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Showing Results 2851 - 2900 of 2903
Description: The RMC Research Corporation's Center on Instruction (COI) website is your gateway to a cutting-edge collection of research-based resources on instruction.While these resources are useful for improving the achievement of all students, they particularly target students in the lowest performing schools, students with difficulties learning mathematics, students needing intensive instruction, or special needs/diverse learners, including English language learners. This site includes information on...
Description: The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) is a free online library of K-12 digital math manipulatives. This webshop introduces how students and teachers can use the 116 Java applets and related activities to build mathematical concept knowledge.
Description: The primary purpose of FACTER is to assess and teach students with moderate to severe developmental disabilities. FACTER addresses the ability to perform typical everyday "routines" while incorporating essential "related skills" for living. All people engage in a broad range of routines every day in their lives. For example, eating lunch, academic seatwork, socializing with friends, and going shopping are all naturally occurring daily routines. These routines can be task analyzed into a number...
Description: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children. Children with ADHD have impaired functioning in multiple settings, including home, school, and in relationships with peers. If untreated, the disorder can have long-term adverse effects into adolescence and adulthood.
Description: Bright Futures is a national health promotion and prevention initiative, led by the American Academy of Pediatrics and supported, in part, by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)?, Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)?. The Bright Futures Guidelines provide theory-based and evidence-driven guidance for all preventive care screenings and well-child visits. Bright Futures content can be incorporated into many public health...
Description: The Benefit Finder questionnaire can help you find benefits you may be eligible to receive and direct you to the agency to apply. Disaster Relief Healthcare and Medical Assistance Financial Assistance Loans
Description: This 17 minute video with activities provides a brief overview of assistive technology. It describes the laws and definitions of AT and the benefits of AT with student examples.
Description: Special education disputes are better resolved at the local level, if possible. Parents and school administrators are encouraged to work together to come to an understanding of mutual concerns and come to an agreement in the best interest of children with disabilities. VDOE offers several resolution options to disputes.
Description: Speech-Language Pathology Services in the Schools: Guidelines for Best Practice  - The development of communication skills is important for all students and can impact school success The school-based speech-language pathologist (SLP) plays an important role in education and may serve on both the special education and general education teams SLPs may serve students directly or work with educators and families to address communication and language needs This guidelines document is designed to...
Description: An important responsibility of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability against students with disabilities. OCR receives numerous complaints and inquiries in the area of elementary and secondary education involving Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794 (Section 504). Most of these concern identification of students who are protected by Section 504 and the means to obtain an appropriate education for such...
Description: Transition assessment is important to adequately addressing the "needs, preferences, and interests" of learners with disabilities who prepare to exit the educational system to become successful adults in community environments. Transition assessment is important to adequately addressing the "needs, preferences, and interests" of learners with disabilities who prepare to exit the educational system to become successful adults in community environments. ESTR Publications provides you with...
Description: We are a small staff of researchers and special educators who work for the Oregon Institute on Disability and Development, a program of the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, Oregon. We specialize in developing effective assessment and teaching strategies for children and adults with low-incidence disabilities. We have special expertise in addressing the educational needs of children who are deaf-blind and children with autism spectrum disorders. Our approaches and...
Description: The Social Network Package is an assessment and intervention planning tool. The Manual and Inventory Booklet are designed to help professionals work with family members and individuals who have complex communication needs. Use this resource to help determine appropriate communication strategies and technologies for clients to use with their communication partners. 
Description: The most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form.
Description: Access to higher education remains a challenge for many students who face academic and informational barriers to college entry. This guide targets high schools and school districts, and focuses on effective practices that prepare students academically for college, assist them in completing the steps to college entry, and improve their likelihood of enrolling in college.
Description: This webshop is designed for teachers of high school students with disabilities who are preparing to search and compare options for postsecondary education.
Description: Judy Lynn Software programs are developed specifically for students with special needs under the guidance of assistive technology professionals, teachers, therapists, and parents.
Description: This site includes coloring, games, videos and music for early learning. (Early Childhood)
Description: The mission of the Virginia College Access Network is to support and enhance post-secondary education access and attainment for residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia. To accomplish this mission, VCAN will support access programs and foster new initiatives; develop information and financial resources for students and families; and promote the benefits of greater access to postsecondary education.  
Description: Virginia Education Wizard can help if you are: Looking for your perfect career path? Researching college options? Prepping for the workforce? Deciding how to pay for everything? Since 2009, the Wizard has partnered with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to give students over 100 career tools designed specifically to meet VDOE career requirements for Virginia K12 students, free of charge to every school district. Your student's data is protected and no personally identifying information...
Description: The Zarrow Institute on Transition & Self-Determination at the University of Oklahoma strives to promote successful transition outcomes for all by implementing innovative research, putting findings into practice, and disseminating knowledge through high-quality products and professional development.
Description: Teens Against Bullying was created by and for teens, this website is a place for middle and high school students to find ways to address bullying, to take action, to be heard, and to own an important social cause. The Teens Against Bullying is a website created by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center (PACER’s NBPC). Since 2006, PACER’s NBPC has actively led social change to prevent childhood bullying, so that all youth are safe and supported in their schools,...
Description: "Kids Against Bullying" was created for elementary school children, with a unique emphasis on children with disabilities. This Web site is an informative and creative resource to educate students about bullying prevention and provide methods to respond to bullying situations. The site features an animated cast of characters, information, celebrity videos, Webisodes, interactive games, animation, contests, and other activities. Parents and professionals will find helpful tips, intervention...
Description: The IRIS Center offers a wide variety of resources and services to suit a diverse set of instructional needs and circumstances. In this section, you will learn more about those services and resources, including how they are created and disseminated to IRIS users and educational programs in the United States and around the world. 
Description: The EEOC's goal is to eliminate illegal discrimination from the workplace for all workers. This website is designed to teach you about some of your rights and responsibilities as an employee. Use the menu on the left to learn about different types of discrimination affecting young workers and what you can do to help prevent discrimination in the workplace. (This information is available in Spanish.)
Description: Transition Coalition - Students and youth with disabilities preparing to graduate high school and enter the workforce or continue their education often need a little extra support and almost always with transition planning ... which means the educators, counselors, and families supporting them also need more professional development than is typically provided by a one-time in-service training. With specialized professional development, technical assistance, and research-based practices and...
Description: For students with disabilities, a big factor in their successful transition from high school to postsecondary education is accurate knowledge about their civil rights. The purpose of this guide is to provide high school educators with answers to questions students with disabilities may have as they get ready to move to the postsecondary education environment. (U.S. Department of Education)
Description: Since 1977, AHEAD has offered an unparalleled member experience to disability resource professionals, student affairs personnel, ADA coordinators, diversity officers, AT/IT staff, faculty and other instructional personnel, and colleagues who are invested in creating welcoming higher education experiences for disabled individuals. Informed by its diverse membership, AHEAD: delivers exceptional professional development opportunities through conferences, workshops, webinars, publications, and...
Description: Think College is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. With a commitment to equity and excellence, Think College provides resources, technical assistance and training related to college options for students with intellectual disability, and manages the only national listing of college programs for students with intellectual disability in the United States. We are a national...
Description: Virginia Network of Consultants Professionals Working with Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (VNOC) was created by the Virginia Department of Education, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Health, and the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. Purpose: To provide consultant services directly to Virginia school divisions and state operated programs to promote and enhance educational services for children who are deaf and hard of hearing...
Description: Starfall was developed in the classroom by teachers and opened in August 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read. Since then it has expanded to include standards in language arts and mathematics for preschool through fifth grade and above. The program emphasizes exploration, play, and positive reinforcement—encouraging children to become confident and intrinsically motivated. Due to the engaging content that “feels like play,” Starfall serves as an educational...
Description: Online Tools - As part of their barrier-busting mission, CAST offers a number of robust (and often free) learning tools. These tools—many designed and tested as part of CAST’s research projects—help educators, developers, families, and other individuals experience the power of flexible learning environments. Note: CAST UDL Book Builder is one of CAST's online tools from the past. This is no longer maintained as stand-alone application.
Description: AdLit is a national multimedia project that provides educators and families with resources to support readers and writers in middle school and high school. We are an education service of WETA, the flagship public broadcasting station in our nation’s capital.
Description: Tar Heel Reader is a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches. Tar Heel Shared Reader is a variant of Tar Heel Reader that emphasizes shared reading. Note: Tar Heel Reader is joining the Building Wings family of literacy instructional resources with a new name and fresh look. (July...
Description: This guide offers five specific recommendations to help educators identify struggling readers and implement evidence-based strategies to promote their reading achievement. Teachers and reading specialists can utilize these strategies to implement RtI and multi-tier intervention methods and frameworks at the classroom or school level. Recommendations cover how to screen students for reading problems, design a multi-tier intervention program, adjust instruction to help struggling...
Description: The U.S. Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences (IES), What Works Clearinghouse WWC) developed the practice guide: Improving Adolescent Literacy: Effective Classroom and Intervention Practices. This guide presents strategies that classroom teachers and specialists can use to increase the reading ability of adolescent students. The recommendations aim to help students gain more from their reading tasks, improve their motivation for and engagement in the learning process, and...
Description: This document uses a frequently asked questions (FAQs) format, with answers based on the collective experience, to date, of five (three elementary and two middle) public U.S. schools that are implementing elements of Response to Intervention (RTI), including evidence-based instruction, progress monioring, structures for regulating the intensity of intervention, and professional development.
Description: Educators find great jobs with Teachers-Teachers.com. With thousands of member schools across the country, you can find out who is hiring and submit your application for consideration. Teachers, administrators and related service personnel can all utilize this easy-to-use service to connect with open positions.   Search for a great jobIt is simple to set up a search to find teaching jobs that meet your location and position preferences. Monitor your job searchFollow up with recruiters, keep...
Description: Vision Statement SHAV – The recognized voice and leader in audiology and speech-language pathology, setting the highest standard of ethical practice and quality care. Mission Statement Promote awareness, diversity and collaboration in the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology through empowerment and advocacy for members and the community in order to ensure best practices.
Description: Many people find locating information about available long term services and supports a daunting task. The mission of Virginia Easy Access is to make this search easier. The Virginia Easy Access website connects older adults, adults with disabilities, veterans, and families to information about a wide range of public programs and supports in a way that is accessible and easy to navigate. Virginia Easy Access is a consumer portal for a much larger initiative called No Wrong Door, designed to...
Description: The purpose of this introductory webshop is to explore the seven senses and get an understanding of normal and atypical sensory responses. We will discuss sensory seeking behaviors as well as sensory avoiding behaviors
Webshop Title: From Seeing to Knowing
Description: This webshop will discuss the stages of sensory processing and how adequate sensory processing has an impact on learning and what happens when there is a breakdown in sensory processing.
Description: Free Graphic Organizers Worksheets - Graphic organizers are an essential tool for teachers to use in the classroom especially for reading, writing, and understanding concepts. Kids love being able to visualize new materials. The topic organizers (ranging from 3-8 topics) can be used for brainstorming and organizing everything from creative writing, to essays, to character development for stories. Pyramid charts and tree diagrams are best for demonstrating hierarchical relationships or for...
Description: Jonathan Mooney blends anecdote, expertise, and memoir to present a new mode of thinking about how we live and learn—individually, uniquely, and with advantages and upshots to every type of brain and body. As a neuro-diverse kid diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD who didn't learn to read until he was twelve, the realization that that he wasn’t the problem—the system and the concept of normal were—saved Mooney’s life and fundamentally changed his outlook. 
Description: The disAbility Law Center services include information and referral, legal representation, technical assistance, short-term assistance, systemic advocacy, monitoring and training.  Our services are provided free of charge.  We are independent from state and local government. The disAbility Law Center of Virginia’s mission is to advance independence, choice and self-determination; protect legal, human and civil rights; and eliminate abuse, neglect and discrimination of people with...
Description: The Mission is: To promote economic growth and stability by delivering and coordinating workforce services to include: Policy development Job Placement Temporary income support Workforce information Transition and training services To accomplish our mission, we will: Partner with our stakeholders Develop and empower staff Improve our processes Embrace innovative solutions and technologies Continually renew our organization
Description: WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind) has provided comprehensive web accessibility solutions since 1999. These years of experience have made WebAIM one of the leading providers of web accessibility expertise internationally. WebAIM is a non-profit organization based at the Center for Persons with Disabilities at Utah State University. WebAIM’s mission is to expand the potential of the web for people with disabilities. We empower individuals and organizations to create...
Description: The Visual Dictionary Online is designed to help you find the right word at a glance. Filled with stunning illustrations labeled with accurate terminology, it is the ideal language-learning and vocabulary dictionary for use at school, at home or at work.
Description: The Hands on Banking® financial education program can help you learn more about money management. To get started, click the button below to find helpful resources. Together, we’ll help you and your family take charge of your financial future. After High School Banking Cars Credit and Loans Goal Setting Inversting Money Management Retirement
Description: The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. SSI payments are also made to people age 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications. Information provided: Who is Eligible for SSI? How SSI Works How to Apply for SSI Still Have More Questions about SSI?