words, the students will be given an assortment of letter tiles. Letter tiles given will be...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Billboard’s Top 10 Songs Overview: Music lyrics are packed with figures of speech including figurative language such as alliteration, similes, metaphors and idioms. Procedure: 1. Prepare for the activity by choosing a few of your students’ favorite current songs or search for songs on the internet that have examples of alliteration, similes, metaphors and idioms 2. Copy the lyrics off of the Internet and paste into a word document. 3. Before...
Title: Animal Study
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Animal Study Overview: Animal Study is an activity that teaches students comprehension strategies. Procedure: This activity is to be during an animal or other nonfiction unit ? Introduce a new book about animals. This can either be a whole group activity in which the group reads the same book, or an individual activity in which students work one-on- one with the teacher to study individual books. ? Use various strategies to introduce the book and...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 Around the World Overview: Around the World is an activity that allows students to learn how they relate to stories that come from outside of the U.S. Procedure: From a subject/topic either chosen or given to them, students must find a fiction story/poem/song/etc. from a different country about the subject or topic. They are to find and research as much about that subject/topic as required by a rubric created by the teacher. Students may use any...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, November 2017 “ About Me: My Feelings Book” Overview: This activity provides an opportunity for individual students to identify emotions, their personal definition of various emotions, and to express themselves through reading and writing. There are many ways to differentiate this activity for students at varying ability levels in language and development. Procedure: Students will create a personal book about their feelings and emotions. The teacher will choose...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Writing a Book Overview: Is your classroom library lacking style & pizazz…and books? Here is an activity that not only offers opportunities for students to practice writing, but also helps stock your classroom library with high interest texts. This activity can be done in groups or individually. Procedure: 1. Choose a recently explored book to show to your students, pointing out the different components of the book. 2. Choose a topic (or have your...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Write to a Famous American Overview: Students practice the writing process by writing a letter to a famous American while learning information that relates to that American. Procedure: Students choose a famous American that connects to what they have been learning in History lessons. Students write a letter to that American, describing their feelings or thoughts of specific events, circumstances, and/or contributions related to that American. The...
Title: Who Am I?
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Who Am I? Overview: This activity encourages students to practice making predictions and write about how they would feel to be another person. Procedure: Students are asked to put themselves in the shoes of a famous person. When choosing/writing descriptions of famous people, try to connect it to something the students are learning or will be learning in history or science. Please note that this could be completed individually, in a small group, or...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 What I Want to Be Overview: This lesson allows students to research different occupations and to write about occupations in which they are interested. Procedure: 1. Start a discussion among the students about different occupations. (To make things fun, wear an occupation related hat or item before discussion. See if students notice what you are wearing and initiate communication. This would be a great “hook” to start the lesson!) a. Allow each...
Title: Story Jar
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Story Jar Overview: Coming up with interesting writing topics can be difficult for students. This activity ensures that your students will have an unlimited source of inspiration. Procedure: 1) Get three jars or other containers and fill each with writing prompts written on index cards. Include a variety of interesting prompts. a) The first jar is labeled “WHO” and filled with prompts (examples: my mom, the principal, George Washington, an...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Speech Bubbles Overview: This is a fun activity that allows for creativity! It can be easily differentiated, as students at any developmental stage of writing can participate. Procedure: Allow students to select a photograph or illustration. Present each student with a thought bubble/speech bubble. Ask students to think about what the subject of the picture is saying or thinking and then write it in the speech bubble. Attach the bubble to the...
Title: Song Lyrics
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Song Lyrics Overview: Everyone loves music. Give your students an opportunity to become songwriters. This activity allows for structured creativity, giving students the freedom they desire within parameters you control. Procedure: 1) Explain to the students that they will be writing the lyrics to their very own song. a) Students can make up their own melody or choose one that they like. Hit songs usually have instrumental versions that are used for...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Shopping List Overview: Does your class participate in cooking activities? Why not include your students in the shopping experience? This writing activity will get students motivated and involved. Procedure: 1) Explain to students that we will spend time cooking in class and you would like their input on some easy items to make. 2) Begin a brainstorming session. a) Use a think aloud strategy to model a few examples of potential recipes. (“Hmm, what...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Sentence Mash Up Overview: Sentence Mash Up is fun way to create simple sentences, and can be easily adapted for a wide range of skills and grade levels. Procedure: 1. Attach small Velcro dots (female side) to all sides of two lightweight cubes. 2. Cut twelve cardstock cards a bit smaller than the sides of the cubes. 3. From a current text, write six sentences and divide them into six nouns (words or phrases) and six verbs (words and phrases) on the...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Sensory Poems Overview: What do the five senses and poetry have in common? Give up? The answer is this activity! Procedure: 1) If you have not already done so, teach your students about the five senses. Give students plenty of opportunities to experience items with the senses and describe them. 2) Model writing a sensory poem for your students. Examples: 3) Involve all students in a group writing session where students provide ideas and the teacher...
Title: Predicting
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Predicting Overview: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the best predictor of them all? This lesson teaches students how to make predictions about a text and will have them looking into the future in no time! Procedure: 1. Allow students to choose a book related to the current topic of study. 2. Prior to reading the book, skim through a couple of pages in the book, showing students the pictures, and thinking out loud about what the pictures may...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 T emplate and Multiple Choice Writing Overview: Providing a template and multiple choice options can allow students who cannot write with a pencil and/or have significant language difficulties, including spoken, read and written, to participate in writing activities and to express their thoughts. Procedure: Create a template for the writing assignment. The template can be highly structured or loosely structured (See attached example templates)....
Title: Mock Trial
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Mock Trial Overview: This lesson allows students to form their own opinions about a scenario court case and support those opinions through the writing process. Students have the chance to act out a court trial as a fun way to present their writing. Procedure: Read a scenario that includes evidence and a suspect(s) of an event (this scenario could be based on a real trial that is appropriate for school or the teacher could write a meaningful scenario...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Letter Writing Overview: Dear Teacher, Learning how to write a letter will open so many doors for me. Besides being a very functional way for me to communicate with others, it will also allow me a way to express my opinions and make/keep in touch with friends. Please consider using this activity to teach me these skills. Procedure: 1. Discuss the elements of the various types of letters. Sincerely, A. Student a. Introduction, Formal, Complaint,...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Fill--in--the--Blank Overview: Do your students have a favorite book or story that you read over and over? Why not give the story a makeover? This is an easy activity for all levels that allows for creativity within parameters that you control. Procedure: 1. Choose a story or passage a. From a recent text read in class (Guided Reading Book) b. Have the class vote on which story to use (HS--C1f (SOL 1.10)) c. Create one yourself 2. Delete key...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 High Frequency Words Overview: Using word walls, word banks and labels of common objects provides opportunities for students to build sight word vocabulary necessary for reading and writing. Procedure: Using sight word cards labeled with high frequency words place one word at a time in front of the student saying the word. Using alphabet stamps have students stamp the words as you say each letter name. Cover the word and have the student stamp the...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 “About Me: My Feelings Book” Overview: This activity provides an opportunity for individual students to identify emotions, their personal definition of various emotions, and to express themselves through reading and writing. There are many ways to differentiate this activity for students at varying ability levels in language and development. Procedure: Students will create a personal book about their feelings and emotions. The teacher will choose a...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January Facebook through History Overview: Using historical figures, students create imaginary Facebook pages with profiles, timelines, friends, photos, status updates, and conversations. Procedure: 1. Discuss Facebook with students and show sample pages. 2. Each student chooses a historical figure from a nonfiction text. 3. Have 2---3 Facebook---style templates both on student computers and paper, individualized with more or less complexity and levels of...
Title: Diamond Poem
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Diamond Poem Overview: Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but this fun activity will ensure that diamond poetry is your students’ best friend! Procedure: 1. Explain to students that they will be composing a poem that is in the shape of a diamond. Show students examples of diamonds. 2. Show the students an example of a diamond poem and explain that the first, fourth, and seven lines are composed of nouns, the second and sixth lines have...
Title: Epilogue
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 Epilogue Overview: Are you searching for a fresh and interesting writing prompt for your students? The answer may lie within the pages of their favorite story. Procedure: 1) Tell students that they are going to have an opportunity to add on to one of their favorite stories. 2) Model the concept to your students by reading a popular story. Close the book and using a think---aloud strategy, write about what happened to the characters after the story...
Description: Virginia Department of Education, January 2018 The Declaration of Punctuation Overview: Students practice the proper use of punctuation by writing their own “Declaration of Independence” while learning about an important American document. Procedure: The teacher discusses how the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and how he used punctuation when writing this important document. The teacher should also discuss how America declared its independence from Great Britain....