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Showing Results 1051 - 1100 of 2903
Description: Self-regulation skills help children to control emotions, thinking, behavior and motor actions in different situations. Throughout the day, children need the ability to tolerate sensations, situations and form appropriate responses.  It requires that children control their impulses to stop doing something if needed and to participate in something even if the children does not want to do it.  Playing self control games can help children learn the necessary skills to self-regulate while...
Description: Research indicates that increasing opportunities to respond has several beneficial outcomes related to student engagement, academic outcomes, behavior, and participation. Students tend to be more engaged, thereby participating more in class, which leads to higher academic outcomes. There also tends to be fewer occurrences of inappropriate behavior as appropriate behavior is reinforced. Using this intervention also allows for more efficient use of instructional time and should be incorporated...
Description: It is well known that research has established a positive connection between effective instruction and high levels of student engagement and as a result, higher student achievement. When engagement is high, fewer minutes are spent reprimanding, correcting, and redirecting. Plus, a proactive approach will lead to positive relationships among the classroom community! Increasing your students’ opportunities to respond to your instruction (before assessment time) has these benefits: The...
Description: What is the "Opportunities to Respond" instructional strategy? With "Opportunities to Respond", the teacher provides students with opportunities to be engaged with the instruction by asking for regular student response to questions or statements.  Students may respond with gestures, actions, or verbally and may do so either chorally or individually.  This helps students to maintain engagement with the content and increases success.
Description: Featuring: Erin Saxon, Education Specialist, TTAC ODU—Narrator, Jessica Braun, CCC-SLP, Alicia McCarthy and Anna Ashleson, Co-Teachers As many educators expand their knowledge and skills in providing virtual instruction, this webinar highlights some high-tech options for those looking to level up their implementation of instruction that engages younger students. Three educators from Norfolk Public Schools have worked to expand not just their skills, but creativity in providing virtual...
Description: We are not born with social skills; we need to learn them. Social emotional learning and communication are intricately interconnected and develop within caring and interactive relationships. Dr. Lucy Hart Paulson and Judi Dodson will discuss the interrelated developmental sequences of social communication skills and ways to create nurturing classrooms that foster social emotional learning. Young students are often vulnerable when they arrive in our classrooms. Specific approaches and activities...
Description: ASD & Regulation: The Brain, Meltdowns, and Evidence-Based Practices Part 1 The majority of learners on the spectrum experience self-regulation and sensory issues that can lead to meltdowns. This escalating sequence seems to follow a three-stage cycle: (a) rumbling, (b) rage, and (c) recovery. This sequence can be problematic as many children and youth with ASD often endure the cycle unaware that they are under stress. This session will overview the issues related to self-regulation and...
Description: Every day, and especially during these very challenging times, it is important to organic ways to keep stress levels low. Stress inarguably challenges immune systems and a challenged immune system leaves adults and children susceptible to myriad physical and mental challenges. The access to organically managing stress is to understand and use the power our minds have over our bodies. In the same way, we take out bodies to the gym for physical strength, Mind Care & Emotion Regulation Expert,...
Description: Stress can block successful learning, emotional self-management, and memory. Neuroscience research has highlighted stressors that cause learners to "act out," "zone out," or give up, resulting in decreased learning and reduction in emotional self-management. The most frequent stressors directly linked to learning experiences are boredom (from having already mastered the information) or frustration from repeated goal failure in a skill, topic, or subject (with the goal ranging from not getting...
Description: Devon learned to deal with tough emotions when his teacher taught him a few simple self-management techniques.
Description: Are you struggling with managing your time during this pandemic? Don't worry, we all are! Check out this short video to see how Janet is managing her time and let's discuss how we can do a better job!
Description: Parent Resource Centers (PRCs) exist in nearly forty school divisions in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PRCs work to foster collaborative connections between families of students with disabilities and their schools. PRCs assist families by providing resources, training, and support. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) supports PRCs through the provision of funding for personnel and activities/products that support families of students with disabilities in Virginia. The VDOE also provides...
Description: Self-Management Information Packet - Self-management is used to teach children (typically 4 years of age and older) to pay attention to their own behavior and to complete activities or engage in interactions using appropriate behavior. Self-management can help children use appropriate play and social interaction skills, participate in classroom routines, and engage in instructional activities. For example, self-management can be used to teach children what is expected of them, such as tasks they...
Description: Teaching Self-Management for Student Independence - Teachers are always looking for ways to increase their students’ independence. Self-management (SM) is an evidence-based strategy that aims to do just that. With self-management, students learn a method of monitoring and reinforcing their own behavior or skill development. This also gives them the ability to actively engage in their own learning, receive immediate feedback, and self-management is a skill that will help students achieve...
Description: SEL for Adults: Self-Awareness and Self-Management - According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional, Learning (CASEL), social-emotional learning (SEL) is “the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” Self-awareness and self-management are two of the five components that make up...
Description: This e-Workshop was created by Assistive Technology Specialists Judith Schoonover, an Occupational Therapist, and Sally Norton-Darr, a Speech-Language Pathologist. With the right supports, all students can learn. Using the principles of Universal Design for Learning, it is possible to facilitate meaningful participation by altering access, content, and materials as well as providing communication supports and adapting ways to play and explore the world. Learning is more effective when...
Description: The Technical Assistance Center for Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Google site) is funded by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to provide training and technical assistance in the area of deafness and hearing impairment. Assistance is available to local public school systems as well as state-operated programs including early intervention through the Virginia Network of Consultants for Professionals Working with Children Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (VNOC)...
Description: Odyssey magazine is an award-winning publication published annually by the Clerc Center. Each issue is theme-based, focusing on topics of importance as they relate to research, philosophy, and application of practice of instruction in the deaf education classroom.
Description: This set of behavioral strategies was developed for classroom teachers to use with students who may require academic and/or behavioral support. The strategies are intended to assist teachers working with students with primary academic deficits and challenging behaviors. For students with more intensive behaviors, potential intensification strategies also are included. Each strategy includes a description of the (a) purpose and overview; (b) behavior(s) addressed; (c) implementation procedures...
Description: Presented by: Matthew Newton and Kristin Williams Math is a subject that can invoke a wide range of emotions. For students with disabilities, a lack of access to math tools and notation can lead to anxiety and poor performance. This recorded webinar looks at strategies to make math instruction more accessible by improving the structure of materials, incorporating low-tech assistive technology, and using text-to-speech, handwriting, and speech recognition supports.
Description: Integrity Activities and Tools for Students - Building SEL (social and emotional learning) skills such as integrity requires face-to-face interaction, meaningful discussion, and reflection. Edtech is no complete substitute for that, but there are tools that can supplement the development of character, both in the classroom and at home. This article provides tips, tools, and actionable ideas for seamlessly integrating integrity and life skills-building into your content...
Description: What is a self management plan? Teaching Self Management - Self-management plans are used to teach students to independently complete tasks and take an active role in monitoring and reinforcing their own behavior. An important goal in education is to foster self-reliance and independence. In fact, self-management strategies can be implemented before any problem behaviors occur. Research studies show that self-management strategies can be used to improve academic performance, productivity, time...
Description: The Self-Management Toolkit is a self-contained professional development session (a “PD-in-a-Box”) built to ensure that teachers have a positive experience while learning more about self-management. We have developed and extensively tested the toolkit to ensure that it is as helpful as possible to educators, and we welcome your feedback about further refinements we can make. The toolkit contains: Facilitators guide with sample agendas Slide presentation to guide you through the...
Description: Self-Monitoring and Self-Management- Evidence Based Transition Practices: In session five, the learner will: See sample Self-Management plans and learn what should be included for an effective plan. Review resources to support self-management. Develop a self-management plan based on a provided sample case study and video.
Description: This Evidence-Based Practice Brief: Self-Management includes the following components: Overview, which gives a quick summary of salient features of the practice, including what it is, who it can be used with, what skills it has been used with, settings for instruction, and additional literature documenting its use in practice Steps for Implementation, detailing how to implement the practice in a practitioner-friendly, step-by-step process Implementation Checklist, to be used to monitor...
Description: Self-Management Strategies - Self-management refers to a number of strategies that can be used to help students engage in appropriate or desired behavior. Through the use of these strategies students become more aware of their behaviors and how to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, a very important skill for students who typically have a difficult time understanding social norms and rules. Self-Monitoring - Self-monitoring is a strategy that teaches students to...
Description: “How to Learn Math for Teachers” and “Mathematical Mindsets” are courses about the teaching of mathematics K-12. If you are new to the ideas shared on youcubed and in the book Mathematical Mindsets, “How to Learn Math for Teachers” is for you.  If you are knowledgeable about the latest research and you already use number talks regularly, “Mathematical Mindsets” is the next course along. “Mathematical Mindsets” also shares the...
Description: The professional development opportunities provided are provided for use by SLPs to increase knowledge and skills. These offerings were developed by the Virginia Department of Education and may be used to satisfy continuing education requirements for Virginia SLPs and meet ASHA certification maintenance hour (CMH) requirements for those seeking to renew their ASHA CCC-SLP. Individuals are responsible for maintaining all documentation of professional development activities. Individuals may...
Description: An Ombudsman is a person who serves as a designated neutral party who advocates for a fair process and provides confidential, informal assistance and support to parents, guardians, advocates, educators, and students with disabilities. The Parent Ombudsman for Special Education serves as a resource to parents in non-legal special education matters.
Description: Children’s Assistive Technology Service (CATS) provides for the re-use of pediatric rehabilitation equipment and assistive technology devices in Virginia.  CATS serves as a no-cost resource for children with disabilities who need adaptive equipment and whose families have limited resources. Children with adaptive equipment can:  play with their friends and siblings  participate in meals and bath times  explore their world, moving and learning  be more independent
Description: Community Resource Directory - Looking for a brain injury service or program in your area? Search this database for support groups, therapists, rehabilitation providers, attorneys and more. You can search by keyword, category, and/or address. 
Description: HLP 15 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: Virginia Ability is a nonprofit organization that was originally established in 2003 as the Virginia Business Leadership Network (VABLN) through the President’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities. Virginia Ability is comprised of a Board of Directors consisting of representatives from local businesses and corporations that provides perspective on workplace disability inclusion, and a Community Advisory Council that provides guidance and consultation to help the Board...
Description: Now in its fourth edition—with more than 50 new questions and a new chapter on financial literacy—this bestselling resource helps experienced and novice teachers effectively and efficiently differentiate mathematics instruction in K–grade 8. Math education expert Marian Small shows teachers how to get started and become expert at using two powerful and universal strategies: open questions and parallel tasks. This edition is even easier for teachers to use in all quality state...
Description: The RFVII-3: Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory, Third Edition is a nonverbal measure of vocational interests of users from Grade 5 through adult. It uses illustrations of individuals engaged in different occupations to measure the vocational likes and dislikes of students and adults who have intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, are struggling readers, or anyone who prefers a pictorial display. No reading or writing is required. The RFVII-3 is easy to administer and...
Description: We turn equity from a value into an integrated and sustainable practice. Mission MAEC’s mission is to promote excellence and equity in education to achieve social justice. Vision MAEC envisions a day when all students have equitable opportunities to learn and achieve at high levels. Core Values Excellence, Equity, Integrity, Innovation, and Synergy Theory of Change MAEC believes that by increasing educator awareness, understanding, and skills to address factors which contribute to...
Description: Students’ basic physical and emotional needs must be met before we can expect them to engage in learning whether at school or now, at home. The COVID-19 pandemic finds teachers and families struggling to set appropriate goals and parameters for in-home learning. Join national family engagement expert and author Dr. Steve Constantino and licensed psychologist, author, and emotional intelligence expert, Dr. Adam Sáenz as they discuss the emotional and academic attributes of learning...
Description: Module One: Virginia Legislation Related to Dyslexia and Reading, and the Definition of Dyslexia, Module Two: Prevalence and Characteristics of Dyslexia, Module Three: Screening and Assessing Students Around the Basic Foundational Skills of Reading, Module Four: Appropriate Instructional Match, Module Five: Social Emotional Impact of Dyslexia, Module Six: Accommodations and Assistive Technology to Address the Needs of Students with Dyslexia
Description: The Learning About Your Child's Reading Development toolkit helps parents and families understand the many different skills involved with teaching your child to learn to read and how to support your child's reading development at school and home. You will learn: How to tell if your child is getting high-quality reading instruction at school. Questions to ask about the reading program in your child’s school. How to tell if your child has reading difficulties and how you can help. This...
Description: Assistive Technology: An Overview - This module offers an overview of assistive technology (AT) with a focus on students with high-incidence disabilities such as learning disabilities and ADHD. It explores the consideration process, implementation, and evaluation of AT for these students (est. completion time: 2.5 hours).
Description: These resources include Parent Handouts on Attendance and Toolkits for Parent Engagement, Attendance, and Military familes as well as for handouts for parents and students in different grade levels and in a variety of languages (English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese). There are also flyers to help parents decide if their children are too sick, pledge cards and interactive exercises. Strategies for Connecting with Students & FamiliesSchool districts should consider revamping...
Description: This collection of products and materials has proven to be valuable for practitioners as well as parents and others working with students on transition. Secondary Transition Auttism Spectrum Disorders Resources (STAR) Pocket Resume Interagency Agreement Toolkit Transition Coordinator: What Do I Need to Know? Rethinking College: The Film Independent Living Checklist And many more...
Description: It's been said that "necessity is the mother of invention". When the pandemic struck last year, practitioners in early education and early childhood special education, and parents came together to support young children and their families through remote service delivery. This multi-part video series, developed by Larry Edelman, features preschool staff and families from five states and illustrates their working together to use technology to make the virtual learning experience exciting,...
Description: On-Demand Videos- PEATC has on demand videos on a variety of topics. Connecting the Dots Early Intervention Homework Strategies Tutoring Tips Keeping Students Engaged And much more
Description: "AT in 3" offers a weekly 3-minute "news you can use" segment in the area of assistive technology in education.
Description: The following projects can be done the traditional paper-pencil way or using the online tools suggested. Augment images, videos and virtual tours using Thinglink.com Make a PowerPoint presentation Create a zooming presentation using Prezi.com Design a 3-D model online using Sketchup.com or Floorplanner.com Make a digital diorama using wikihow.com/Make-a-Diorama And more....
Description: In this guide, you will find a rich array of ideas generated by parents for parents. It is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. Rather, it simply offers a menu of ideas that can spur and encourage your own efforts. Indeed, we encourage you to draw upon, adapt, and add to the strategies in this guide in ways that best meet the needs of your child and family. Becoming self-determined is an ongoing process for all children and youth, whether or not they have a disability. And so the approaches you...
Description: 6 Fascinating Facts- The differences between high school and college - Going to college will be a big adjustment. It is important to prepare for the changes that will occur within the classroom and with receiving accommodations and services. Video- Understanding the Differences between High School vs College - This video will give you a glimpse of the changes you need to expect while attending college. What can you expect? You can definitely enjoy the freedom. No one tells you to do your...
Description: The Self-Determination Inventory System (SDIS) Data Dashboard is a platform for measures related to self-determination.  The SDIS Data Dashboard allows users to: create/manage user accounts, assign surveys to participants (e.g., teachers, students), produce summary lists of users, take surveys, and view survey results. Current clients using the SDIS Data Dashboard include school districts, schools, and researchers from across the U.S. A popular use of the SDIS is to gather data on changes...
Description: Teachers may need to assist students as they process feelings about the news or changes in circumstances. Take a look at these free emotional intelligence activities that can be done online or in person. These materials are provided free of charge from UNICEF and 6 Seconds The Emotional Intelligence Network and can be used at any time. Visit the links below to learn how to support anyone grappling with big feelings. Understanding feelings that are driving behavior (Emotional Iceberg Activity)...