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Showing Results 1301 - 1350 of 2903
Description: Writing Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 5 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: WRITING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK GRADE 5 Writing Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 5 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD 5E-WP1 REPORTING CATEGORY: COMPOSE CONTENT: WRITING 5E-WP1 The student will a) select a topic and use drawing, dictating, or writing to compose a message with one fact about the topic; b)...
Description: English: Writing Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkGRADE 5 StaNDARD 5e-wp1REPORTING CATEGORY: composecontent: writing5E-WP1The student willa)select a topic and use drawing, dictating, or writing to compose a message with one fact about the topic;b)select an event or personal experience and use drawing, writing, or dictating to compose a message about it;c)add more information to own drawing, dictating or writing to strengthen the message.UNDERSTANDING THE STANDARD(Teacher...
Description: Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework High School Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: READING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK High School Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework High School Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD HSE-RW1 REPORTING CATEGORY: WORD ANALYSIS CONTENT: READING HSE-RW1 The student will a) determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including common...
Description: English: Reading Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkHigh School StaNDARD hse-rw1REPORTING CATEGORY: wORD aNALYSIScontent: ReadingHSE-RW1 The student willa)determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including common analogies and figures of speech;b)determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in informational text including figurative language;c)determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words by using...
Description: Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 8 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: READING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK GRADE 8 Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 8 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD 8E-RW1 REPORTING CATEGORY: WORD ANALYSIS CONTENT: READING 8E-RW1 The student will a) determine meanings of words and phrases in literature including figurative language; b) demonstrate...
Description: English: Reading Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkGRADE 8 StaNDARD 8e-rw1REPORTING CATEGORY: wORD aNALYSIScontent: Reading8E-RW1The student willa)determine meanings of words and phrases in literature including figurative language;b)demonstrate knowledge of new vocabulary drawn from reading and other content areas;c)seek clarification and meaning support when unfamiliar words are encountered while reading by using word reference materials;d) demonstrate an understanding of word...
Description: Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 7 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: READING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK GRADE 7 Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 7 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD 7E-RW1 REPORTING CATEGORY: WORD ANALYSIS CONTENT: READING 7E-RW1 The student will a) use rhyme and other repetitions of words or sounds (e.g., alliteration) to support understanding of a...
Description: English: Reading Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkGRADE 7 StaNDARD 7e-rw1REPORTING CATEGORY: wORD aNALYSIScontent: Reading7E-RW1The student willa)use rhyme and other repetitions of words or sounds (e.g., alliteration) to support understanding of a poem or a section of a story or drama;b)determine the meaning of words and phrases;c)use context clues to determine the meaning of vocabulary words drawn from reading and other content areas;d) seek clarification and meaning support...
Description: Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 6 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: READING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK GRADE 6 Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 6 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD 6E-RW1 REPORTING CATEGORY: WORD ANALYSIS CONTENT: READING 6E-RW1 The student will a) determine the meaning of simple idioms and figures of speech as they are used in a text; b) use...
Description: Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 5 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: READING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK GRADE 5 Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 5 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD 5E-RW1 REPORTING CATEGORY: WORD ANALYSIS CONTENT: READING 5E-RW1 The student will a) after listening to or reading a familiar text, determine the meanings of words and phrases; b) apply...
Description: English: Reading Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkGRADE 6 StaNDARD 6e-rw1REPORTING CATEGORY: wORD aNALYSIScontent: Reading6E-RW1The student willa)determine the meaning of simple idioms and figures of speech as they are used in a text;b)use context clues to determine the meaning of vocabulary words drawn from reading and other content areas;c)seek clarification and meaning support when unfamiliar words are encountered while reading by using word reference materials;d) demonstrate...
Description: Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 4 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: READING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK GRADE 4 Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 4 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD 4E-RW1 REPORTING CATEGORY: WORD ANALYSIS CONTENT: READING 4E-RW1 The student will a) apply letter-sound knowledge by using first letter plus context to identify unfamiliar words; b)...
Description: English: Reading Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkGRADE 5 StaNDARD 5e-rw1REPORTING CATEGORY: wORD aNALYSIScontent: Reading5E-RW1The student willa)after listening to or reading a familiar text, determine the meanings of words and phrases;b)apply phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words by decoding two-syllable words;c)read more than 20 common high-frequency words;d) use context clues to determine the meaning of vocabulary words drawn from reading and other content...
Description: Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 3 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 1 ENGLISH: READING ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK GRADE 3 Reading Aligned Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework GRADE 3 Linked to 2010 English Standards of Learning 2 STANDARD 3E-RW1 REPORTING CATEGORY: WORD ANALYSIS CONTENT: READING 3E-RW1 The student will a) indicate the number of syllables in a spoken word; b) apply letter name and letter-sound knowledge...
Description: English: Reading Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkGRADE 4 StaNDARD 4E-RW1REPORTING CATEGORY: wORD aNALYSIScontent: Reading4E-RW1The student willa)apply letter-sound knowledge by using first letter plus context to identify unfamiliar words;b)decode single-syllable words with common spelling patterns (consonant-vowel-consonant [CVC] or high-frequency rhymes);c)use newly acquired vocabulary drawn from reading and other content areas;d)demonstrate understanding of...
Description: English: Reading Aligned Standards of LearningCurriculum FrameworkGRADE 3 StaNDARD 3E-RW1REPORTING CATEGORY: wORD aNALYSIScontent: Reading3E-RW1The student willa)indicate the number of syllables in a spoken word;b)apply letter name and letter-sound knowledge when decoding words;c)apply letter-sound and word analysis skills in decoding words by identifying 18 or more letter-sound associations in context;d)identify the beginning sound of familiar words beginning with a single consonant...
Description: Instructional Priorities Planning Sheet Revised-June 14 Student: __________________________ Grade: ___________________ Name of Person:___________________ Position/Role: ___________________ Directions: Review the following Aligned Standards of Learning academic subject areas. For EACH subject area select the top instructional priorities for the target student throughout the school year. Use the present level of performance as well as other documents to determine what is appropriate for each...
Description: Student: __________________________Grade: ___________________Name of Person:___________________Position/Role: ___________________Directions: Review the following Aligned Standards of Learning academic subject areas. For EACH subject area select the top instructional priorities for the target student throughout the school year. Use the present level of performance as well as other documents to determine what is appropriate for each individual student.English:...
Description: DOMAIN: SELF-DETERMINATION SKILLS Student: _____________________ School Year: __________________ Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) Choice-Making Makes choices regarding supports, accommodations, and activities. Decision Making Makes meaningful decisions related to academic and leisure activities....
Description: Skills Assessment/Planning Guide Adapted from: Self-Determination Training and Technical Assistance Centers Project- UNC Charlotte Self-Determination Skills 1 DOMAIN: SELF-DETERMINATION SKILLS Student: _____________________ School Year: __________________ Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) 1....
Description: Skills Assessment/Planning Guide Vocational Skills 1 DOMAIN: VOCATIONAL SKILLS Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) Career Awareness Skills 1. Identifies rewards of working (i.e., personal values, wages, personal and social relationships) 2. Relates career goals to personal goals 3. Identifies economic...
Description: DOMAIN: VOCATIONAL SKILLS Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) Career Awareness Skills Identifies rewards of working (i.e., personal values, wages, personal and social relationships) Relates career goals to personal goals Identifies economic reasons for working at a job. Ident ifies positive/negative...
Description: Skills Assessment/Planning Guide DOMAIN: SOCIAL SKILLS Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) Self-awareness Skills 1. Reacts appropriately to environmental stimulation 2. Demonstrates appropriate responses to emotions 3. Adapts to changes in routine/ environment 4. Demonstrates ability to deal with...
Description: DOMAIN: SOCIAL SKILLS Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded acad emic components) Self-awareness Skills Reacts appropriately to environmental stimulation Demonstrates appropriate responses to emotions Adapts to changes in routine/ environment Demonstrates ability to deal with stress Demonstrates knowledge of personal...
Description: Skills Assessment/Planning Guide DOMAIN: Home Living Skills Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) House Keeping Skills 1. Disposes of garbage 2. Cleans floors 3. Dusts Furniture 4. Clears couches, chairs, tables, of trash and/or magazines 5. Returns items to proper storage area 6. Cleans windows and...
Description: DOMAIN: Home Living Skills Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) House Keeping Skills Disposes of garbage Cleans floors Dusts Furniture Clears couches, chairs, tables, of trash and/or magazines Returns items to proper storage area Cleans windows and mirrors C leans bedroom Cleans bathroom Hangs clean...
Description: Skills Assessment/Planning Guide DOMAIN: COMMUNITY ACCESS SKILLS Community Mobility Skills Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) 1. Understands how to tolerate different situations in the community (i.e tolerates change in routine, functions appropriately in a variety of settings and situations) 2....
Description: DOMAIN: COMMUNITY ACCESS SKILLS Community Mobility Skills Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note : not all skills have embedded academic components) Understands how to tolerate different situations in the community (i.e tolerates change in routine, functions appropriately in a variety of settings and situations) Negotiates a variety of environ ments...
Description: Skills Assessment/Planning Guide DOMAIN: SELF-MANAGEMENT Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) Eating Skills 1. Drinks 2. Chews/swallows 3. Eats finger foods 4. Uses table utensils Dressing Skills 5. Identifies clean vs. soiled clothing 6. Selects/wears appropriate clothing/accessories 7. Puts on/takes...
Description: DOMAIN: SELF-MANAGEMENT Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) Eating Skills Drinks Chews/swallows Eats finger foods Uses table utensils Dressing Skills Identifies clean vs. soiled clothing Selects/wears appropriate clothing/accessories Puts on/takes off clot hing Puts on/takes off shoes Demonstrates use...
Description: Skills Assessment/Planning Guide DOMAIN: COMMUNICATION SKILLS Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embedded academic components) Early Communication Skills 1. Scans/searches immediate environment 2. Demonstrates awareness of cause/effect 3. Uses switches 4. Participates in computer activities 5. Demonstrates identifiable...
Description: DOMAIN: COMMUNICATION SKILLS Skill Level Emerging: E Partial: P Skillful: S Instructional Priority for this year? Yes/No Are there any ASOL that might be embedded in this skill? Yes/No If Yes, which ones: (Note: not all skills have embed ded academic components) Early Communication Skills Scans/searches immediate environment Demonstrates awareness of cause/effect Uses switches Participates in computer activities Demonstrates identifiable communicative intent Receptive Communication Skills...
Description: Revised-June 2014 ASOL SCIENCE SCOPE AND SEQUENCE MATRIX: ASOL SCIENCE – MATRIX Based on the 2010 Science Standards of Learning Reporting Category Grade 5 Grade 8 High School Scientific Investigation 5S-SI 1 5S-SI 2 8S-SI 1 8S-SI 2 8S-SI 3 Scientific Investigation and the Nature of Science HSS-SI 1 HSS-SI 2 Force, Motion, Energy and Matter 5S-FME 1 5S-FME 2 5S-FME 3 5S-FME 4 5S-FME 5 8S-FME 1 8S-FME 2 8S-FME 3 8S-FME 4 8S-FME 5 Life Processes and Living Systems 5S-LPS 1 5S-LPS 2 5S-LPS 3 5S-LPS...
Description: Revised-June 2014 ASOL HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE SCOPE AND SEQUENCE MATRIX: ASOL HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE – MATRIX Based on the 2008 History/Social Science Standards of Learning Reporting Category Elementary School Middle School High School History (HS-H) HS-H 1 HS-H 2 HS-H 3 HS-H 4 HS-H 5 HS-H 6 HS-H 7 HS-H 8 HS-H 9 HS-H 10 HS-H 11 HS-H 12 HS-H 13 HS-H 14 HS-H 15 HS-H 16 HS-H 17 HS-H 18 HS-H 19 HS-H 20 HS-H 21 HS-H 22 HS-H 23 HS-H 24 HS-H 25 HS-H 26 HS-H 27 HS-H 28 HS-H 29 HS-H 30 HS-H 31 HS-H 32...
Description: Revised-June 2014 ASOL WRITING SCOPE AND SEQUENCE MATRIX: ASOL WRITING – SUMMARY MATRIX Based on the 2010 English Standards of Learning Reporting Category Grade 8 High School Research, plan, compose, and revise for a variety of purposes 8E-WP 1 8E-WP 2 8E-WP 3 8E-WP 4 8E-WP 5 8E-WP 6 HSE-WP 1 HSE-WP 2 HSE-WP 3 HSE-WP 4 HSE-WP 5 HSE-WP 6 Edit for correct use of language, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling 8E-WE 1 8E-WE 2 8E-WE 3 HSE-WE 1 HSE-WE 2 HSE-WE 3 HSE-WE 4
Description: Revised-June 2014 ASOL MATHEMATICS SCOPE AND SEQUENCE MATRIX: ASOL MATHEMATICS– SUMMARY MATRIX Based on the 2009 Mathematics Standards of Learning Reporting Category Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School Number, Number Sense, Computation and Estimation 3M-NSCE 1 3M-NSCE 2 3M-NSCE 3 3M-NSCE 4 3M-NSCE 5 3M-NSCE 6 3M-NSCE 7 4M-NSCE 1 4M-NSCE 2 4M-NSCE 3 4M-NSCE 4 4M-NSCE 5 5M-NSCE 1 5M-NSCE 2 5M-NSCE 3 5M-NSCE 4 6M-NSCE 1 6M-NSCE 2 6M-NSCE 3 6M-NSCE 4 6M-NSCE 5 7M-NSCE 1...
Description: Forms of Communication: Stages of Development Stage 1 - Recognitory Communication: The student shows that she/he is aware of another person through one or more of the following ways: Demonstrates If Yes … How? • Visual orientation Yes/No • Touching Yes/No • Smiling Yes/No • Vocalizing Yes/No Stage 2 - Contingency Communication: The student is beginning to anticipate that something will happen if she/he does something. During the early phases of teaching, the adult starts a motivating activity,...
Description: Revised-June 2014 ASOL READING SCOPE AND SEQUENCE MATRIX: ASOL READING – MATRIX Based on the 2010 English Standards of Learning Reporting Category Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School Use word analysis strategies and word reference materials 3E-RW 1 3E-RW 2 3E-RW 3 3E-RW 4 3E-RW 5 3E-RW 6 3E-RW 7 4E-RW 1 5E-RW 1 6E-RW 1 7E-RW 1 8E-RW 1 HSE-RW 1 HSE-RW 2 HSE-RW 3 Demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts 3E-CF 1 3E-CF 2 4E-CF 1 5E-CF 1 6E-CF 1 7E-CF 1 8E-CF 1 HSE-CF 1...
Description: Forms of Communication: Stages of Development Stage 1 - Recognitory Communication: The student shows that she/he is aware of another person through one or more of the following ways: Demonstrates If Yes … How? Visual orientation Yes/No Touching Yes/ No Smiling Yes/No Vocalizing Yes/No Stage 2 - Contingency Communication: The student is beginning to anticipate that something will happen if she/he does something. During the early phases of teaching, the adult starts a motivating activity,...
Description: COMMUNICATION DICTIONARY Student: Date: Team Member : Setting: What the student does? What might it mean? How might we respond?
Description: COMMUNICATION DICTIONARY Student: Date: Team Member : Setting: 1. What the student does? 2. What might it mean? 3. How might we respond?
Description: WHY IS COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT? • So that individuals can communicate and get their wants and needs met • So that individuals understand what is happening to and around them, can question if they don’t understand, and have choice and control throughout their days • So that all individuals have a rich and enjoyable social life • So that individuals can demonstrate understanding of instructional concepts BASIC BELIEF STATEMENTS: • To be human is to communicate • It is impossible to NOT communicate...
Description: WHY IS COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT? So that individuals can communicate and get their wants and needs met So that individuals understand what is happening to and around them, can question if they don’t understand, and have choice and control throughout their days So that all individuals have a rich and enjoyable social life So that individuals can demonstrate understanding of instructional concepts BASIC BELIEF STATEMENTS: To be human is to communicate It is impossible to NOT com municate The only...
Description: ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING STUDENT PROFILE STUDENT: GRADE: TEACHER: STUDENT STRENGTHS COMMUNICATION 1) How does the student currently communicate information: such as requests, protests, understanding of directions, preference, etc.? 2) What are the top priorities for instruction related to communication? ACADEMICS 1) In what ways has the student been exposed to basic literacy and numeracy activities: such as listening to a book, identifying symbols, early counting skills, time telling, and...
Description: ALIGNED STANDARDS OF LEARNING STUDENT PROFILE STUDENT: GRADE: TEACHER: STUDENT STRENGTHS COMMUNICATION 1) How does the student currently communicate information: such as requests, protests, understanding of directions, preference, etc.? 2) What are the top priorities for instruction related to communication? ACADEMICS 1) In what ways has the student been exposed to basic literacy and numeracy activities: such as listening to a book, identifying symbols, early counting skills, ti me telling, and...
Title: Wind Turbine
Description: Design and Build your Own Wind Turbine Overview: Wind can be found in nature. Wind is a part of weather and can bring in various types of storms. Wind is renewable and can power things. Students will need to design a wind turbine that creates the highest number (voltage) on the multi-meter. Students will decide on the number of blades, the length of the blades, the material for your blades, and the distance from the hub to the blades. Procedure: Day 1: Read the Story of Engineering Elephants....
Title: Water Cycle
Description: Wonderful Water Cycle Overview: Water helps us live and survive. The Earth’s surface is 70-75% water. The sun drives the water cycle – just like it is part of the food chain. Procedure: Day 1: Start by listening to a song called “The Water Cycle Song.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3QwLYfgwP0. Make Water Cycle bracelets with colors to represent the step of the water cycle. Use the handout: The Water Cycle Jewelry. Hand out bags with the round pony beads already in them. As students string the...
Description: Visible Light: Opaque, Transparent and Translucent Overview: The student will show that s/he is able to investigate and understand the basic characteristics of visible light and how it behaves while focusing on opaque, transparent, and translucent. Procedure: 1. To instruct the student on information regarding this topic, the teacher will use the +MIND notes Light for the student to be able to take notes by writing in information or using the cut and paste option. Although these notes encompass...
Description: Understanding Common Storms and Weather Phenomena Overview: In teaching students about common storms and weather phenomena, the goal is for the student to be able to investigate and understand the basic types, changes, and patterns in weather. The following lesson plans guide the student through learning about the types of precipitation: rain, snow, sleet, hail and types of severe weather: tornado, flood, drought, blizzard, and hurricane. Procedure: Types of Precipitation 1. Teacher will give...