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Description: Anne Beninghof presented two training sessions on Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for the T/TAC at William and Mary on February 22, 2024 and March 6, 2024. (These recordings will be available for one year.) Note: TTAC Online does not provide certificates of completion for these presentations.
Description: Presented by: Geoffrey Weber Learn about ways to make coding instruction differentiated and accessible to students by selecting or adapting materials that can work with screen readers or AAC supports, incorporate visual block based coding, robots, or gamification, and utilize multi-sensory learning with tactile / manipulative activities so that coding instruction is inclusive!
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) sponsored a 3-Part Turn-Around Training Series on Specially Designed Instruction by Anne Beninghof. 
Description: Presented by: Geoffrey Weber and Matthew Newton The authors explore ways in which AI can be leveraged to empower students with disabilities and foster inclusive learning environments. You will gain insights into cutting-edge AI applications, best practices, and examples that demonstrate the impact of AI on student success. The authors also consider the ethics and responsibilities of educators using AI regarding fairness, transparency, privacy and data security.
Description: Presented by: Lorna Bell Frizzelle, Meghan Hyatt, Hunter Matusevich & Lauren Whitlock Hey Kids! Did you know that Dragons Love Tacos? In this recorded webinar, we explore assistive technology via thematic units. You will have the opportunity to learn how to develop lessons that include hands-on learning for our youngest and most complex learners across all content areas. To conclude the session, you will be guided through making their very own adapted book, Dragons...
Description: New Video: Introducing the Office of Special Education Program's Assistive Technology Guidance and the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (2:46 mins.) IDEA: Assistive Technology Devices and Services for Children With Disabilities Under the IDEA (Jan. 22, 2024) - The Office of Educational Technology and the Office of Special Education Programs are pleased to share the guidance in support of children with disabilities who need assistive technology (AT) devices and services for meaningful...
Description: Presented by: Holly Love, Kristy Hill and Melanie Derry This session explores the new AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Tab on the VDOE Assistive Technology Network website. The presenters take participants through the process from consideration to implementation of AAC systems to support students with communication needs.
Description: Each self-paced professional learning session is offered at no cost to Virginia public school educators and provides 3-5 hours of professional learning. These sessions guide educators in learning about specific HLPs through videos that model exemplar teacher behaviors. Educators may enroll in any of the following professional learning sessions described below: Enroll in School Leaders, Administrators, and Instructional Coaches: Strategies for Teacher Retention & Support...
Description: VDOE's Assistive Technology Network has a newly updated Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) section of their website. What is AAC? When to consider? Assessment Information Gathering Current Communication Skills Access Direct Selection Indirect Selection Decision Making Trials Develop a Plan Prompting Data Collection Tool Selection and Funding Implementation Planning and Support Training Device Set-up Customization Vocabulary Selection And more!
Description: Based on the work of the CEEDAR Center and Council for Exceptional Children, the GMU TTAC Team has created High Leverage Practice Crosswalks in the areas of Math, Literacy and Transition to support stakeholders in developing personalized professional learning and targeted support, with the goal of bridging research into “practical” classroom practice to improve performance outcomes. The HLP Crosswalks are dynamic documents that will be periodically updated with the most current...
Date(s): 6/15/2022 - 6/30/2029
Description: Registration for Effective & High-Leverage Practices for Paraeducators - In collaboration with the Paraprofessional Resource & Research Center and the CEEDAR Center, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is excited to provide paraeducators with a learning program focused on your unique role as a paraeducator and how that aligns with specific HLPs. In this FREE on-demand, eLearning program designed for paraeducators, you will be introduced to four areas...
Description: The 2022 Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS) Resources will guide the IEP team through the consideration and documentation process. These resources replace the previous versions of the AT Consideration and Resource Guide. VATTS: Consideration and Assessment Guidance Document (PDF) - Guidance for school divisions in the consideration and assessment of AT, including planning and implementing those services for students with disabilities. VATTS: Consideration...
Description: VDOE's Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) webpage - With the passage of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) in the 2022 General Assembly, Virginia is taking the lead nationwide to improve early literacy outcomes for Virginia’s young learners. Through the VLA, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will support school divisions through a multi-year effort with tools, resources, technical assistance and funding. Updates from VDOE **NEW May 2024** Virginia Literacy Updates Division...
Description: Collaboration HLP Pillars: Rubric - HLP 1 Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success, Rubric - HLP 3 Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services Embedded HLPs Rubric - HLP 2 Lead Effective Meetings with Professionals & Families DATA-Driven Planning HLP Pillar: Rubric - HLP 6 Use Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices and Make Necessary, Adjustments that Improve Student Outcomes Embedded HLPs: Rubric - HLP 4: Use Multiple Sources...
Description: Collaboration HLP Pillars: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 1: Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success, HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 3: Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services Embedded HLPs HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 2: Organize and Facilitate Effective Meetings with Professionals and Families Data-Driven Planning HLP Pillar: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 6: Use Student Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices, and Make Necessary Adjustments that...
Description: This guide designed to support professionals and families in understanding assistive technology (AT) and identifying possible AT tools for students from preschool through high school. (Updated 9/2023) “I have severe dyslexia and it's hard for me to read and write. In the eighth grade, I could not write down a single word. The first time I used a program with voice recognition, I wrote a whole short story. Using AT means I can do things myself and I don't have to depend on someone else to...
Date(s): 7/29/2024 12:00 PM ET - 7/29/2024 1:00 PM ET, 7/30/2024 12:00 PM ET - 7/30/2024 1:00 PM ET, 7/31/2024 12:00 PM ET - 7/31/2024 1:00 PM ET, 8/1/2024 12:00 PM ET - 8/1/2024 1:00 PM ET, 8/2/2024 12:00 PM ET - 8/2/2024 1:00 PM ET
Description: Mental Health and Wellness Week is taking place Monday-Friday, July 29-August 2, 2024. You can sign up for the week or for individual sessions. Monday July 29, 12:00pm - Supporting Staff and Student Mental Health - This session will focus on where we are now in supporting staff and student mental health: Implementations currently in place: Are we happy with them? Why or why not? The current assets and limitations of schools: What are they? What roles do we feel communities are pushing us...
Date(s): 7/30/2024 3:00 PM ET - 7/30/2024 4:00 PM ET, 8/15/2024 3:00 PM ET - 8/15/2024 4:00 PM ET, 9/19/2024 3:00 PM ET - 9/19/2024 4:00 PM ET
Description: Register for Thriving as a New or Guest Teacher Part 1: You're a Teacher Now! What's Next?, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 3:00pm-4:00pm - If you’re a new teacher (or about to be), or you support new teachers, then this edWebinar is for you! Join acclaimed educators Tom Hierck and Alex Kajitani for an engaging and insightful look at exactly how you can set yourself up for success this school year and avoid some of the biggest mistakes new teachers make—all while caring for yourself....
Description: New challenges kids face in middle school Middle-schoolers travel between classes on their own and store their books in lockers. Middle-schoolers usually have a different teacher for each subject. Students in middle school face more social pressure and often worry about their ability to fit in and make friends. New challenges kids face in high school There’s more homework and an emphasis on grades in high school. High-schoolers need to manage time well, stay organized, and take good notes....
Description: 6 steps to prepare your child for changes to routine in middle school - Moving up from grade school to middle school is a big transition — in more ways than one. The work is harder. The social scene is more complex. And often, the school building is much larger and harder to navigate. Kids with and without learning and thinking differences face new challenges. But the greatest adjustment may be to the changes in routine. For most kids, middle school is the first time they have to...
Date(s): 8/15/2024 3:00 PM ET - 8/15/2024 6:15 PM ET, 8/22/2024 3:00 PM ET - 8/22/2024 6:15 PM ET, 8/29/2024 3:00 PM ET - 8/29/2024 6:15 PM ET
Description: Registration-Virtual See the Sound Visual Phonics Training - The Technical Assistance Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program (TAC-DHH) at VCU's Partnership for People with Disabilities will be hosting a virtual See-the-Sound Visual Phonics event. This course is for professionals who are new to STS-Visual Phonics. The training explores the multi-sensory STS-Visual Phonics system of 50+ handshapes/hand cues that are suggestive of the approximately 44 English phonemes and more, plus...
Description: 25 Hands-on Ideas for Teaching Syllabification of Words - Rebecca from the blog Adventures in Speech demonstrates 25 different activities to make teaching and learning syllabication fun and easy! 
Description: On Eating Elephants and Teaching Syllabication - Shanahan on Literacy presents this informative blog on syllabication. Shanahan states that “syllables matter in English. The consistency of spelling patterns and their relationship to phonemes and pronunciations is determined, in part, by where particular letters appear in syllables rather than where they appear in words (Venezky, 1967). The syllable is an essential unit in phonological processing (Ecalle & Magnan, 2007) and...
Description: The Big Five: Phonics-Teaching Syllabication - Many children have difficulty reading multisyllabic words. Some can decode fairly well at a one-syllable level but do not know how to read words accurately and fluently when reading longer words. Most decoding instruction stops by second grade; children are not being directly taught how to read multisyllabic words when they begin to become frequently used in text.
Description: 6 Techniques for Building Reading Skills—in Any Subject - Without a repertoire of reading strategies that can be applied to any text, students are being shortchanged in their education. In order to teach students to read effectively, teachers must be sure that they are not simply suppliers of information on a particular text but also instructors of techniques to build reading skills.
Description: Knowledge and Skills for Teaching Reading - The following is the proposed core curriculum for teacher candidates presented in Teaching Reading is Rocket Science: What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do, published by the American Federation of Teachers. This curriculum can also serve as a roadmap for practicing teachers’ professional development experiences. The curriculum is divided into four parts. The psychology of reading and reading development Knowledge of...
Description: Beginning Reading - The National Center for Improving Literacy has gathered its best resources for beginning reading into one convenient link. Topics include: Alphabetuc Principle & Phonics Coaching Steps for Families Engaging Children: Interactive Literacy Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten Fluency with Text And much more!
Description: On course for reading success: Best practices for teaching beginning readers - The early literacy skills that students develop set them on course to gain reading proficiency by grade 3, which is a strong indicator of later academic success. This quick reference draws on What Works Clearinghouse™ practice guides to identify research-based instructional practices for supporting beginning readers, along with the level of evidence behind the practices and core literacy skills to target for...
Description: The Family-guided Approaches to Collaborative Early Intervention Training and Services (FACETS) document has been adapted to help educators determine the teaching and learning opportunites throughout the day. By identifying routines and activities that are engaging for the student, educators can identify naturally occuring times when learning goals can be addressed.
Date(s): 9/7/2024 8:00 AM ET - 9/7/2024 2:30 PM ET
Description: 2024 PEATC Parent and Youth Empowerment (PYE) Summit - PEATC is pleased to announce the 2024 Parent and Youth Empowerment (PYE) Summit on Saturday, September 7, 2024, for Virginia students with disabilities (ages 14-22) and their parents! Accepted participants will be empowered to understand and advocate for their child's secondary school learning and postsecondary outcomes from topic experts, while youth will increase their knowledge to be effective self-advocates through related activities....
Description: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides a variety of tools for school personnel, parents, and nurses.  
Date(s): 8/22/2024 10:30 AM ET - 8/22/2024 4:00 PM ET
Description: Register for New to Schools Aug. 22nd - The Speech Language Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) is hosting a New to Schools event on August 22nd, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Northside Library in Charlottesville, VA. The event is free to all SLPs new to the school setting, including new graduates, those transferring from medical or clinical settings, and those from other states. SLPS, which are direct hires from LEAs and those contracted to provide services, are invited to...
Description: Each checklist uses research to guide teachers through steps for creating an organized and responsive learning environment where all students thrive.  Resources for creating a structured learning environment that with class expectations and routines that are consistently reinforced with behavior specific praise are shared.  
Date(s): 8/7/2024 6:30 PM ET - 8/7/2024 7:30 PM ET
Description: The VAAP Family Training Registration - Join the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Office of Instructional Services and the Office of Special Education Family Support and Special Facilities for a live, virtual training event providing an overview of the new Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) Participation Decision-Making Tool. The overview will include background information regarding changes in the VAAP Participation Criteria Form, as well as...
Description: Parents, educators, and community members are also invited to share their thoughts on cell phone-free education with the VDOE. Cell Phone-Free Education in Virginia K-12 Public Schools - On July 9, Governor Glenn Youngkin issued Executive Order 33 to establish cell phone-free education to promote the health and safety of Virginia’s K-12 students.   Executive Order 33 is focused on eliminating cell phone use during instructional time and addressing the mental health...
Description: Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) - A Resource Document - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that students with disabilities are provided a free appropriate public education, referred to as FAPE. FAPE is also required under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In Virginia, FAPE is an important legal right for students with disabilities, ages 2 through 21, receiving services under these two laws. This document defines FAPE, explains what FAPE requires...
Description: HJR 17 - Designating July, in 2024 and in each succeeding year, as Disability Pride Month in Virginia - Disability Pride Month is celebrated in July by people across the United States and provides an opportunity for all Virginians to celebrate the achievements of people with disabilities and take an active role in preventing discrimination against people with disabilities.
Description: This interactive module on Curriculum Framework aims to empower educators to confidently support children with Individualized Education Programs, taking into account their unique strengths and interests. Educators can enhance their effectiveness in the classroom by understanding the key elements of a curriculum framework and how they work in tandem to nurture children and families. This resource encourages reflection on how to implement these elements to create a supportive learning environment...
Date(s): 8/16/2024 - 9/20/2024
Description: A FREE self-paced online course for families of young children (birth through age six) with disabilities & developmental delays. You are your child’s first and most important teacher and you help set a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success! In this 5-week online program, families of children with disabilities learn about supporting their child’s early learning and development and preparing them for kindergarten and beyond. Learn about: Parents as first teachers...
Description: The 2024-2029 Educational Technology Plan for Virginia has been reviewed by the State Board of Education and was accepted as part of their Comprehensive Plan.
Description: 2024 National Educational Technology Plan -The 2024 NETP frames three key divides limiting the transformational potential of educational technology to support teaching and learning, including: The Digital Use Divide, addressing opportunities to improve how students use technology to enhance their learning, including dynamic applications of technology to explore, create, and engage in critical analysis of academic content and knowledge; The Digital Design Divide, addressing opportunities for...
Date(s): 10/24/2024 2:00 PM ET - 10/24/2024 3:30 PM ET
Description: Register for Calming Terrific Toddlers: Evidence-Based Strategies That Reduce Aggression and Promote Self-Regulation - Despite the best efforts of early childhood educators, some older infants and toddlers naturally hit, bite, and otherwise display aggressive behaviors. These common tiny-tot behaviors challenge caregivers and parents and are among the biggest stressors they encounter. Because it is so complicated to understand what drives toddler behavior and redirect it, it’s hard to know...
Date(s): 8/13/2024 2:00 PM ET - 8/13/2024 3:00 PM ET
Description: The purpose of Virginia Quality Birth to Five System (VQB5) is to measure and help improve the quality of all publicly-funded birth-to-five classrooms and support families to choose quality programming across program types.  The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will be hosting a webinar, “Introduction to VQB5 for New Program Leaders” on Tuesday, August 13th at 2:00 pm. The intended audience for this webinar is any new program leader who will participate in VQB5...
Description: PE helps children learn about how their body moves and prepares them to be physically active and healthier for life. In Virginia, PE is required by law for all kindergarten through 10th-grade students. This includes students with disabilities. If the IEP team decides the student requires PE beyond the 10th grade, the school division must provide the service. As parents, you can make this request to the team.
Description: Parental Consent in Special Education: A Fact Sheet for Virginia Families - As a parent or guardian of a child with a disability, it's important to understand your rights and responsibilities regarding parental consent in the special education process. Virginia has very strong consent provisions in its Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia. For complete information, see regulatory section 8VAC20-81-170. This Fact Sheet includes; What is...
Description: 5 smart summer routines for kids with ADHD - Kids with ADHD tend to do better with structure and routine in their daily lives. Routines help them to stay on track and strengthen important executive function skills like organization and planning. It’s important to keep that going even when your child is enjoying a break from school. Practice good hygiene. Maintain a bedtime routine. Schedule time for exercise. Keep (some) screen time limits. Work on school skills.
Description: Download: Summer camp toolkit for kids who learn and think differently - Summer camp can be a great experience for kids who learn and think differently. Camp can help kids develop social skills, build relationships, and gain independence. If you’re able to send your child to camp, use this toolkit to communicate with the camp and help your child prepare. Find two items to download: Get to know me summer toolkit DIY summer camp sensory kit
Description: Podcast: Summer survival guide: Hacks to help your family thrive - In this episode, hosts Gretchen Vierstra and Rachel Bozek talk all things summer with psychologist and Understood expert Dr. Andrew Kahn. Andy shares what can make summer easier than the school year for kids who learn and think differently — and what might make it harder.  Tune in for tips on screen time, sleep, summer camp, travel, and more. Plus, learn ways to give kids the structure that many of them need...
Description: The SETT Framework, developed by Joy Zabala, guides teams in gathering and organizing information about the Student, Environments, Tasks, and Tools that are needed to support student participation and achievement. The following SETT resources will assist you in utilizing a person-centered framework that promotes collaboration when making decisions about assistive technology tools and services. The SETT is one of the most important components of the Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and...
Description: Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) Eligibility: A Resource Document - The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has developed guidance to ensure that students participating in the state’s accountability system are being appropriately assessed. The purpose is to ensure that only students with the most significant cognitive disabilities are found eligible to participate in the alternate assessment program vs. the SOL tests. The VAAP participation tool has very specific criteria...