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Showing Results 601 - 650 of 2903
Description: Guiding Principles of Structured Word Inquiry (“scientific word investigation”) The primary function of English spelling is to represent meaning. The conventions by which English spelling represents meaning are so well-ordered and reliable that spelling can be investigated and understood through scientific inquiry. Scientific inquiry is necessary to safely guide spelling instruction and understanding. Scientific inquiry is the only means by which a learning community can safely...
Description: Joan Sedita explores the power of writing to support students’ reading comprehension.   
Description: Anita Archer shares ways to support intermediate struggling readers through evidence-based practices.
Description: Dr. Deb Glaser’s presentation is on the impact of incorporating morphological analysis into the intermediate grades.  
Description: Sometimes kids aren’t ready to go to college. They might need help with things like getting organized, asking for help or managing emotions. Or they might feel burnt out or unmotivated. Taking a gap year might help prepare them for a better college experience. A common worry is that kids will lose momentum if they take a gap year. But for kids who need extra support, a gap year might mean that they are more successful when they do start college. Otherwise they might face a lot of...
Description: College is a time for kids to try out independence. For kids on medication, part of that independence is learning how to manage those meds on their own. Kids should start to practice managing meds well before they leave for college. The first weeks of school will be full of new information. That’s not the time to start figuring out what they need to be taking, when, and how to make sure they don’t forget. For example, kids can set reminders on their phone so they don’t forget....
Description: The question: My daughter has ADHD and is a B minus student. She struggles in school and has poor executive functioning skills. She will be looking for colleges next year. Are there any that have particularly good services for kids with ADHD? answered by A Ruth Lee, MEd, ET/P  
Description: Many teenagers with autism do well in high school and head off to college. When they get there, they sometimes run into unexpected challenges. But with the right tools and preparation, college students with autism can continue to succeed. Trouble with organization is common in kids with autism. Because college comes with so many new responsibilities, autistic students may have a hard time managing their time and staying on track. Living independently, taking care of daily needs, managing...
Description: College is an exciting time! You’re surrounded by new friends and new opportunities, and have more independence than ever before. However, college life also presents unique challenges to a student with ADHD. Managing classes, a social life, and extra curricular activities without day-to-day support from parents and a structured school schedule isn’t easy. But there are plenty of things you can do to set yourself up for success. This article provides top ten tips that are a great...
Description: The transition to college can be hard on kids’ mental health. Teenagers living away from home for the first time may experience academic stress while also trying to make new friends, build routines, and stay physically healthy. All these changes at once can be overwhelming for college kids. Parents can help kids prepare for these emotional challenges before college starts. First, try to avoid solving problems for your teen. Instead, let them know that you empathize and you’re there...
Description: Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it hard for kids to read. The workload in college can be challenging for kids with dyslexia, but they can prepare by practicing using reading strategies and tools while they’re still in high school. College students with dyslexia need to be especially careful about managing their time. Keeping a detailed schedule and blocking off time to study can help kids make sure that they don’t get behind. It also helps them learn how much time tasks...
Description: A Guide to Adaptations - Adaptations, such as those shared in this guide, can ensure that each and every child, including young children with disabilities, can fully participate and engage in STEM [and other] learning opportunities and experiences at home, in early childhood programs, and in the community.
Description: This guide highlights evidence-based practices to be used by adults or, in some instances by other children, to facilitate children’s participation in everyday routines, learning experiences, and activities. Each section (e.g., prompting, scaffolding, modeling, descriptive talking, wait time, and reinforcement) includes a description of the practice, examples of how it might be implemented, and links to additional information.
Description: Special educators frequently organize and facilitate meetings. High Leverage Practice (HLP) #2 highlights the importance of educators organizing and facilitating effective meetings with professionals and families. This checklist guides special educators through the process of organizing and facilitating an IEP meeting.  Note:  ALWAYS check with your special education department chair about your responsibilities and school procedures.  This list includes common responsibilities,...
Description: This self-guided webinar series provides professional development intended to help teams new to creating positive behavior support plans to address challenging behaviors. Each webinar focus area addresses different aspects of the behavior change process. Complete the questionnaire at the end of each section to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Description: This 9 minute Family Members on Teams video was produced by Formed Families Forward, as family partner to Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports. The video features a staged meeting and interviews with family members and educators sharing practical suggestions for including family members on decision-making teams.
Description: Many decisions that impact students are made by local school boards. As has been observed during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of these decisions and their resulting consequences significantly impact students with disabilities. The toolkit provides tips and resources to help advocate to the local school board, including learning about issues, identifying decision makers, knowing the process, and messaging.
Description: The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System allows you to submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others. What Should You Report? You can help save lives by reporting observed threats, behaviors, actions, and harassment. Here are examples of some of the most common behaviors and incidents to report: Acts of violence, with or without weapons Verbal or physical abuse, assault or harassment Sexual abuse, assault or harassment Threats seen on social media...
Description: Learning Paths are small collections of curated activities that focus on an early intervention topic. To learn about the topic, you will complete each activity on the path. Activities might include reading an article, taking an online module, watching a video, etc. Once you complete the learning path, you will take a final quiz to earn a certificate documenting the professional development hours earned. Autism Pathways Functional Assessment Pathways Transition from Early Intervention Pathways...
Description: This booklet defines Special Education Terms (Birth to 22) as well as General Disabilty Terms.
Description: Digital Portfolio for Families - PEATC’s Digital Portfolio allows parents and guardians of individuals with disabilities the ability to organize personal, educational, medical, and legal information and documentation in a portable digital format. The portfolio provides users with easy access, reduced stress, no more binders, and less paperwork to store. Digital Portfolio for Military Families - PEATC’s Digital Portfolio for Military Families allows service members the ability to keep...
Description: View OCR Video Series on Accessibility - The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights announces a video series covering a variety of topics on digital access in education, including how people with disabilities use technology, applicable Federal regulations, and identifying and remediating barriers to access.  Whether you are in the educational field or not, these videos have wide ranging coverage for those who want to know: What makes technology accessible for...
Description: When including children with disabilities in regular early childhood programs, it is important to carefully consider class size and the proportionate amount or limits to the number of students with IEPs. This resource outlines requirements and regulations that impact the number of students with IEPs placed in a classroom as well as offers guidance for best practice. This resource should be used  to plan and schedule for inclusive classes. This can include VPI, Head Start, Title 1,...
Description: 2022 Annual Conference Session Recordings Keynote: From Science to Poetry in the Teaching of Reading: Reflections in a Digital Culture, Maryanne Wolf Day 1: 1A: The Science of Reading - Definition and Beyond, Stephanie Stollar 1B: Climbing the Ladder of Reading & Writing: Some Children Climb More Slowly While Other Children Leap Up, Nancy Young 1C: Implementation Matters: Literacy Leadership as the Catalyst for Change, Kymyona Burk 1D: Morphemes are Mesmerizing! Deborah Glaser 2A: Calling...
Title: PhraseReader
Description: Make text easier to read on small screens. Make reading as effortless as watching a video. Read faster, by reading whole phrases at a time. Speed through any text, with better comprehension. Zoom your screen in or out to adjust the font size. Use the auto-speed or click the next phrase button.
Title: Readsy
Description: Readsy is a tool to help you skim large amounts of text by focusing your eyes on one word at a time without having to move them. It is powered by Spritz, a speed reading app. To register for higher speeds, click "Login" on the top right of the Spritz box, and create an account with Spritz.
Description: A Student Profile is a way for you to introduce your child to new teachers, related service providers, administrators, and others with whom she will come into contact. By completing the Student Profile every year, you can provide information about your child’s strengths, challenges, and successes. The Student Profile will help everyone see the positive traits that he/she brings to school and where he/she needs help. Of course, you can’t list everything about your child so pick the...
Description: Ready Regions will bring unprecedented levels of coordination, accountability, and family engagement to early education programs in every community in the Commonwealth. Starting in 2022, Ready Regions will help every Virginia community to be: Accountable. Virginia’s early education system must prepare children for success. Parent-centered. Families must be engaged in designing a system that works for them. Responsive. Parents must be able to choose the child care they want and need....
Description: Register for Self-Paced Online Course: Get Ready for Independent Living - Life after high school: do you see yourself living on your own or with a roommate? Will you drive or use public transportation? What about making new friends or managing your health? Maybe you think you still have a long time to think these things through, but it takes time to build independent living skills. In this course, we'll cover what independent living skills are, why these skills are important, and what...
Description: Register for Self-Paced Online Course: Get Ready for College - Continuing your education in college offers many opportunities, but it requires planning to be successful. In this course, we'll provide the knowledge and resources you need and outline simple steps you can take to get ready for college. Did you know that accessing accommodations in college is different from high school? With our guidance, you will be well prepared to advocate for the services you need in the next phase of...
Description: Register for Self-Paced Online Course: Get Ready for Your Career - Entering the workforce takes careful planning and involves matching your strengths with the skills employers want. In this course, we will guide you step-by-step as you explore careers and continue your career planning process. We’ll show you how to discover your potential path and share your career goals with educators, family members, and service providers. We'll cover different career topics, including...
Description: My child with autism is doing well in his academic programming, but I’d like to help him develop social skills with peers. He participates in playdates, but I often worry that we are not making the most of these opportunities. How can I help him learn to play with a friend? Considering the recent pandemic, what are some other things I should consider?
Description: In this recorded webinar, Carla Mazefsky, Ph.D., discusses emotion dysregulation, or difficulty managing the intensity and duration of emotional reactions, in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This talk covers the landscape of emotion regulation research in ASD and highlights key findings from the Regulation of Emotion in ASD Adults, Children, and Teens (REAACT) Program at the University of Pittsburgh. Topics to be covered include the assessment of emotion dysregulation in ASD, the impact of...
Description: In this recorded webinar, Helen Tager-Flusberg, Ph.D., explores language development in autism. Language is one of the most variable characteristics in children and adults with ASD. Some individuals acquire fluent age-appropriate language skills (though still have difficulties using language appropriately in social contexts); others acquire language but remain below expectations for their age; and almost one-third fail to acquire more than minimal spoken language skills. In this talk,...
Description: TransCen On-Demand Webinars are designed to translate research and effective practices into useable, practical information, making it easier for participants to put knowledge into action. Depending on the topic, our webinars assist vocational rehabilitation staff, policymakers, researchers, individuals with disabilities and their families, educators, practitioners, service providers, and employers. Captions are provided for both live and recorded sessions. Special pricing is available for groups...
Description: The Making Sound Preschool LRE Decisions guidance document lists important actions in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) development process that should inform placement decisions for young children with disabilities. Organized by important actions within the IEP process. It includes reference to the corresponding IDEA rules and regulations to each action. A guiding principle is listed within each action, followed by additional guidance and resources. Most of the principles in this...
Description: Presented by: Melanie Derry and Carol Schall While many students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) learn effective verbal communication skills, there are still those learners who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) techniques and devices to communicate. In this recorded webinar, the presenters discuss and model evidence-based practices to embed AAC device use across the school day to increase communication. In addition, they also review ways to ensure...
Description: The Early Childhood Virtual Town Hall held on April 19, featured State Superintendent Jillian Balow, Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera, Deputy Secretary of Education McKenzie Snow, and was moderated by Deputy Superintendent Jenna Conway.
Description: This Rubric - HLP 3 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP implementation....
Description: This Rubric - HLP 14 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP...
Description: This Rubric - HLP 9 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP implementation....
Description: This Rubric - HLP 20 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP...
Description: Virginia Commonwealth University received a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) to fund the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employment of Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities. The RRTC will conduct six studies to generate evidence-based interventions to assist youth to enter competitive integrated employment. The training materials and events focus on meeting the needs of stakeholders including...
Description: AOTA partnered with CEC to provide two webinars to help those in the special education field deepen their understanding of self-regulation and best practices for collaboration between teacher and occupational therapy practitioner. Who is this program for? Special education teachers Occupational therapists Special education administrators Building/district administrators General education teachers Pricing Free for everyone  You will need to create a free CEC account to access these webinars....
Description: Make Stuff and Love People has over 1,500 images and 500 QR codes to "how-to" videos and resources for immediate access using any smartphone camera. The book is packed with devices that can be made in minutes for physical, visual, hearing, communication, or other challenges. "How-to" instructions for devices include those for reading and writing; life skills; employment; alternative communication; mounting devices to mobility aids; tablet and phone holders; self-care, eating, drinking, art, and...
Description: This Rubric - HLP 2 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP implementation....
Description: This Rubric - HLP 6 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP implementation....
Description: This Rubric - HLP 13 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP...
Description: This Rubric - HLP 15 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP...
Description: This Rubric - HLP 12 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP...