Professional Development
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Description: Each self-paced professional learning session is offered at no cost to Virginia public school educators and provides 3-5 hours of professional learning. These sessions guide educators in learning about specific HLPs through videos that model exemplar teacher behaviors. Educators may enroll in any of the following professional learning sessions described below: Enroll in School Leaders, Administrators, and Instructional Coaches: Strategies for Teacher Retention & Support...
Description: VDOE's Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) webpage - With the passage of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) in the 2022 General Assembly, Virginia is taking the lead nationwide to improve early literacy outcomes for Virginia’s young learners. Through the VLA, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will support school divisions through a multi-year effort with tools, resources, technical assistance and funding.
Description: Coachng as Professional Learning: Guidelines for Implementing Effective Coaching Systems is a synthesis of research on coaching in educational settings. The contents include information and resources that support methods for implementing and sustaining effective coaching systems and practices in a variety of educational contexts, as well as Guiding Questions for Building and Strengthening Effective Coaching Systems.
Description: The Effective Coaching of Teachers: Fiedelity Worksheet and Rubric can be used to collect and score information about the fidelity of coaching so that this information can be used by coaches and other educators to continuously improve upon how coaching occurs. Fidelity in coaching should rely continuously upon the effective practices of observation, modeling, delivery of performance feedback, and use of alliance-building strategies. Furthermore, coaching should occur with sufficient...
Description: The purpose of this document, Coaching within Tiered Support Models is to provide content-specific examples of how to structure educator-level and/or systems-level coaching as a mechanism to ensure ongoing professional learning to support tiered intervention. This document provides examples of coaching supports, models, and functions within the context of tiered intervention (e.g., RtI, PBIS, MTSS) and data-based decision making (e.g., data-based individualization [DBI]) for educators who...
Description: The purpose of this brief, Muli-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) in the classroom is to help educators familiar with PBIS organize classroom supports for preventing, teaching, and responding to students’ social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) needs across the continuum.
Description: This Practice Guide, Enhancing Team Functioning in Schools' Multi-Tiered Systems of Support can be used by multidisciplinary teams within a multi-tiered system of support as a resource for overcoming challenges and setting up teams for success. The five effective teaming elements are described, as well as how to structure teams to enhance functioning and outcomes within schools.
Description: The PBIS Implementation Blueprint provides guidance for implementers interested in (a) exploring and getting ready to implement PBIS, (b) getting started with PBIS, and/or (c) getting better at enhancing, sustaining, and/or scaling (expanding) their efforts in educational settings.
Description: The purpose of the Intensive Intervention Meeting Checklist is for intensive intervention teams or instructional coaches can use these checklists to monitor implementation of the intensive intervention meetings (before, during, and after meetings).
Description: Data-Based Decision Making is the use of screening, progress monitoring, and other forms of data to make decisions about instruction, movement within the multi-level prevention system, intensification of instruction and supports, allocation of resources, and identification of students with disabilities (in accordance with state law). Data-based decision making occurs at all levels of MTSS implementation, from individual students to the district level. Teams use implementation data to...
Description: School Infrastructure and Support Mechanisms include the knowledge, resources, and organizational structures necessary to operationalize and implement all of the components of MTSS in a unified system to meet the identified implementation and outcome. This resource summarizes the infrastructure and support mechanisms outlined in Section 5 of the MTSS Fidelity of Implementation Rubric as necessary for successful MTSS implementation.
Description: This guide provides information and steps for school teams as they implement MTSS. It includes a definition of MTSS, reviews the essential MTSS components, and outlines steps to support implementation of MTSS within school sites.
Description: The MTSS Fidelity of Implementation Rubric and Summary Sheet are for use by individuals responsible for monitoring the school-level fidelity of MTSS implementation. They may also be used by schools for self-appraisal evaluation; however, they were not designed for compliance monitoring and therefore should not be used for this purpose. The rubric and the summary sheet are designed to be used together and are aligned with the essential components of MTSS.
Description: This resource provides information and guidance for districts. It includes a definition of MTSS, summarizes the essential MTSS components, and outlines the critical infrastructure necessary to support MTSS implementation.
Description: The MTSS framework is comprised of four essential components: screening, progress monitoring, multi-level prevention system, and data-based decision making. This collection of infographics provide an overview of key features of each of the essential components of MTSS. What is Screening? Infographic What is Progress Monitoring? Infographic What is Data-based Decision Making? Infographic What is a Multi-Level Prevention System? Infographic Essential Features of Tier 1 Infographic 10 Essential...
Description: Looking for information about inclusion of children with disabilities in our schools and communities? CPIR is very pleased to offer you the School Inclusion resource page, which will connect you with the great work and materials of the disability network nationwide and internationally.
Description: Participate in the Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Supports in the General Education Classroom online module. This module, developed in collaboration with the TIES Center, describes the benefits of including students with significant cognitive disabilities in general education classrooms. It also offers information on how teachers can plan for and teach these students (est. completion time: 2 hours). Earn the Professional Development Certificate for this...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) sponsored a 3-Part Turn-Around Training Series on Specially Designed Instruction by Anne M. Beninghof, Education Consultant & Trainer. In this series, Virginia educators learn to adapt the content, methodology, and/or delivery of the instruction to address the individual student’s disability-related needs. This series was designed to provide information, strategies and materials to enable professionals to provide their own training...
Description: During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, Yvette Mann explored how to facilitate differentiated small-group instruction in a Tier I setting. She covers how to form skill-based groups using data from universal screeners and diagnostic assessments to group students with similar areas of growth and/or reinforcement to meet their learning needs. She also discusses strategies for engaging students in targeted instruction and tips for managing student activities while working collaboratively...
Description: During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, Dale Webster introduces and provides the rationale for each step of CORE’s explicit phonics lesson sequence. The importance of this explicit phonics lesson sequence to multilingual learners’ successful reading acquisition will be the focus of this presentation. Multilingual learners learning to read in English may need additional language support during phonics instruction to understand the words that they are learning to decode....
Description: Many students learn to read one-syllable words with relatively little difficulty, but they find it much harder to read polysyllabic words (with more than one syllable). During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, David Kearns discusses how to support students with reading “long words”. This presentation includes (a) an explanation why polysyllabic word reading is difficult based on reading science and (b) easy-to-implement research-based strategies to help students read those...
Description: During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, Pam Kastner highlights the importance of spelling to literacy development and how student spelling can be analyzed to inform core instruction and differentiated small group skills intervention. The language lenses of phonology, orthography, and morphology will be used to analyze student spelling inventory results.
Description: Secondary Transition: Helping Students with Disabilities Plan for Postsecondary Settings focuses on helping students with disabilities successfully transition from high school to postsecondary settings. Among other topics, it discusses the various components of transition planning and the importance of engaging students in this process (est. completion time: 1.5 hours).
Description: A series of WEGO (Writing Efficiently with Graphic Organizers) projects have involved the development and effective integration of a technology-based writing intervention package including technology tools for students as well as instructional resources and professional development for teachers. WEGO tools for students feature technology-based graphic organizers with embedded evidence-based self-regulated learning strategies, mnemonics, video models, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)...
Description: AT Team Development Resources: AT Tools in Schools, 2nd Edition - This guide is designed to support professionals and families in understanding assistive technology (AT) and identifying possible AT tools for students from preschool through high school. Education Tech Points, Profile of AT Services in Schools - A free, downloadable self assessment for IEP teams to use to evaluate their AT services. Ocali Assistive Technology Internet Modules - Assistive Technology Internet Modules...
Description: Recorded Webinar: From Data to Action: Supporting Students With Behavioral and Mental Health Challenges - Data-based decision making is a critical part of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), but what does problem solving look like in the context of youth behavior and mental health? In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Talbott, Professor and Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development at William and Mary School of Education; Dr. Allison Bruhn, Professor of Special Education and Executive...
Description: Recorded Videos: Dr. Brad Witzel – Rational Number Acquisition (8:48 minutes) Dr. Brad Witzel – Building Computational Fluency Webinar (61 minutes) Dr. Brad Witzel CRA with Explicit Instruction in Fractions (4:25 minutes)
Description: TTAC Online Flyer- Please share! TTAC Online User Guide Includes: Introduction to the Home Page, How to Register/Create an Account, How to Log in, When you are Logged in, What is My TTAC Online?, How to Search the Entire Site, How to Search Particular Topic, Refine Your Search, Search Tips, Events Calendar. The TTAC Online Site Map includes links to each section of the website. (It is also located at the bottom of each page of the website.)
Description: Conducting Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team Meetings When Members Disagree - Parent participation and teamwork are fundamental to special education. Parent feedback is a necessity in ensuring that a student is receiving a free appropriate public education. However, team participants do not always agree and conflict is a natural occurrence in team dynamics. Recognizing that conflict will happen, but that a healthy relationship between all members is in the best interest of the student,...
Description: Back to Basics: Special Education Law Series was developed from a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education and the Center for Implementation and Evaluation of Education Systems (CIEES) at Old Dominion University (ODU). The Back to Basics: Special Education Law series is designed to support Virginia school divisions in the professional development of teachers and division personnel on basic special education laws and regulations. The following modules and associated documents...
Description: Submit a Request for Support - VCU-RRTC-ACE provides targeted short-term coaching to educators who support students on the autism spectrum! Classroom coaching aims to equip educators with the tools and evidence-based practices necessary to effectively address the unique needs of autistic students. By implementing strategies in the coaching focus areas, educators can enhance student participation, engagement, and independence, creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. ACE...
Description: Basic FBA to BIP - The Behavior Specialist Training includes all 7 modules and is for those who will be the leading behavior support efforts in the school. The School-wide Training consists of two modules for all staff in the school.
Description: In this Webinar: Functional Behavior Assessment: Principles for Success, you will learn: What an FBA is and why is it needed Basic principles of behavior and how they relate to the four functions of behavior The steps in the FBA process—utilizing indirect and direct assessment measures to analyze antecedents and consequences to determine function How to apply data gathered in the FBA process to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Description: This Using FBA for Diagnostic Assessment in Behavior (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 6) serves as an introduction to important concepts and processes for implementing functional behavior assessment (FBA), including behavior basics such as reinforcement and punishment. Throughout this module, participants will discuss both real world and school based examples to become familiar with the FBA process and develop a deeper understanding and awareness of the functions of the...
Description: Functional Behavior Assessment - Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA-BIP) - Training sessions will focus specifically on the process and tools needed to assist coaches, facilitators and problem-solving teams in planning, implementing, and evaluating FBA-BIP to support students with challenging behavior. Participants will be able to: Identify when an FBA-BIP is necessary Identify the essential systems needed for an effective FBA-BIP process Identify the steps for conducting an effective FBA,...
Description: Webcast: Function Matters! How to Determine Why a Student Demonstrates Problem Behavior - Problem behavior such as aggression, yelling and noncompliance is common with individuals with a spectrum disorder. To provide appropriate intervention and support, it is critical to understand why a behavior occurs and what may trigger it or cause it to happen. In this webcast, Dr. Schall will describe how to complete a Functional Behavior Assessment, a problem solving approach that assist teams in...
Description: Self-Paced Modules - Behavior Progress Monitoring: Selecting Target Behaviors, Aligning Tools, and Creating a Plan is intended to help educators learn about behavior progress monitoring. By completing this course, you will be able to: Summarize the process for identifying target behaviors. Describe two behavior progress monitoring approaches that can be used across behaviors. Align a progress monitoring tool with a target behavior. Summarize the key features of a behavior progress monitoring...
Description: CEC's Learning Library has always been a one-stop shop for live and on-demand webinars, collections and virtual events, but now, it’s even easier to find the content you are looking for. Explore the Learning Library to access content on hot topics, practical strategies for your work, or just quick refreshers that can enrich your practice and contribute to better outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities. On-Demand Webinars Virtual Events Live Webinars PD Collections...
Description: This interactive module on Curriculum Framework aims to empower educators to confidently support children with Individualized Education Programs, taking into account their unique strengths and interests. Educators can enhance their effectiveness in the classroom by understanding the key elements of a curriculum framework and how they work in tandem to nurture children and families. This resource encourages reflection on how to implement these elements to create a supportive learning environment...
Description: The SETT Framework, developed by Joy Zabala, guides teams in gathering and organizing information about the Student, Environments, Tasks, and Tools that are needed to support student participation and achievement. The following SETT resources will assist you in utilizing a person-centered framework that promotes collaboration when making decisions about assistive technology tools and services. The SETT is one of the most important components of the Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and...
Description: Four-Part Self-Paced Course Collection: DBI 101: Getting Started with Intensive Intervention - This four-part course collection provides a guide to available NCII self-paced learning courses for those who are newer to learning about intensive intervention and the data-based individualization (DBI) process. The collection begins with an overview and introduction to intensive intervention and then dives deeper into courses focused on the DBI process and key components of the DBI process...
Description: Three-Part Self-Paced Course Collection: Academic Progress Monitoring - This three-part course provides a guide to available NCII self-paced learning courses that focus on academic progress monitoring. The collection begins with an overview of progress monitoring and the role of progress monitoring within the DBI process. The second module focuses defining two types of academic progress monitoring measures (general outcome measures and mastery measures) and considerations for identifying a...
Description: Self-Paced Features of Explicit Instruction Course - The first two modules in NCII’s course content focused on Features of Explicit Instruction have been adapted into self-paced modules available within the NCII and PROGRESS Center’s Learning Module Library. These modules include video lectures, activities, and checks for understanding. The available modules are Modeling and Practicing to Help Students Reach Academic Goals (approximately 5 hours to complete) and...
Description: Ultimate Behavior Toolkit: What Works (CIEES at ODU) - The use of evidence-based practices in the classroom is more important than ever. Fortunately, there are many practices that are simple to use. This series will provide a toolkit of strategies to assist school personnel to implement evidence-based practices that promote positive student outcomes. Elementary Video Modules- These modules will help elementary school teachers with evidence-based strategies for 11 common...
Description: Webinar Recording: Trauma Informed Approach to Brain Injury Screening (Sept. 28, 2023) - The Administration for Community Living (ACL) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Technical Assistance and Resource Center’s (TARC) held a webinar (Sept. 28, 2023) on the need for a trauma informed approach and best practice principles for implementing trauma informed screening for brain injury. A trauma informed guide to screening was reviewed and an example of how to implement trauma informed screening was...
Description: The Building Connections Webinar Series explores how social and emotional learning (SEL) connects to topics to strengthen the many systems that support young people.
Description: Educator Webinar: Self Care Tips for Teachers - In this digital workshop, Breathe For Change’s Founder & CEO, Dr. Ilana Nankin, will guide you through transformative wellness practices you can draw on in your daily life to sustain a personal self-care practice! Take this precious time to fill up your own cup - and learn to give to yourself the way we know you so generously give to your students and community every day. You deserve it! At the end of the workshop, we will share...
Description: Webinar: Happy Teachers, Happy Classroom - Many teachers are simply and understandably burning out! The fire and passion that once sparked for teaching are simply becoming extinguished. In this highly-engaging webinar, based on the book by the same title, educators will not only learn how to restore their passion for teaching, they will also explore 12 specific ways to look five to ten years younger, become and remain healthier, and live a longer life! This webinar has been...
Description: Making Educator Wellness a Priority: Simple Self-Care Strategies - Teaching is one of the most stressful professions. That stress can affect your health, your job satisfaction, and even the quality of your teaching. However, decades of research show that when teachers feel better, they perform better. View this edWebinar to: Hear why educator wellness is so important Gain simple self-care strategies you can use immediately to reduce stress and improve your wellness Participate in a...
Description: Early interventionists (EIs) play a critical role nurturing the relationship between the caregiver and child to enhance all children’s social and emotional development to promote successful future outcomes. This podcast focuses on infant mental health topics that support the emotional well-being of all families. Join us to listen and reflect to promote meaningful moments for all families in early intervention. These podcasts are a collaborative effort from the Virginia Department of...