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Showing Results 2701 - 2750 of 2895
Description: Their mission is to help you grow your assistive technology (AT) knowledge, enhance your instruction and build capacity using today’s best practices and implementation strategies.
Description: CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the nation's leading non-profit organization serving individuals with ADHD and their families. CHADD has over 16,000 members in 200 local chapters throughout the U.S. Chapters offer support for individuals, parents, teachers, professionals, and others.  AN OVERVIEW GUIDE OF ADHD Everybody can have difficulty sitting still, paying attention or controlling impulsive behavior once in a while. For some people, however,...
Description: Mission Statement To be the indispensable resource for individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, their families, and their communities. Vision Statement Life of inclusion for individuals with disabilities It’s a commitment to a life without limits for people with disabilities We’re committed to change and progress for adults and children with disabilities, whether it is a disability evidenced from birth, the result of an accident, or as a consequence of aging. UCP local...
Description: LDA visualizes a world in which learning disabilities are universally understood, so all individuals are accepted, supported, and empowered to live a self-determined life. LDA’s mission is to create opportunities for success for all individuals affected by learning disabilities by learning disabilities through support, education, and advocacy. 
Description: Anxiety and depression are treatable, but 80 percent of kids with a diagnosable anxiety disorder and 60 percent of kids with diagnosable depression are not getting treatment.Anxiety is a normal part of childhood, and every child goes through phases. A phase is temporary and usually harmless. But children who suffer from an anxiety disorder experience fear, nervousness, and shyness, and they start to avoid places and activities.
Description: The American Occupational Therapy Association advances the quality, availability, use, and support of occupational therapy through standard-setting, advocacy, education, and research on behalf of its members and the public. (National Organizations)
Description: The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an individual membership professional organization representing more than 100,000 member physical therapists (PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs), and students of physical therapy. APTA seeks to improve the health and quality of life of individuals in society by advancing physical therapist practice, education, and research, and by increasing the awareness and understanding of physical therapy's role in the nation's health care system.
Description: The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace. JAN’s trusted consultants offer one-on-one guidance on workplace...
Description: USSAAC is the United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, the national chapter of ISAAC, the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. We are an organization dedicated to supporting the needs and desires of people who use AAC, as well as the family members, professionals, and manufacturers making up our community. Augmentative and Alternative Communication refers to methods of communication that enhance (augment) or replace (alternative)...
Description: The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is the leading patient-directed national organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses. The organization fosters an environment of understanding about the impact and management of these life-threatening illnesses by providing up-to-date, scientifically based tools and information written in language the general public can understand. DBSA supports research to promote more timely diagnosis, develop more effective and tolerable...
Description: The NAMI movement works to raise mental health awareness, provide education and support, and improve the mental health system. These efforts involve three levels of organizational collaboration: NAMI, the NAMI state office, and local NAMI affiliates. As a big NAMI family, our pathways to success are intertwined, and each level has an important role to play. It’s valuable to understand the specific roles that each NAMI entity plays in the collective mental health movement. NAMI...
Description: Our mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. At ZERO TO THREE, we envision a society that has the knowledge and will to support all infants and toddlers in reaching their full potential. During the first three years of life, emotionally nourishing relationships lay the foundation for lifelong health and well-being. By supporting the caring adults who touch the lives of infants and toddlers, we hope to maximize our long-term impact in ensuring all infants and...
Description: Brain Injury Association of America - BIAA's mission is to advance awareness, research, treatment, and education and to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury. You can find: National Brain Injury Information Community Research
Description: Based on brain science and leading instructional practice research, Learning Ally provides new, integrated tools to help educators drive sustainable transformational change in literacy leadership and student achievement. We help school systems and leaders address the equity gap through evidence-based solutions that combine early assessment, intervention, and accommodation with interactive professional development and coaching. Our programs help educators identify and prevent learning...
Description: Mission: NCIL advances independent living and the rights of people with disabilities. Vision: NCIL envisions a world in which people with disabilities are valued equally and participate fully. The National Council on Independent Living is the longest-running national cross-disability, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities. Founded in 1982, NCIL represents thousands of organizations and individuals including: individuals with disabilities, Centers for...
Description: TASH advances equity, opportunity and inclusion for people with disabilities, with a focus on those with the most significant support needs, in the areas of education, employment and community living through advocacy, research and practice.
Description: LD OnLine seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate and up-to-date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD. The site features hundreds of helpful articles, multimedia, monthly columns by noted experts, first person essays, children’s writing and artwork, a comprehensive resource guide, very active forums, and a Yellow Pages referral directory of professionals, schools, and products.
Description: Founded in 1999, the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is a public health practice and resource center on health promotion for people with disability. NCHPAD seeks to help people with disability and other chronic health conditions achieve health benefits through increased participation in all types of physical and social activities, including fitness and aquatic activities, recreational and sports programs, adaptive equipment usage, and more. NCHPAD...
Description: The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) is a Federal advisory committee that coordinates Federal efforts and provides advice to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Through its inclusion of both Federal and public members, the IACC helps to ensure that a wide range of ideas and perspectives are represented and discussed in a public forum. The committee reconvened in November 2015 to begin a new session under the Autism...
Description: This video explains the importance of early language development and establishing a good communication system with your child (hearing impairment).
Description: The Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults With Disabilities up to 8 Years After High School: Key Findings From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 is a report that uses data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 dataset to provide a national picture of post-high school outcomes for students with disabilities. The report describes the experiences and outcomes of young adults with disabilities in postsecondary education, employment, independence, and social domains during...
Description: Autism.com is a new online resource directory working to connect families and individuals on the autism spectrum with the therapeutic and educational services they deserve.
Description: Every day, people with disabilities can and do make important contributions to America’s businesses. They have the drive to succeed in employment, and the skills and talent they need to deliver value and results for their employers. Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, the CDE is a highly collaborative effort among several disability and business organizations working to change attitudes about disability and employment....
Description: The Virginia Registered Apprenticeship program is an employment training model that produces highly skilled workers to meet the demands of employers competing in a global economy, through a combination of on-the-job training and related technical instruction. It is a “win-win” approach to workforce development for apprentices (employees) throughout the Commonwealth.
Description: Parallels In Time and Parallels in Time II tell the history of people with disabilities in Western Civilization. Each of the major aspects of a person's life — home, learning/education, and employment are presented by decade with images, photos, history, and stories that reflect and represent the reality of this period in our history. Video clips and interviews are contained in this presentation.
Description: The mission of the Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS) is to ensure that Virginians of all ages and abilities can acquire the appropriate, affordable assistive and information technologies and services they need to participate in society as active citizens. VATS provides an array of services through three main programs: the Information and Assistance Training and Technical Assistance Program, the Assistive Technology (AT) Device Demonstration and Loan Program, and the Assistive...
Description: Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (VDBVI) is committed to providing quality services to assist Virginia's citizens who are blind, deafblind or vision impaired in achieving their maximum level of employment, education, and personal independence. The department provides an array of specialized services to blind Virginians of all ages to assist them in attaining the skills, confidence and positive outlook that are critical to independence.
Description: This report summarizes some of the current literature on adolescent literacy research and practice. It is not a research synthesis or a literature review; such an effort is well beyond the scope of this document. Rather the report suggests some methods of building adolescent reading and writing skills in the classroom. To the extent possible, recommendations are evidence-based. There is little published literature on the effectiveness of instructional approaches or programs for adolescents, and...
Description: TARGET AUDIENCE: Autism, PK-12 TIME: 30 minutes DESCRIPTION: This webshop will introduce participants to the concept of structured teaching and how setting up the environment and the materials for a work session can help a student with Autism or other related disabilites complete a work task independently.
Description: COACH is better than ever! Now with practical updates based on user feedback and a new streamlined format for easier use, the third edition of this bestselling guide can be the key to effective educational planning for students with intensive special education needs in inclusion-oriented schools.
Description: TARGET AUDIENCE: Low Incidence, PK-12 TIME: 3 minutes DESCRIPTION: This Webshop demonstrates how to make a Switch using a CD container.
Webshop Title: Making a Foam Switch
Description: TARGET AUDIENCE: Low Incidence, PK-12 TIME: 4 minutes DESCRIPTION: This Webshop shows how to create a foam switch.
Description: This is part 6 of 8 in the writing functional IEP goals workshop. Now that you have gathered information related to the how the child functions in the school and home environments, the next step is to begin identifying priorities.
Description: American Sign Language (ASL) instructional videos by Dr. Bill Vicars of ASL University
Description: This resource includes a baby sign language dictionary that includes: General Signs, Action, Animal, Color, and Family Signs, Feelings, Food/Drink, Manners, and Motivational Signs, Objects, and Survival Signs
Description: Speech language pathologists working with students in the public schools consistently encounter children with low speech intelligibility and incorrect production of multiple speech sounds. Considering the speech production of these children in terms of phonological processes is a way to enhance the assessment and remediation of their speech. This first of three workshops will address what phonological processes are and why we should consider them. The information presented can be considered a...
Description: This is the third webshop on the topic of phonological processes. In this webshop, speech language pathologists can explore how to use the information gathered in a comprehensive evaluation to plan for the remediation of phonological processes in children, particularly those with multiple speech sound errors and low speech intelligibility. Further, SLPs can explore remediation techniques. The information presented can be considered a basic introduction for SLPs who are unfamiliar with...
Description: TARGET AUDIENCE: Communication/AAC, PK-12 TIME: 10 minutes DESCRIPTION: This video created by Chris Bugaj,Loudoun County Public Schools demonstrates how to use pacing boards for articulation.
Description: TARGET AUDIENCE: Mild/Moderate, Low Incidence TIME: 18 minutes DESCRIPTION: This workshop will provide an overview of the stages of the writing process and identify interventions that can be addressed at the appropriate stage of the writing process. A separate webshop will specifically address assistive technology solutions for writing
Description: As we learn about assistive technology it’s important that we listen to individuals who use it on a daily basis. The following interview is with Johnny Kelley, who will share some of his successes and challenges and how he became a self-determined person, living a fulfilled life. 12 minutes
Description: Viewers will take a tour of a very special SCIENCE FAIR. The REACH Program at St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children hosts this annual event. Students with significant INTELLECTUAL and MULTIPLE DISABILITIES use a variety of ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY to share their ASOL-based projects. Take great notes and be prepared to be INSPIRED!
Description: Child and Adolescent Mental Health - Mental health is an important part of overall health for children as well as adults. For many adults who have mental disorders, symptoms were present—but often not recognized or addressed—in childhood and youth. For a young person with symptoms of a mental disorder, the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it can be. Early treatment can help prevent more severe, lasting problems as a child grows up. Warning Signs It can be tough...
Description: TARGET AUDIENCE: Mild/Moderate, Low Incidence TIME: 25 minutes DESCRIPTION: During this portion of the workshop we will explore assistive technology solutions that can be used at all stages of the writing process. Solutions will be explained and resources will be given.
Description: The Arc’s Self-Determination Scale is a 72-item assessment for adolescents with cognitive disabilities. The measure will aide students with cognitive disabilities and educators in identifying students’ strengths and limitations in terms of self-determination and allow researchers to explore the relationship between self-determination and the factors that either promote or inhibit it.
Description: AIR Self-Determination Assessment - The American Institutes for Research (AIR), in collaboration with Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City, developed the student, parent, and educator versions of the AIR Self-Determination Assessments with funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. The AIR Self-Determination scale:  produces a profile of the student's level of self-determination  identifies areas of strength and areas needing...
Title: iCivics
Description: iCivics champions equitable, non-partisan civic education so that the practice of democracy is learned by each new generation. We work to inspire life-long civic engagement by providing high quality and engaging civics resources to teachers and students across our nation.  
Description: Carol Ann Tomlinson is William Clay Parrish, Jr., Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development. Her experience as an educator includes 21 years as a public school teacher working with preschoolers, middle school students, and high school students. At the secondary level, she taught English, language arts, German, and history. She also administered district-level programs for struggling and advanced learners and was Virginia's Teacher of the...
Description: CareerOneStop is… Your source for employment information and inspiration The place to manage your career Your pathway to career success Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses and career professionals Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor CareerOneStop Mission: To deliver integrated, easy-to-understand workforce information that helps job seekers, students, workers, workforce intermediaries, and employers develop their capacity and make sound economic decisions in the new...
Description: Welcome to our hubpage for schools and administrators. We are glad you’re here and would like to say “thank you” for all the work you do with, and on behalf of, students with disabilities—all students, really. They are our national treasures and our future, as you well know. Through this entry page, we hope you find lots of information to support your work in helping students with disabilities achieve their full potential.
Description: The Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER) Center and the National Endowment for Financial Education® (NEFE®) collaborated on this publication. Through it you will find ways to create a sense of order in your life and maintain control over your finances as you care for your child and prepare him or her for adulthood.