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Description: September 2024 - These Modules have been updated and moved to Virtual Virginia. Go to: Virginia Purple Star Educate the Educator Training Modules Questions - Contact: info@virtualva.org or Dan Dunham, VDOE Military Student and Families Specialist GMU Students: Please check with your instructor about accessing Educate the Educators Training on GMU's CANVAS. Note: Your certificates of completion for previously completed Supporting Our Military–Connected Children in School Settings:...
Description: Anne Beninghof presented two training sessions on Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for the T/TAC at William and Mary on February 22, 2024 and March 6, 2024. (These recordings will be available for one year.) Note: TTAC Online does not provide certificates of completion for these presentations.
Description: Presented by: Geoffrey Weber Learn about ways to make coding instruction differentiated and accessible to students by selecting or adapting materials that can work with screen readers or AAC supports, incorporate visual block based coding, robots, or gamification, and utilize multi-sensory learning with tactile / manipulative activities so that coding instruction is inclusive!
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) sponsored a 3-Part Turn-Around Training Series on Specially Designed Instruction by Anne Beninghof.
Description: Presented by: Geoffrey Weber and Matthew Newton The authors explore ways in which AI can be leveraged to empower students with disabilities and foster inclusive learning environments. You will gain insights into cutting-edge AI applications, best practices, and examples that demonstrate the impact of AI on student success. The authors also consider the ethics and responsibilities of educators using AI regarding fairness, transparency, privacy and data security.
Description: Presented by: Lorna Bell Frizzelle, Meghan Hyatt, Hunter Matusevich & Lauren Whitlock Hey Kids! Did you know that Dragons Love Tacos? In this recorded webinar, we explore assistive technology via thematic units. You will have the opportunity to learn how to develop lessons that include hands-on learning for our youngest and most complex learners across all content areas. To conclude the session, you will be guided through making their very own adapted book, Dragons...
Description: New Video: Introducing the Office of Special Education Program's Assistive Technology Guidance and the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (2:46 mins.) IDEA: Assistive Technology Devices and Services for Children With Disabilities Under the IDEA (Jan. 22, 2024) - The Office of Educational Technology and the Office of Special Education Programs are pleased to share the guidance in support of children with disabilities who need assistive technology (AT) devices and services for meaningful...
Description: Presented by: Holly Love, Kristy Hill and Melanie Derry This session explores the new AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Tab on the VDOE Assistive Technology Network website. The presenters take participants through the process from consideration to implementation of AAC systems to support students with communication needs.
Description: Co-teaching teams and administrators are invited to observe model co-taught lessons and exemplary practices in action at demonstration sites across the Commonwealth. Regional TTAC representative contact information is provided to schedule an in-person or virtual visit to one of these exemplary demonstration sites. If you are interested in becoming a demonstration site, please contact: Dwana Cooper, Coordinator, Specially Designed Instruction, Virginia Department of Education,...
Description: Each self-paced professional learning session is offered at no cost to Virginia public school educators and provides 3-5 hours of professional learning. These sessions guide educators in learning about specific HLPs through videos that model exemplar teacher behaviors. Educators may enroll in any of the following professional learning sessions described below: Enroll in School Leaders, Administrators, and Instructional Coaches: Strategies for Teacher Retention & Support...
Description: VDOE's Assistive Technology Network has a newly updated Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) section of their website. What is AAC? When to consider? Assessment Information Gathering Current Communication Skills Access Direct Selection Indirect Selection Decision Making Trials Develop a Plan Prompting Data Collection Tool Selection and Funding Implementation Planning and Support Training Device Set-up Customization Vocabulary Selection And more!
Description: Based on the work of the CEEDAR Center and Council for Exceptional Children, the GMU TTAC Team has created High Leverage Practice Crosswalks in the areas of Math, Literacy and Transition to support stakeholders in developing personalized professional learning and targeted support, with the goal of bridging research into “practical” classroom practice to improve performance outcomes. The HLP Crosswalks are dynamic documents that will be periodically updated with the most current...
6/15/2022 - 6/30/2029
Description: Registration for Effective & High-Leverage Practices for Paraeducators - In collaboration with the Paraprofessional Resource & Research Center and the CEEDAR Center, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is excited to provide paraeducators with a learning program focused on your unique role as a paraeducator and how that aligns with specific HLPs. In this FREE on-demand, eLearning program designed for paraeducators, you will be introduced to four areas...
Description: VDOE's Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) webpage - With the passage of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) in the 2022 General Assembly, Virginia is taking the lead nationwide to improve early literacy outcomes for Virginia’s young learners. Through the VLA, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will support school divisions through a multi-year effort with tools, resources, technical assistance and funding.
Description: Collaboration HLP Pillars: Rubric - HLP 1 Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success, Rubric - HLP 3 Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services Embedded HLPs Rubric - HLP 2 Lead Effective Meetings with Professionals & Families DATA-Driven Planning HLP Pillar: Rubric - HLP 6 Use Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices and Make Necessary, Adjustments that Improve Student Outcomes Embedded HLPs: Rubric - HLP 4: Use Multiple Sources...
Description: Collaboration HLP Pillars: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 1: Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success, HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 3: Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services Embedded HLPs HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 2: Organize and Facilitate Effective Meetings with Professionals and Families Data-Driven Planning HLP Pillar: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 6: Use Student Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices, and Make Necessary Adjustments that...
Description: During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, Yvette Mann explored how to facilitate differentiated small-group instruction in a Tier I setting. She covers how to form skill-based groups using data from universal screeners and diagnostic assessments to group students with similar areas of growth and/or reinforcement to meet their learning needs. She also discusses strategies for engaging students in targeted instruction and tips for managing student activities while working collaboratively...
Description: During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, Dale Webster introduces and provides the rationale for each step of CORE’s explicit phonics lesson sequence. The importance of this explicit phonics lesson sequence to multilingual learners’ successful reading acquisition will be the focus of this presentation. Multilingual learners learning to read in English may need additional language support during phonics instruction to understand the words that they are learning to decode....
Description: Many students learn to read one-syllable words with relatively little difficulty, but they find it much harder to read polysyllabic words (with more than one syllable). During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, David Kearns discusses how to support students with reading “long words”. This presentation includes (a) an explanation why polysyllabic word reading is difficult based on reading science and (b) easy-to-implement research-based strategies to help students read those...
Description: During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, Pam Kastner highlights the importance of spelling to literacy development and how student spelling can be analyzed to inform core instruction and differentiated small group skills intervention. The language lenses of phonology, orthography, and morphology will be used to analyze student spelling inventory results.
2/12/2025 8:30 PM ET - 2/12/2025 3:30 AM ET
Description: This in-person workshop is designed to equip educational leaders with strategies to enhance educator well-being, growth, and retention. By fostering stable, supportive environments, participants can improve outcomes for students with disabilities. This session offers tools supported in research that build resilience, boost achievement, and create thriving school communities. Download Flyer
10/9/2024 10:00 AM ET - 5/14/2025 4:45 PM ET
Description: Download Flyer
Description: The I'm Determined Project provides 12 Self-Determination Checklists on various topics for educators and families. The checklists include: Self-Determination Educator Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Educator Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Parent Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Student Checklist Self-Determination Parent Checklist Self-Determination Student Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Parent Checklist - Spanish Exit Survey Parent Exit Survey Student Exit...
Description: Family engagement is crucial during the transition process. Research shows that when families are meaningfully and continuously engaged in their children’s learning and development, they can positively impact their child’s health, development, academic, and well-being outcomes into adulthood. Use these family engagement resources and training opportunities to begin engaging meaningfully with the families of students and youth with disabilities.
Description: Video: Ensuring Specially Designed Instruction in Secondary Settings - This concurrent session from Prepping for PROGRESS 2023 highlighted common challenges with service delivery in middle and high schools, shares practical solutions for addressing these challenges, and highlights resources and strategies that schools can use to support implementation in secondary settings.
Description: Iowa Department of Education SDI Framework for Secondary Transition provides a structure for IEP teams to identify skills that students need to achieve post-secondary transition goals. IEP teams use this information to develop IEP goals for Specially Designed Instruction (SDI).
Description: Mississippi Department of Education Specially Designed Instruction Guidance Document - SDI for Transition is discussed on pages 43-50. Transition Services Taxonomy for Transition Programming Virtual Work-Based Learning Experiences
Description: Secondary Transition: Helping Students with Disabilities Plan for Postsecondary Settings focuses on helping students with disabilities successfully transition from high school to postsecondary settings. Among other topics, it discusses the various components of transition planning and the importance of engaging students in this process (est. completion time: 1.5 hours).
Description: Transiton POINTS: Across the entire lifespan - Families need realistic, actionable information with which they can make a wide range of decisions as their child grows up. The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Transition POINTS program (Providing Opportunities, Information, Networking and Transition Support) provides critical information on six key decision points in the lifetime of an individual with an intellectual disability. Six Transition Guides are provided: Early Intervention Special...
Description: Predictors of Post School Success shares the latest research on evidence-based practices for SDI in transition skills, activities, and experiences to achieve post-secondary success.
Description: "Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success," is a curriculum developed by ODEP focused on teaching "soft" or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities. Created for youth development professionals as an introduction to workplace interpersonal and professional skills, the curriculum is targeted for youth ages 14 to 21 in both in-school and out-of-school environments. The basic structure of the program is comprised of modular, hands-on,...
Description: This ADA, Disability Disclosure, and Self-Advocacy webcast will provide an understanding to participants of how to ensure that their students are treated in an ethical, valued, and courteous way when disclosing their disability and the need for accommodation. Presented by Barry Whaley, the Co-Principal Investigator and Project Director of the Southeast ADA Center and Pam Williamson, the Assistant Director of the Southeast ADA Center.
Description: Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) Transition Resources - Transition from youth to adulthood is a crucial time for individuals with disabilities to gain important skills for adult life. Individuals with disabilities and/or their families need to learn to successfully navigate the adult disability-services system. When most students with disabilities graduate from high school, they encounter the 'services cliff,' i.e., differing eligibility rules across states and sudden...
Description: Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Elementary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16) and Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Secondary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16) were designed to help teachers grow in their classroom management and instruction skills. GMU TTAC task analyzed skills in HLPs 7 (classroom management & PBIS) and 16 (explicit instruction) to identify key HLP components and skills. The elementary and secondary checklists can be used to...
Description: A series of WEGO (Writing Efficiently with Graphic Organizers) projects have involved the development and effective integration of a technology-based writing intervention package including technology tools for students as well as instructional resources and professional development for teachers. WEGO tools for students feature technology-based graphic organizers with embedded evidence-based self-regulated learning strategies, mnemonics, video models, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)...
Description: AT Team Development Resources: AT Tools in Schools, 2nd Edition - This guide is designed to support professionals and families in understanding assistive technology (AT) and identifying possible AT tools for students from preschool through high school. Education Tech Points, Profile of AT Services in Schools - A free, downloadable self assessment for IEP teams to use to evaluate their AT services. Ocali Assistive Technology Internet Modules - Assistive Technology Internet Modules...
Description: The Assistive Technology & Accessible Educational Materials (AT&AEM) Center is committed to ensuring access for all people with disabilities. The center promotes accessibility and personalization, creates and disseminates accessible materials and offers specialized training and technical assistance.
Description: Self Directed IEPs - A Parent Factsheet and Self-Directed IEPs - Your child's IEP (Individualized Education Program) is more than a plan for their education—it’s a roadmap to their future. Encouraging them to take a self-directed approach to their IEP can help them develop critical self-advocacy skills, build confidence, and ensure their voice is heard in planning for their goals after high school. PEATC offers a variety of resources to help families and youth navigate...
1/21/2025 6:00 PM ET - 1/21/2025 7:30 PM ET
Description: Register for Understanding the Dynamics of Cyberbullying Technology and Our Youth - The use of technology has increased instances of cyberbullying. Individuals with disabilities are at a greater risk of not only being cyberbullied but also of using technology to bully someone else. During this interactive workshop, we will discuss the types of cyberbullying, learn the warning signs, and explore the motivations of those who engage in cyberbullying. Because cyberbullying has created challenges for...
1/23/2025 6:30 PM ET - 1/23/2025 7:30 PM ET
Description: Register for Disability Benefits: Virginia’s Medicaid Waivers - There are state government benefits available to individuals with disabilities. It’s important to understand that benefits such as personal assistance and community support can play an important role in planning for the future. Navigating state disability services can be difficult, time-consuming, and overwhelming. This workshop explains Virginia’s Medicaid Waivers, eligibility for services, and how to obtain this...
1/29/2025 6:30 PM ET - 1/29/2025, 2/12/2025 6:30 PM ET - 2/12/2025, 2/26/2025 6:30 PM ET - 2/26/2025, 3/12/2025 6:30 PM ET - 3/12/2025, 3/26/2025 6:30 PM ET - 3/26/2025
Description: Register for one or more of the Special Education Virtual Workshop Series - Winter 2025- PEATC presents this virtual workshop series for parents and professionals who want to learn more about special education in Virginia. Choose which of these informative workshops you’d like to attend! (Wednesdays) January 29 – From Referral to Eligibility February 12 – Anatomy of an IEP February 26 – Measurable IEP Goals March 12 – Ins and Outs of IEP Meetings...
2/10/2025 - 4/14/2025
Description: Registration for Winter 2025- Transition University - Life is full of transitions. For families of children with disabilities thinking about the future can bring mixed emotions. Some families are just trying to make it through day-to-day challenges and might not feel they have the energy to think about what happens after high school. Others may want to plan for that transition but are confused by unfamiliar language, complex steps, and the many agencies that may be involved in adult services....
1/28/2025 4:00 PM ET - 1/28/2025 5:30 PM ET
Description: Register for Sensory AccessABILITIES: The Unconference 2025 - This Mini Unconference will be an UNconventional one-and-a-half-hour professional development to navigate the possibilities of the UNtapped potential of our students with vision loss, hearing loss, and combined vision and hearing loss through our unique expertise and collective experience. Come with questions, spark ideas, expand rigor, and create connections to leave a lasting impact on our students. Hilary...
Description: Register for IEP University (IEPU), Jan. 13 - Feb. 3, 2025 - The IEP process can be difficult and stressful. Everyone comes to the IEP table with thoughts of their personal responsibilities, perspectives, and individual concerns. IEP meetings can be places of high anxiety and there are occasions when conflict may erupt as a result of managing emotions while simultaneously following policy and procedures. PEATC, in collaboration with VDOE, has developed IEP University (IEPU) to help provide...
3/19/2025 8:30 AM ET - 3/19/2025 4:30 PM ET, 3/20/2025 8:30 AM ET - 3/19/2025 4:30 PM ET
Description: Register for Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) - This training will be hosted by NAMI Virginia. Please register three weeks ahead of the workshop to ensure all training materials can be acquired. You can expect to be contacted by a NAMI Virginia representative to confirm your attendance promptly following your registration. ASIST is a two-day intensive, interactive, and practice-dominated course designed by LivingWorks to help caregivers recognize and review...
Description: Essential Components for Math Instruction: Considerations for Students With Extensive Support Needs focuses on pairing instructional approaches with a strong evidence base in math with evidence-based practices for students with extensive support needs. To do so we draw on two sources. We use the 2021 Practice Guide from the Institution for Education Sciences (Fuchs et al., 2021). In addition, we use identified evidence-based practices specific for teaching mathematics to students with...
Description: TTAC ODU Mathematics VESOL Resources includes: Vertical Articulation Document (3rd-HS) VESOL Curriculum Framework Documents Grade 3 Lessons Grade 4 Lessons Grade 5 Lessons Grade 6 Lessons Grade 7 Lessons Grade 8 Lessons High School Lessons
Description: TTAC Virginia Tech Math VESOL Resources inlcudes: Sample Instruction Videos for Math VESOL Resources to support instruction Additional Resources
Description: This resource includes Free VESOL Literacy Instruction Materials: Reading Comprehension Files Core, Fringe and Robust AAC Vocabulary Alternatives Pencils/Manual Boards with Alphabet Math Social Emotional Learning, Social Stories & Visual Supports Cooking Files Art and Music Files Talker Power Files
Description: Conditions for Learning Videos present the eight conditions or principles associated with literacy learning success for students with significant support needs. The conditions include: Knowledgable Others Means of Communication & Interaction Repetition with Variety Cognitive Engagement Cognitive Clarity Personal Connection Comprehensive Instruction Significant Time Allocation