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Showing Results 1801 - 1850 of 2903
Description: Researching and selecting a college that fits your needs can be daunting, but that challenge can be even greater when you’re a student with disabilities. However, that doesn’t mean your options are limited. As technology has advanced, so has accessibility for all students. Learning disabilities are defined as conditions that give rise to difficulties in acquiring knowledge and skills, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down’s Syndrome, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity...
Description: Presented by: James Gunther Come along and experience how technology and gaming can support cross-curricular activities. Are you ready to explore the various games, apps and devices that can support your students on this journey?
Description: Presented by: Mark Barlet The author talks about how communities are built around video games, and how students with disabilities are able to make meaningful long-term friendships using a shared love for a game.
Description: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.
Description: What is Restorative Practices? All humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive. Restorative practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. Restorative practices is being applied in the following settings: K-12 and Higher Education Community Health Organizational Leadership Criminal Justice...
Description: Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across a lifetime, to the point where those who’ve experienced high levels of trauma are at triple the risk for heart disease and lung cancer. An impassioned plea for pediatric medicine to...
Description: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. CDC works to understand ACEs and prevent them.
Description: SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) improves treatment and services for children, adolescents, and families who have experienced traumatic events.
Description: The Heart of Learning: Compassion, Resiliency, and Academic Success is a handbook for teachers written and compiled by OSPI and Western Washington University staff. It contains valuable information that will be helpful to you on a daily basis as you work with students whose learning has been adversely impacted by trauma in their lives. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Trauma, Compassion, and Resiliency: Background and Definitions Chapter 2: Self-Care: An Ethical Obligation for Those Who Care...
Description: Helping Traumatized Children Learn - The Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative’s (TLPI) mission is to ensure that children traumatized by exposure to family violence and other adverse childhood experiences succeed in school.  To accomplish this mission, TLPI engages in a host of advocacy strategies including: providing support to schools to become trauma sensitive environments;  research and report writing;  legislative and administrative advocacy for laws, regulations and...
Description: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, NCTSN) Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence (Activities Guide) Handbook: The Heart of Learning: Compassion, Resiliency, and Academic Success (Compassionate Schools: The Heart of Learning and Teaching) Helping Traumatized Children Learn How childhood trauma affects health...
Description: Families are the enduring presence in the lives of young children with disabilities. This volume contains activities to support early care and education staff and families in developing positive relationships that support collaboration and family leadership. Session 1: Creating Bright Futures (Building Relationships with Families) Session 2: Listening to Families Session 3: When Concerns Arise: Learning from Families' Experiences Session 4: Getting...
Description: The Inclusion of Children with Disabilities: Training Guide is designed to strengthen the inclusion of young children with disabilities and their families in programs serving infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The guide features four modules, each containing a facilitator’s guide, training scripts, handouts, and videos. The modules are: Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Building Relationships with Families Collaboration and Teaming Preschool Inclusion Series The training...
Description: Google Maps has launched a new feature that shows the wheelchair accessible routes around public transit in major cities around the world. To access the “wheelchair accessible” routes, type your desired destination into Google Maps. Tap “Directions” then select the public transportation icon. Then tap “Options” and under the Routes section, you’ll find “wheelchair accessible” as a route type. When you select this option, Google Maps will show...
Description: A Place To Be helps people with disabilities, medical and mental health struggles face, navigate and overcome life's challenges using the clinically-based practices of music therapy. Our Board-Certified therapists create individualized plans to help our clients achieve therapeutic goals and discover unrealized potential in a supportive, engaging and fun environment. A Place To Be is more than just our programs. We are a community dedicated to the values of inclusivity, respect, acceptance, love...
Description: VDSS is one of the largest Commonwealth agencies, partnering with 120 local departments of social services, along with faith-based and non-profit organizations, to promote the well-being of children and families statewide. We proudly serve alongside 1,650 (state) and 8,500 (local) human services professionals throughout the Social Services System, who ensure that thousands of Virginia's most vulnerable citizens have access to the best services and benefits available to them.
Description: On January 25, 2018, the Board of Education approved the proposed Guidelines for the Prevention of Suspension and Expulsion of Young Children:  Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Settings. The Department of Education has posted links to the Guidelines for the Prevention of Suspension and Expulsion of Young Children: Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Settings on the Early Childhhood Curriculum & Instruction webpage. These...
Description: Presented by: Carrie Clawson & Patti Drescher This is a fast-paced discussion of assistive technology to ease the transition from high school to post-secondary or employment environments. Many transitioning young adults struggle with time management, reading, note taking, and stress management. Tools and strategies are shared that the authors have found to be successful with this age group.
Description: This practice guide presents three evidence-based recommendations for helping students in grades 6–12 develop effective writing skills. Each recommendation includes specific, actionable guidance for educators on implementing practices in their classrooms. The guide also summarizes and rates the evidence supporting each recommendation, describes examples to use in class, and offers the panel’s advice on how to overcome potential implementation obstacles. This guide is geared towards...
Description: This practice guide provides four recommendations for improving elementary students’ writing. Each recommendation includes implementation steps and solutions for common roadblocks. The recommendations also summarize and rate supporting evidence. This guide is geared toward teachers, literacy coaches, and other educators who want to improve the writing of their elementary students.
Description: Make Beliefs Comix - Students can build their own comic strips on the website, with ample scaffolding. Previously available for six languages, the site has added functionality so that users can write text for balloons in ANY language. This site includes resources for creating comic strips, printables, writing tools as well as resources for Teachers, Parents, ESOL/Literacy, Special Needs, Apps, E-Books & More.
Description: All kids feel anxious from time to time. But kids with learning and attention issues are more likely to struggle with anxiety. How can you tell whether your child's level of anxiety is typical and appropriate? Learn when it's something to be worried about or a side effect of a medication like Ritalin. Then, read what one mother learned when her son got a 504 plan—beginning with the fact that there's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Description: For parents, daycare providers, and early educators, new research describes a simple and powerful way to build children’s brains: talk with them, early and often. A study in Psychological Science shows how conversation — the interplay between a parent or caregiver and a child — ignites the language centers in a child’s brain. It’s the first study to show a relationship between the words children hear at home and the growth of their neural processing capacities...
Description: Where will a student with a disability receive his or her special education and related services? IDEA requires placement in the least restrictive environment (LRE) for each child, a setting that is based on the child’s IEP. Use the options and paths below to find out more about: who decides placement; how they decide it; what LRE is and why it’s a foundation element in IDEA and in deciding a child’s placement; and how placement can be affected if a child...
Description: School presents a unique challenge for children with behavior issues. Teachers need tools to use to help provide support and guidance. Administrators need methods for creating a positive learning atmosphere within the entire school. Parents need information on how to work with school staff to address their child’s behavior challenges in the school setting. We’ve included resources below that, hopefully, will give teachers, schools, and families the tools they need to create safe and...
Description: In any family, each sibling is unique, important, and special. So are the relationships they have with each other. Brothers and sisters influence each other and play important roles in each other’s lives. Indeed, sibling relationships make up a child’s first social network and are the basis for his or her interactions with people outside the family. Brothers and sisters are playmates first; as they mature, they take on new roles with each other. Over the years, they may be many...
Description: Evaluation is an essential beginning step in the special education process for a child with a disability. Before a child can receive special education and related services for the first time, a full and individual initial evaluation of the child must be conducted to see if the child has a disability and is eligible for special education. Informed parent consent must be obtained before this evaluation may be conducted. The evaluation process is guided by requirements in Part B of our...
Description: This webpage connects you quickly with brief, but detailed fact sheets on specific disabilities. Each fact sheet defines the disability, describes its characteristics, offers tips for parents and teachers, and connects you with related information and organizations with special expertise in that disability. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Autism Spectrum Disorders, Blindness/ Visual Impairment, Cerebral Palsy, Deaf-Blindness, Deafness and Hearing Loss, Developmental Delay, Down...
Description: The birth of a child is an exciting, life-changing event. A beautiful new baby comes to your house, family, and neighborhood. It is a time for celebration. But what happens when this new child has a disability? What if there are health problems? What if, as time goes by, it seems as if the child isn’t learning and progressing as quickly or easily as other children? What do you do? CPIR offers a suite of resource pages that can help you find answers and people who can...
Description: Early intervention is full of terms that people constantly use in writing and in conversation, and it’s important to know what those terms mean. We are pleased to provide this handy reference to early intervention terminology, and hopes it helps our readers quickly connect with the meaning of pivotal words and phrases in the field.
Description: The education of children with disabilities is a top national priority. Our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their achievement and guides how special help and services are made available in schools to address their individual needs.
Description: Module 1 welcomes everyone to Part C of IDEA—the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities. With these training materials, you can learn about and provide training on: the 8 basic steps in the early intervention process; 7 acronyms used in early intervention and what they mean; and 9 key terms in early intervention and their definitions.
Description: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) is a condition that can make it hard for a person to sit still, control behavior, and pay attention. These difficulties usually begin before the person is 7 years old. However, these behaviors may not be noticed until the child is older. Doctors do not know just what causes AD/HD. However, researchers who study the brain are coming closer to understanding what may cause AD/HD. They believe that some people with AD/HD do not have enough of certain...
Description: Vision is one of our five senses. Being able to see gives us tremendous access to learning about the world around us—people’s faces and the subtleties of expression, what different things look like and how big they are, and the physical environments where we live and move, including approaching hazards. When a child has a visual impairment, it is cause for immediate attention. That’s because so much learning typically occurs visually. When vision loss goes undetected, children...
Description: The mental health of our children is a natural and important concern for us all. The fact is, many mental disorders have their beginnings in childhood or adolescence, yet may go undiagnosed and untreated for years. We refer to mental disorders using different “umbrella” terms such as emotional disturbance, behavioral disorders, or mental illness. Beneath these umbrella terms, there is actually a wide range of specific conditions that differ from one another in their characteristics...
Description: Cerebral palsy—also known as CP—is a condition caused by injury to the parts of the brain that control our ability to use our muscles and bodies. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. Often the injury happens before birth, sometimes during delivery, or, like Jen, soon after being born. CP can be mild, moderate, or severe. Mild CP may mean a child is clumsy. Moderate CP may mean the child walks with a limp. He or she may...
Description: Parent Centers receive many calls and emails each year from people looking for materials on disability awareness. People need these materials to help community members, employers, organizations, and residents learn more about disabilities and what it means for people to live with a disability or raise a child with a disability. Having information about disability awareness can be put to many different uses–from classroom instructional units, to Girl Scout information fairs, to school...
Description: In drafting the provisions of IDEA, our nation’s special education law, Congress clearly contemplated that, at times, there would be disagreements between parents of children with disabilities and the school districts providing special education and related services to their children. While it is expected that parents and school personnel will work in partnership to ensure children with disabilities are provided appropriate services, there are times when the child’s parents and...
Description: About the Training Curriculum Title |  Building the Legacy for Our Youngest Children with Disabilities: A Training Curriculum on Part C of IDEA 2004 By Whom? | This training curriculum was produced by NICHCY at the request of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) at the U.S. Department of Education. The Center for Parent Information and Resources is pleased to house this curriculum and to make it continuously available. For Whom? |  The curriculum is intended to...
Description: Giving a child a home is a remarkable gift. This page is written for the families who’ve adopted children with disabilities (and without!) and those who offer them safe haven through fostering. It’s also written for those who work in state agencies or in private organizations who find foster homes and adoptive families for so many children.
Description: Finally, we come to the last of the IEP components—the transfer of rights at age of majority. This component is only needed in the IEPs of some students, as you’ll see. IDEA’s exact words What does age of majority mean? What IDEA requires How is the student informed?
Description: The nation’s special education law is called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA. As part of making special education and related services available to children with disabilities in the public schools, IDEA defines the term “child with a disability.” That definition includes specific disability terms, which are also defined by IDEA, as this webpage describes. The IDEA’s disability terms and definitions guide how States in their own turn define...
Description: Kids grow fast, don’t they? And early intervention is designed for children from birth up to age three.  At that point, services under EI end. If the child will need continued support once he or she moves on to preschool, it’s very important to plan ahead so that the transition is smooth.  The resources below will help you do just that.
Description: The Virginia Family Network (VFN) is a contractual agreement between the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and NAMI Virginia launched in 2011.  The purpose is to create a statewide network of families who support, educate, and empower other families with children and youth with mental health needs while also promoting family-driven and youth-guided policy throughout the child-serving systems. The initiative is designed to...
Description: Sportable is an adaptive sports club with a mission of creating opportunities and transforming lives of those with physical disabilities and visual impairments through sport. We accomplish this mission by providing people with physical disabilities and visual impairments access to 13 sports in the greater Richmond area. These sporting opportunities build a community of athletes with active, healthy lives who take pride in there and each other’s accomplishments.
Description: AIM-VA provides accessible instructional materials to eligible Virginia K-12 students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and are unable to access traditional print. Accessible instructional materials can positively impact student performance. What is a Print Disability? A ‘print disability’ has been defined as, a student who cannot effectively read print because of a visual, physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive, or learning disability. Who is Eligible for...
Description: Goal Plan is a downloadable, fillable PDF file of the Goal Plan - a simple tool to help you set and attain goals.   We are all striving to become better at something or to accomplish a goal. But how often do we actually sit down and plan out steps to achievement? Whether you are trying to improve your grades, or accomplish a life-long goal, the Goal Plan will help you get there!. 
Description: The Good Day Plan is a downloadable, fillable PDF file of the Good Day Plan - a tool to help you design days that are perfect for you!   Think about what a good day at school or work looks and feels like for you.  Do you need coffee?  Do you need to listen to music first thing in the morning, or do you need some quiet time to start your day? Does it happen now? If not, what can you do to make it happen? Who can help you along the way? The Good Day Plan helps you make and stick to...
Description: The One-Pager is a downloadable, fillable PDF file of the One-Pager - a tool to help others get to know the important things about you. Think about a time when you really wanted someone – a teacher – to know stuff about you but you really didn’t want to have to take the time and the words to explain it. Think about your IEP.  How long does it take for anyone to look at it and find out the important things about you? The One-Pager was created as a way to cut...
Description: Promoting Self-Regulation in the First Five Years: A Practice Brief provides guidelines to promote self-regulation development in children from birth through five years old. By proactively teaching and supporting self-regulation skills across settings, we can help children from all backgrounds enter kindergarten ready to learn. This brief is one of several from a series on self-regulation from the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S....